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Who are your influences?

Dave Bryce

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I know this is all in fun, but I gotta tell ya...

I was "forced" ie. kicking and swearing, to a Tesh concert late last year. Now, I've seen enough of that obnoxious blonde frankenstein on entertainment tonight to make me dry heave for the next 7 or 8 years and his KMart piano chops have always been equally disgusting to me. And no matter how hard you try to create new age type music it always ends up being tainted at least a little with Teshyanni influence.


That being said, I was very entertained at that concert and the guy was playing his ass off. Seriously. He's been practicing or something cuz' he did some really nice stuff, had a good orchestra, killer bass player and guitarist. I'm not familiar enough with his stuff to compare, but the arrangements of the songs he performed were about as flawless as I could imagine. No, I didn't buy the cd afterwards, but there was some damn good playing going on that night. It was one of the best concerts I've attended recently. I was quite surprised.JW

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Hmmm..."The Soccer Moms"...great name for a Goth band.


You guys crack me up! I love it, how you're all jumping all over John Tesh...it's really refreshing, 'cause...


Coming from the guitar side of the fence, that's always been one of my biggest gripes against keyboard players (at least the ones I've known), that they (for the most part) can't differentiate between what's hip and what sucks big kielbasa...WAIT...before you throw things at me, let me explain...then you can throw things at me...


How many keyboard players have I auditioned who'll rip into something cool right off, like something from Tarkus or something, only to segue into "New York, New York" or some show tune, and then into "Feelings" or something, like they're auditioning for a solo lounge act. ZOIKS!


What I'm saying is that you guys are hipping me up to the fact that not all keyboard players are like that. Thanks!!! You guys are cool!


Now, if you still feel like it, COMMENCE FIRING... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

>What artists influence (or influenced) your playing?

Emerson, Jon Lord, Dave Brubeck, Michel Camilo, Stevie Wonder, Gregg Rolie, Chester Thompson, Pink Floyd


>Your writing?

Unknown country artists (I've written a slew of country tunes even tho I rarely listen to it), Beatles, Zappa, Jobim, Alice in Chains


>Your programming?

What's programming? LOL Seriously, I only recently got my first real synth (Roland JP8000) and I'm just recreating old familiar sounds and finding new (to me anyway) sounds. Mostly I'm into the 'live' thing - piano, Hammond, etc. and like the synth for that Emerson/Jan Hammer lead kinda thing and for Pink Floyd-type atmospheres.


>Your goals?

I gigged steadily as a drummer for over a decade, and have played lead guitar (& sometimes bass) in pro/original acts. Nowadays I just want to play w/ good players, maybe write (& sell) a few good songs, and perhaps gig once a month.





This message has been edited by coyote on 04-17-2001 at 09:42 AM

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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