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Computer Geek Needed....

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I need some serious PC troubleshooting help. A power outage seems to have destroyed my USB audio capabilities. Running Win 98. I have two identical USB soundcards, one locks the computer up or crashes it completly when I plug it in, the other won't work because Win says it cannot find the driver evern though I have run the install program about ten times, borrowed another card and install program from my dealer, and downloaded the install program from the manufacturers web site. It appears to be a corrupt USB audio system file somewhere in my system. My USB Zip drive works just fine. All the USB system files I can find in one of my other computers have been used to replace those in my music computer except a .dll file that Win won't let me replace because it's in use..Help!

Mark G.

"A man may fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame others" -- John Burroughs


"I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man." -- Thomas Jefferson

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If the dll file is on a cd, boot with your startup disk and cd capable and copy from the cd to the system folder the dll file is located in on your hard drive. If it's small enough to fit on a floppy reboot to dos & do the same thing.


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"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Try loading the drivers manually. Go to Control Panel-Add New Hardware. When you get to a screen that says "Is the device you want listed below" check NO. Next screen says "Do you want Windows to search for your new hardware" check " NO, I want to select from a list." Select SOUND, VIDEO and GAME CONTROLLERS. Next Screen, Select Have Disk and Browse to where the drivers are physically located on a disk or your hardrive. This is the process for ME but should be very similar for Win98.
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I have a similar problem. I installed a (USB)Intel digital camera. Everything worked fine until I installed an older HP (USB) scanner. Now, when I plug in the camera into the USB cable, it locks the PC. There was nothing out on the web to remedy the problem. The two devices will not play nicely together no matter what I do. So, my only work around is to delete one or the others' device drivers and do all my scanning at one time and/or all my camera uploads another time. I suppose I can load one or the other devices on another PC and 'peer-to-peer' the files around. My guess is, my problem lies with the camera, which likes a '2.0 USB' and the scanner was produced during the USB 1.0 days. You may want to verify what *type* of USB is recommended for your stuff. Matt
In two days, it won't matter.
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Thanks all for the replys. I actually solved the problem today after about fifteen hours of trying everything. I have also learned a bunch about USB. Fer instance, it may conflict with PCI slot three and there may be a conflict between two devices if they both use the same generic Windows driver. Now my fix. What I thought of was it may be a corrupt Windows driver or system file that is not being overwritten every time I re-install the setup program. I searched the install disk and found the files had been created in March of 1999. I than searched my hard drive for all files created between March 1 and April 1, 1999. There were no .dll files but there was a mfc.sys file that was created March 23, 1999 and was made by Opcode (Bingo). I deleted the file, reinstalled the setup program and all is well. When the power went out, it a appears to have corrupted the .sys file needed by the soundcard and each attempt to install the program left the corrupt .sys file (driver file) in my system. Since Windows couldn't find a decent driver file, it kept telling me there wasn't one. Life is now back to normal and I have really learned a lot about USB.. Thanks again.

Mark G.

"A man may fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame others" -- John Burroughs


"I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man." -- Thomas Jefferson

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Mark, A lot of forum cats are using the "two disk" method. 1. All programs and apps on disk "1". 2. All data/music/etc on disk "2". 3. Use an imaging software to take asnapshot of your system state, so you can "re-flash" the system at will. Consider it. $30-60 bucks for the software, and an hour of your time could save you future wear and tear... :)
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