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OT: Christina Aguilera "Dirrty"

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I want to admit that I don't really follow mainstream "pop" "rock" commercial top 40 music and have rarely a clue what is on the charts or what's "hot." But after seeing the new Aguilera video "Dirrty" late one night, I was shocked and got interested in what has happened to those teeny bopper bubblegum artists like Aguilera, Brittney Spears and N'Sync etc. You hear that's it's all dying. After a quick glance at the Billboard charts I saw that the single "Dirrty" peaked at 48 and is now falling. Isn't that like a disaster for Aguilera and her camp? I mean, who goes out and buys Christina Aguilera after seeing that video (the video is "great" for like lecherous men, but for young girls?????)? Anybody have an opinion on bubblegum music and its probable demise and/or Aguilera/Spears? Love to hear from ya... Stefan
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I don't think bubblegum pop will ever die, but, honestly, that video disgusted me. C.A. is a very talented singer, but she has fallen into the sex-symbol trap. Actually, it goes beyond "sex-symbol." Whoever dressed her up for that video just made her look like a trashy whore. I don't think it's good for anybody. It's certainly not a decent example to set for the young girls watching. [i]OR[/i] the boys. As a man, I felt ashamed because the sex thang kept my interest throughout the video, but it was completely substanceless. And, like I said, she is a talented singer, so I don't think all that overt slimey sex is necessary at all for her to sell records. The video came off more like a soft-core porno than a music video.
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If there is a demise for the genre then it's based in the fact that the industry as a whole is down and that type of music is not only affected by it, but may be at the core of the problem. If it's a chart dropping demise, then it's based in the fact that Brit doesn't sing and you just KNOW that it's gonna catch up to her eventually. Plus hasn't she announced a semi-retirement coming soon?? In Christine's case I think its based in the fact that she has incredible talent, and can REALLY sing, but doesn't choose that pure vocalist route anylonger. She seems to prefer to chase Brittney and her lucrative fan base. I know a lot of her fans because they are my female coworkers, and they really really want her to return to the pop ballad medium, rather than what she's currently doing. I think most guys dig the new Christina, but aren't gonna pay for it in any fashion. Just my opinion though..
TROLL . . . ish.
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I don't remember the song, but I do remember seeing under her shorts (or skirt) looking at her drawers enough times to make a mental note not to have my 11 yr old (step)son see this video. All of those closeups of her ...um..genitalia bulging against her panties may be great for MAxim or Hustler, but a no no for day time or Prime time TV. At one point I could have sworn I saw a tiny piece of major labia (am I too close to the TV? :) ) I hope somebody that knows somebody that knows the ass that ok'ed that video reads this. That video was one panty away from a NC-17 (smut) rating. WTF?
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[quote]Originally posted by sweibel: [b]...after seeing the new Aguilera video "Dirrty" late one night, I was shocked and got interested...[/b][/quote]...Interested... ...interested... ...MORE interested.... ...then suddenly I lost interest. ;)
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What I don't understand is why people emphasize the fact that Christina "can" sing and Brittney "can't." Is that the important point? This may be a bit theoretical but firstly, who cares if an "artist" can sing at all? Isn't "modern" pop music driven more by an image, a look, cool dance moves etc.? The quality of the musicianship and technical performance is secondary as there are "artist" who would let their managers market themselves in any way shape or form for the sole purposes of making money. They'd try to emulate the sound of voice that is currently "in." Plus the rest would be taken care of with all the modern toys available to an audio engineer. Secondly, how sad is it to have to preface a singer as "being able to sing" or "not being to sing." Once being a singer kinda automatically implied that you could sing or you wouldn't be called a singer. Just imagine a concert pianist who can't play chopsticks but just goes into a studio and step inputs one note at a time and then has everything edited together in ProTools. This wouldn't work because a concert pianist presupposes being able to play the piano. I guess it's kinda hard nowadays to define when a pop/rap musician is a musician and I guess it's not that important either. Personally I can't tell if Christina can sing because the few songs I have heard of hers are so crowded with sounds and her voice so processed and mangled, there's no way to hear the quality of her vocal abilities. I'm interested more at like the personal fate of an artist who rides short term fads and then at age 21 is kinda at the end of ropes. So doesn't a video as shocking as "Dirrty" backfire for Christina?
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I just saw it the other day with my wife for the first time. I told her that she might as well get a pole and just be a stripper. (I had to say something disapproving since I'm sitting there drooling next to me wife :D ) Really tasteless video. And way TOO MUCH movement. I hate those videos where every 2 seconds there is a scene change. Then, I noticed for a sparse arrangement of instruments, the song seemed crowded as hell. Had to be those umpteen vocal tracks from Christina. I'm not going to lie, I think Christina is SUPER HOT :love: , and undeniably has an incredible voice. But her career is being run into the ground. Whoever is running things for her is making a mess out of a diamond. The girl is attractive and can sing her ass off. How do you screw that up? Jedi

"All conditioned things are impermanent. Work out your own salvation with diligence."


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R.I.P. RobT

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Saturday night live did a great parody of the video last week with the chick from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It was funny as hell and it totaly tore into how skanky the video and Christina are. Yes it is soft porn, yes it is awful. It is also right on par with 9 out of 10 videos by Hip hoppers and Pop ho acts. It didn't surprise or shock me a bit. It is exactly what I have come to expect from MTV and the major music biz.



"It's all good: Except when it's Great"

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What I don't understand is why people emphasize <> Yes it is.. <> Peaople with taste. <> Yes it is, and that's exactly the problem.. << The quality of the musicianship and technical performance is secondary as there are "artist" who would let their managers market themselves in any way shape or form for the sole purposes of making money.>> Yes it is, and that's also the problem.. Why? Cause this wonderful thing of ours called American Music is broken, and that is a large reason why!! The "modern" Pop module doesn't work. It shouldn't have in the 1st place, but now it's ugly underbelly is exposed finally and that is the point we need to start from. We need to fix this thing. . . finally!! I do agree with you that the whole "singer vs "non singer" thing is sad...the industry at large is who created that phenomenon, and they are reaping what they sewed.
TROLL . . . ish.
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[quote] In Christine's case I think its based in the fact that she has incredible talent, and can REALLY sing, but doesn't choose that pure vocalist route anylonger.[/quote]While she definitely has a strong set of lungs and can (apparently) hold a note, I wouldn't say that Ms. Aguilera is a good singer. She "over sings" just like Celine Dion. No sense of subtlety or dynamics whatsoever. That's "ability" not talent.
"You never can vouch for your own consciousness." - Norman Mailer
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[quote]Originally posted by sweibel: [b]What I don't understand is why people emphasize the fact that Christina "can" sing and Brittney "can't." Is that the important point? This may be a bit theoretical but firstly, who cares if an "artist" can sing at all? Isn't "modern" pop music driven more by an image, a look, cool dance moves etc.?[/b] Maybe that’s a problem? Dare I say Milli Vanilli? [b]Secondly, how sad is it to have to preface a singer as "being able to sing" or "not being to sing." Once being a singer kinda automatically implied that you could sing or you wouldn't be called a singer.[/b] Again, Milli Vanilli. [b]I'm interested more at like the personal fate of an artist who rides short term fads and then at age 21 is kinda at the end of ropes. So doesn't a video as shocking as "Dirty" backfire for Christina?[/b] It’s a record company preprogramed life cycle. 2 to 5 years and yo ass is outta here![/quote]Sly :cool:
Whasineva ehaiz, ehissgot ta be Funky!
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Christina can sing, and I mean sing her butt off...that is, when her butts not peeking out of her panties in a video. To me, there's just no such thing as "over singing". There is, however, too much singing, riffing and ad libing unnecessarily. Who says that an artist should be "sedate" all the time? Celine, Whitney, Mariah, and Christina have great voices (to varying degrees), but what they all have best is control (again, to varying degrees). When they do "go off", it's not like some of these so-called sirens that sound like police sirens. That said, I think C.A.'s new song is awful and the video is probably as bad or worse after your first fill or two of posterior flesh. Just too trashy (not even flashy) and, well, dirty. I give it an F-. Peace
If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking 'til you do suck seed!
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Well, I haven't seen the video - I haven't seen a video in years - but even if it IS overtly sexual, I think that's a big step up from being overtly violent. Given the choice, I'd rather see people follow the impulses encouraged by a video featuring vicarious sex than by a video or TV show or movie that glamorizes shootings or beatings or destruction. Remember the famous Jack Nicholson quote? "Show a tit and you get an X-rating. Shoot someone in the tit and it's PG." Maybe I'm naïve, but I suspect that if people are busy gratifying each other, they're less likely to be shooting each other. ...AND ANOTHER THING... If a young male performer did an explicitly sexual a video, would you call him a "slut?" Thanks to all of you who chose that word to describe Christina for perpetuating an archaic, misogynistic double standard. It's clear that society still thinks poorly of women who want to express their sexuality overtly, and that's a pity. No, it's more than a pity, it's a fucking shame! Taliban, USA. If I recall correctly, a "slut" is a person who exchanges sex for money. Did she do that in the video? If not, then please stick the S-word up your not-enough-sex-gettin'-wrinkly-old-judgmental ass. - Take it away, Burt! - Thanks, Dan, my pleasure! "What the world needs now, is love sweet love..."

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[quote]Originally posted by Count dracuBunny: [b] And on your second point: If I saw a male singer dancing around in his underwear, testicles clearly bulging under the tight fabric, I would consider him a cheap whore, too.[/b][/quote]I think I'd just change the channel. :D

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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heh...well I'm a fan of Madonna's sexual innuendos but don't see anything artistically valid in Christina A's crap. And frankly she's not that sexy...she's just young and skinny. But you know how us guys are in general...any female titilation is good enough to raise the flag for.
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[quote]Originally posted by David R.: [b]So where is everyone seeing this video? MTV, VH1? If you can believe it, I don't have cable tv so I never get to see videos. What is the best place to watch them?[/b][/quote]Don't worry about it, David. You really aren't missing anything. It's just trash. Go rent a porno instead. :D
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Raphael, some centuries ago, said "All artists are whores!" He had some deep meaning behind it, but I think Christina took it too literally. And didn't I just read somewhere that CA had a nervous breakdown? Wonder if this is behind it, somehow... Whitefang
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[quote]Who says that an artist should be "sedate" all the time? Celine, Whitney, Mariah, and Christina have great voices (to varying degrees), but what they all have best is control (again, to varying degrees). When they do "go off", it's not like some of these so-called sirens that sound like police sirens. [/quote]Control? I'm sorry but the group you just mentioned pretty much sing full out all the time. There'll be a quiet intro and then it's "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII will always love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" for the next 4 minutes. Vocal masturbation.
"You never can vouch for your own consciousness." - Norman Mailer
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Yeah the first time I saw the video my wife was watching it. I actually thought it was a porno video. Its a real shame that a talent like C.A. feels the need to go the Brittany route. Brit has no where near the talent so C.A. needs to get that thought into her head and realize its only a matter of time before Brit is revealed. C.A. is too talented to let this once song/video ruin her career. I believe in 20 years she`ll still be rocking. Brit will be on "where are they now?" discussing her break ups and drug abuse, etc... Sounds like another Behind the Music if you ask me.
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Yeah, saw that one a couple of times. The thing about it is, to me, I don't get the vibe that she's trying to come across as "sexy" at all. She seems to be WANTING to come across like a whore. She makes Britney look like the most conservative woman on earth, if I didn't know better I'd think that Britney was a nun in a convent. Yikes... Scott
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