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How long does it take you to warm up for a gig?


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I think it takes me about an hour to really get into it. I also think when I practiced a lot, it would take me less time to get in the groove.


How about you? How much time do you need to get heated up and in the groove on stage?


Jazzman :cool:

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Well, I do practice for it, BUT here's how i do it...


I practice, until I "perfect" it. Then I sit and think about all of the worst things that could happen, practice again to make sure those things can't happen, then I psych myself out and just, you know, let the "butterflies" flow. Sometimes I don't get butterflies, like if it's an easier gig.

that's just me though...



I know these people, they serve me food from McDonalds :)

Don't touch my car! *wack!*
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