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Hey, DrumKlan! ... I am off to become a Dad!


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Hey, Guys:

My sincere apologies for not posting much these last 6 weeks. My wife (as most of you know) came down with Toxemia, and life has been very challenging ... to say the least.

Well, it is 10:30 on Sunday eve, and we are getting ready to leave for the hospital. Come 12:05 am, (it is an insurance thing checking in after midnight! what a crock!), we will be admitted and the inducing begins!

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers! By this time tomorrow night, ... I should have a new son!

Love you guys!

Dendy (DJ)

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I don't remember the toxemia. I am not sure what it is, but I don't like the sound of it. I was wondering where you've been lately!


I *DO* however, remember you announcing that your wife was pregnant.


And now you're off to become a daddy! Wayyyyyy coolllll!


You've got my prayers. This will be such a great experience for you!


My 2 and a half year old son, and my six month daughter mean so much to me. It's amazing! They've been in my life for such a short time, but I can't remember them ever not being there. They really have a way of getting their hooks into you! 'bless em...


Best wishes! Post pics! Bring cigars! We'll all be waiting to hear how it all went....


(starts smoking and pacing back and forth) :thu:

Super 8


Hear my stuff here


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