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Lets Talk Ride Cymbals

Allan Speers

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Originally posted by Allan Speers:

...and it was a Sabian Jo Jo mayer model 21" -weird looking thing.


Any opinions on this one, especially but not exclusively pertaining to recording?

I just bought a Sabian 21" HH Raw Bell Dry Ride which has a little more spread than the Jo Jo model - it's also quite a bit heavier which helps it project, but it's quite dark in tone so it doesn't overwhelm. Very versatile, but I haven't had it next to a Meyer model to directly compare.
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I've heard the old 60's 602s are really pretty consistent, much more so that Zildjians, and you could well pick a winner the first time totally blind (and deaf).


I bought an old 23" 602, my only Paiste, for about $450. A lot of money! But I tried it out, and listened from 20' away while the guy played it, and it's that rare heavy ride where the wash never gets out of control, ever, and the tone projected is just divine. It gets some incredibly sweet incredibly high overtones when played about 1/4" from the edge. And it's a superb mallet cymbal to boot.


Basically it was worth the money and I didn't feel at all bad about it as the seller lived in his van with his drums and this was his prize possession- he wouldn't have sold it to anyone but me, when he realized we were kindred souls.


My other best rides are a very light Spizzichino (check out cymbalholics.com ), that you have to play ultra delicately Elvin style, a 20" Istanbul Zildjian K, a 19" old Zildjian A, and a thoroughly abused 20" Zildjian A that has actually had someone scour it with steel wool, totally altering the grooves! Someone else tried to break it with a stick one time, and someone else actually did it a favor by drilling it for rivets. A thoroughly tortured cut off and bent broken penny nail makes a dandy rivet for it! It's the one cymbal that's always on the short list- Sometimes the 23" 602 is just too loud.


those old Zildjian A's are a total crapshoot, but at those prices it's well worth a gamble to find one of the really sweet ones.


A friend has an old A he selected from among hundreds of old A's when they were new, that has an incredible high overtone from heaven. He'd never heard another cymbal with such a sweet strong ring around 15khz until he played that 23" 602, which he declared it's equal or better.


Ah, cymbals. I just have to stay away from that cymbalholic site or my addiction becomes unmanageable!



"There is nothing I regret so much as my good behavior. What demon possessed me that I behaved so well?" -Henry David Thoreau

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You were looking for a 16" thin 602 crash. There's a 17" paper-thin 602 on ebay right now.


I'm in a financial bind, so I can't go for it, and djarrett has to start saving for college tuition, (!) so he can't go for it:




If you snag it, please let us know how it sounds.

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My 602 20" ride just arrived today. That will probably be my last purchase for quite a while.


This thing is everything you said it would be! It's a little more on the wash than ping side, but other than that, it's amazing.


Much more organic than even the best 60's A-Zildians I've heard. All sorts of variations as you work it. the bell is shockingly bright and cutting considering that the shoulder is a fairly controlled lower tone. And the edge is to die for! It could be used solely as a 20" crash, it's literally that good.


The only caveate is that this one is definitely most suited to jazz. I'm thinking it will also be great for ballads (haven't recorded it yet) but it's definitely not for aggressive rock! .


But as a mellow, expressive instrument, it's yummy.

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I went on a cymbal-testing jag the other day, and came away with a new favorite (so far)...the new line of vintage Zildjians...the CIE's (?). Man, such a classic sound (more 'classic' than I normally want), but somehow very modern and clean sounding. Could also be a case of everything old being new again, but man am I jonesin' for a whole set of these things, now.
I've upped my standards; now, up yours.
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Yeah, I've heard those and really liked them as well. Very remniscent of the old A's, though maybe not quite as rich and complex. I wonder f the alloy is exactly the same?


I heard a few hats and rides in this line that would make me happy. however, I'm really digging the various modern crash sounds, esp HHX-treme, AAX, and Zildian A-custom. I like the brighter, more powerful sound of modern crashes.


-That's odd, as I HATE almost all the modern rides and hats. Go figure.

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