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OK, Help Grow The Drum Talk Forum


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I am soliciting your help to grow this forum.

Please bring your drummer friends to this gathering.

We are falling behind the other forums in participation.

I am very open to ideas and new topic directions.

Granted, I am not always as available as I would like to be ... this is .... afterall a labor of love for me.


My goal is to have a true community of learning and sharing ALL things related to drums and percussion.


Ideas? Thoughts?




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FWIW, I'd participate more often, but I'm not actively drumming at the present; my equipment is older (wait...so am I....hmmm...), and I'm not as avid a 'listener' or 'participant' as I have been in the past of current music. I am, however, in the process of buying my first house, complete with a very large basement that will be able to house 'Daveworld' nicely, so things'll pick up for me in the very near future (like, I'll be able to start actually practicing again :rolleyes: ).


I am, though, kind of mystified why drum forums always seem to have less participation than others. There are a couple of other drum forums I check in with every now and then, and they suffer the same fate. Are we just quieter, overall, than guitarists? (Let's not start a war, here :P ) Another musician friend of mine suggested that drummers have less money/opportunity to own a computer or have internet access than other musicians, a concept that I flat-out find hard to believe because we ALL know how scarce a good-paying gig is, regardless of instrument. Maybe it's a side effect of the disproportionate number of drummer jokes, that as a collective we're not terribly interested in contributing our $.02 'cause we'll get treated to a barrage of pseudo-good-natured insults that are dated and dull. (I'm just thinking out loud here.)


At best, all I can figure is it's a motivation thing. And how does one get a whole bunch of people who've never met each other to keep in touch on a respectably regular basis?

I've upped my standards; now, up yours.
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I know of three other drummers personally. One no longer plays (no drums anymore). Another (my cousin) doesn't have access to the internet. The third plays out a lot, but I haven't seen him around the campus lately. If I see him, I'll tell him about the forum!


a.k.a. "El Guapo" ;)


...Better fuzz through science...



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I think the trouble is that not many drummers can read, let alone type, let alone operate a computer.


If they could though, they could probably do all three AT ONCE! And operate a hi hat simultaneously.



"There is nothing I regret so much as my good behavior. What demon possessed me that I behaved so well?" -Henry David Thoreau

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"I think the trouble is that not many drummers can read, let alone type, let alone operate a computer.

If they could though, they could probably do all three AT ONCE! And operate a hi hat simultaneously. "


Perhaps one of my theories was, indeed, correct. :rolleyes:

I've upped my standards; now, up yours.
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Dendy, you need to "spice" this forum up a bit...


Where's the political thread? :eek:

Or the sports thread? ;)

How about the one about the stuff everyone uses, but hates (like PT) :mad:

Or how come you don't have a newby with 16 grammy awards post, like THIS ONE on the guitar forum... :P


THAT's how you generate posts!


Seriously, I'll tell my drummer buddies to come check it out... and even I, a lowly guitplayer will stop in to see what's happening. :wave:



I'm still "guitplayer"!

Check out my music if you like...



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Originally posted by guitplayer:

Dendy, you need to "spice" this forum up a bit...

A visit from JOHNCRAIGERGUITARPLAYER might liven things up a bit, I happen to know him personally, want me to give him a call?


A nudge is just as good as a wink to a blind bat you know.

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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It seems like a lot of folks are either glued to the TV now or very busy with other things. I like this forum, gives me a chance to help out if I can. There are a lot of smart and seasoned drummers out there, but they need to check in give us opinions on things or ask for some help.


We have had some very good topics in the past that could be brought out again for the new folks to respond to.


I know I have mentioned this forum to a lot of folks but they need a jump start. I don't know what the problem is.


I'll keep plugging away at it.




My fade out..........


Jazzman :cool:


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Hullo all,

i'm with Lee on this one, since my last visit i have been playing a bit more drums myself these days, tho not for any ultirior motives of course ;o) and doing my best to convert all of my flatmates, may take a little time to get them online tho....


working on it,


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What I think, is that everyone would be better off and the geeking would be kept to a minimum if bass and drums had ONE FORUM. Can you imagine the, um, interplay? I'm serious, sparks would fly and love would be made (oh there's lee on my mind again, with those stirring metaphors... =).


Now THAT would be a kick in the pants.



"There is nothing I regret so much as my good behavior. What demon possessed me that I behaved so well?" -Henry David Thoreau

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Well, if you're going to pull the bass and drum forums together, why not go the whole 9 yards and have the whole BAND on one forum...


Ummm... wait a minute... There's no VOCALIST forum... oh, well... who cares what they think anyway!


Really I do think it's nice to "cross" forums a bit and see what's up. Each one has their own personality and personalities...


Plus, you get to see lots of cool new avatars... I like the "hypnotic tail cat"! :thu:


Or is it "metronome cat"?



I'm still "guitplayer"!

Check out my music if you like...



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You know, ... I have thought about this alot over the last two years.

Spicing the forum up a bit, but I keep coming back to this: Drummers love drumming!


The thing that I respect and admire about Craig Anderton's forum is that it shows that musicians are real folks. We care about religion, politics, sports, current events, etc. But in the end, ... the common thread ... is that we are all musicians.


Here in Drum Talk, ... we have great folks like Lee Flyer ... and GuitPlayer, but by and far ... the thing that we share ... is that we are drummers!


Let's face it ... the challenges and rewards of drumming ... offer each of us enough to cuss and discuss!


Know that I appreciate each of you for your participation and hope we can grow this forum enough to validate its existance!


Thanks for letting me be a part of it.



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DJ, you rock! I'll try to be active here, like I used to be.


Lately, my drum kit has been set up in my living room, so I can teach my sons to play. As a result, I've been playing more drums than guitar recently.


Still working on my kick technique! ;)


This gives me an idea for a new thread! :thu:

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