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Drum Forum: The Final Frontier?


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How come I have a good sense of rhythmn but when I try to play drums I sound like a retard? Do you have to like practice or something? Don't you just hate guitar players?


You know what, I'm really paranoid that these forums are closing down so I'd thought come over here and say Hey! I would like to add the drums to my musical abilities. Note to self-Buy drumset

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Hey Rob: I really am interested in drums and percussion. One of my favorite sounds in the world is Latin percussion and also African percussion. I am the proud owner of a talking drum. I have developed a little bit of talent playing the drum sounds in my DR5 from a keyboard. You can assign the drum sounds to what ever key you want and create your own drum kits. It's really easy to do a tom roll that way, so I add in a kick and a cymbal and it kind of sounds like drums. No substitute for real drums though. I always feel totally inept when I sit down at a real drum set, it is a very unique, wonderful instrument and I've always admired a good drummer. Doesn't seem like there's much room for error when playing the drums, when you screw up the rhythmn it's VERY obvious. When I hit a wrong note on guitar a lot of times I can slide to the right note and make it fit in, not so with drums.


I think the first time I really noticed drums was when I saw Buddy Rich as a child at an outdoor festival. I wasn't into that kind of music but when he soloed, you'd have to go, well damn, how is he making that SOUND. Well, there's my ode to drummers. If these forums go down, you guys come over to Lee Flier's forum, you can get the address off of one of her post.

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Hey, Wewus and Dwarf:

What makes you say that these forums are closing down?

Why would you say that ... and what would give you that idea?


As an insider, ... I would like to know.




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Originally posted by TheWewus:

I think the first time I really noticed drums was when I saw Buddy Rich as a child at an outdoor festival.

You saw Buddy Rich as a child? How bloody old are you? Buddy was a child when, in the mid 1920's?




I have the mind of a criminal genius.....I keep it in the freezer next to mother.
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Hey Dendy,


Originally posted by djarrett:

Hey, Wewus and Dwarf:

What makes you say that these forums are closing down?

Why would you say that ... and what would give you that idea?


As an insider, ... I would like to know.




Ever since they canned RobK as system administrator, a bunch of people have been yelling "the sky is falling!" The writing appears to be on the wall. When? No one knows, but it sure has stimulated some discussion.




I have the mind of a criminal genius.....I keep it in the freezer next to mother.
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Funny Rob: I was a teenager he was very old. Rob Kudyba the webmater for this site has been fired. Rob said no one else there knows how to maintain a web site. That to me means they are closing the site or they are hiring someone else. There is no reason to hire anyone else because Rob was doing a perfect job. Deductive Logic my dear Watson.
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Well, Rob and Wewus:

I had tried to take a few days away from the forums only to discover the Kudyba crisis had happened. It shocked me, as I just talked with Rob last week!


We shall see what happens,


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hey wew


the drum forum doesn't get as much traffic as SSS, but when these guys read your post, they'll DESTROY you! "I have developed a little bit of talent playing the drum sounds in my DR5 from a keyboard"? whoa- this is the DRUM FORUM! :D


i play drums. it's not my main instrument, but i've taken lessons. i used to play upright bass in a band with 4 drummers, and they all were constantly practicing with a pad, so i got into it.


do you know any drummers? in 20 minutes they could show you enough technique for you to teach yourself, since you know the basics of music/rhythm already. the most common beginners' mistake is holding the sticks incorrectly. impossible to teach here, but basically you hold it between your thumb and first finger. the rest of your fingers control the rebound. phrase most often heard from beginning drum instructors: "let the stick do the work."


get a good matched set of sticks (i like 5B wood tips) and a good practice pad. my pad is a full-size "RealFeel", it's a solid wood base with a rubber top.


get a book or two. i've got stone's "stick control for the snare drum." it's standard- like the "craig anderton's electronic projects for musicians" for drummers. :) i've also worked a bit with "funkifying the clave", which also helped my bass playing (more on that in a sec). i've worked on the " 26 rudiments ", a set of required techniques for drummers, but i can't say i've mastered any of them. my long roll is fairly clean through a long accelerando, though. man, that took a lot of work.


try this- get the matched sticks and a pad, and grab them when you're watching tv or a movie (not in theaters!). work on this, with or without a metronome:


R L R L (quarters)

RRLLRRLL (eighths)


that's a pretty common warmup for drummers. the RR and LL is a double-stroke. you're not hitting the stick both times, the second is a controlled rebound. i play this for half an hour about twice a week.


here's the cool thing about stick control and drumming: it's not just for drummers. knowing this stuff can help no matter what instrument you play. my time has improved greatly. also, it makes it easier to play with drummers, and you can actually communicate with them.


here's one more exercise for beginning drummers, and you don't need a pad or sticks. just play a hh/snare rock beat with your fingertips on your knees. on 2 &4, do your hands hit at exactly the same time? no, i mean EXACTLY. if they do, then you're a genius and i can't tell you anything. most likely they flam. work on getting them to sound like one hit. that's a good one to practice when you're in line at the grocery store, or when driving. but i'm not responsible for accidents in either case.


this post is getting really long, but i should note that i enjoy programming drums, too. i've got an mpc and cubase. that's a different thing, but knowing drum basics will help your programming, too.




so, that's my drum forum post. hopefully some folks here who are working drummers can offer additional suggestions, or even disagree with mine.



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Hey wager47


want to try something cool, while practicing your ruudiments use your right foot on two and four and do clave with your left foot (either 2-3 clave or 3-2 clave) it takes a little time to get down but it will help you dramatically with your timing, not to mention that you can use variations of this to solo.


My two pennies.

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Originally posted by wager47:

here's the cool thing about stick control and drumming: it's not just for drummers. knowing this stuff can help no matter what instrument you play. my time has improved greatly.

Amen to that. :D


A lot of the keyboard and guitar (melodic) hooks have some rhythmic relationships to patterns like paradiddles.


I study drum patterns and the lessons (pattern, accent, hand/finger independance,) seem to apply directly to keyboards.



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Originally posted by Tusker:

A lot of the keyboard and guitar (melodic) hooks have some rhythmic relationships to patterns like paradiddles.


& James Brown pioneered an entire style based on everybody in the band folowing the drummer !


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