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Without Internet?


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Hey, Guys:

Well, I did finally get past this huge deadline I was facing with Music Gear Online.

Now, just when I thought I would be back to regular posting, I learn that my internet provider, Excite, will be possibly pulling the plug at 2am this morning! Yikes!


Scrambling to get a backup dial up service.


Hope I will not be down long, but if it is a few days, keep up the fight without me!


Seems hardly possible that a service provider with MILLIONS of customers could go bankrupt, but Excite did.

If perhaps they did not pay CEO's Hundreds of Thousands a year in ridiculous salaries, perhaps they would not have this problem!!


I yield!



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It's all Capital Investors dude. They start these .COM companies, run them for several years (three years tops), then bail out leaving the stock holders to take the fall.


It's sad, but it's done ALL the time.


Several years ago, my buddy and I were working on a site,




and had several capital investors that were interested. It almost happened, but because neither one of us had corporate managing experience, the investors wanted to place their own guy in there. NOT!!!


We could have made a ton of money, and I mean a TON, just for starting the thing ... but our morals wouldn't let us screw other people like that. I also didn't want to give over my life for several years and work 60+ hours in an office ... even though it was music related. It just wasn't for me, but may be great for others.


I really started IndependentsMusic.com to help my buddy, a musician, who was really needing to get some sort of business going. My concept was to get the site up and going, then let him take over. I ended up doing 90% of all the work (for almost two years) because it was all WWW related, and he didn't have any programming or Internet skills. So, I had to let it go ... and it died. It wasn't my calling in life, and I never meant it to take so much of my time.


Oh well, sorry for the drama. ;)


Hope you find a new ISP quickly. I know what's like to be without service. My DSL has been down for several weeks at a time ... and it's happened twice in the past two years. :eek:

Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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My cable Internet service is currently down and I'm on a slow as molasses dialup connection :( . That isn't going to give me much time to post and if it's not back on by Monday it will really screw up my work day. As of now I can't get ANY info about what's going on. As if I hadn't already had enough headaches/lost time with the recent AT&T/Comcast merger.... ARRRGHHH!!!


Oh well... I'll be busy with the band all day and night today anyway, and that's more fun!



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Guys, drop DSL. RoadRunner is the way to go. I have been using it for 2 years+, with ZERO problems that lasted more than 30 min. As for the few problems I have had, well you can count them on one hand! Not to mention the fact that RoadRunner doesn't have a "speed-limit", where DSL does(unless you are willing to pay more), nor does it require contracts.
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