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Jamming is good for the soul


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Ever since my schedule has become filled with proper drumming gigs, I haven't really all-out jammed for a very long time.


Friday I did and I remembered what it's all about. We're there in some huge warehouse in industrial South San Fran, a bunch of freaks hanging out with their good friends... a collection of varied and extremely talented musicians... so many players that people are just walking on and off the stage at various times... play a riff, go talk to a girl or grab a beer... strap on the sax, then put it down and hit the congas... people just wandering around and the music never stops. And you see people dancing, the heads bobbing... and you take a break and let the other drummers come up... grab a beer from the keg and some girl starts chatting you up... wandering around enjoying the sounds... high fiving some bassist you've never played with... and all of a sudden the sun's coming up and you realize it's time to go... wave goodbye, walk out while they're all still playing and see that another day has begun.


Just wanted to share that. We all tend to get really busy with our music and forget that it's all about playing. Even if we're not getting paid, music for music's sake is what it's all about.

Just for the record.
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Bravo Sidreal!!!!! I too remember those days. What it means is togetherness of the craft. To be able to relax, let things fly, meet new people to share in the happiness of those wonderful moments. To actually show others how good musicians can fit together no matter where you come from, and through knowing your craft, demonstrate the change in the flavor of the songs by the different musicians talants.


My thoughts....... My passion.......My fade out..........


Jazzman :cool:

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