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Scrapping my equipment, advice for something new?


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I am officially without drum set. Scrapped by old kit and cymbals and I'm looking for something new. Wiped my schedule clean for the next month (not that it was terribly busy). Considering a new Yamaha or DW. Maybe a Gretsch. Maybe even a small custom, like Orange County. Also, going to reconsider my choice of cymbals (Dark K Customs).


If you were my personal buyer what would you buy, and where would you buy it? I've got about $2,500 to spend. Kit should be no bigger than a six-piece (no double bass or double pedals!). I definately lean toward the fusion side of tom sizes. Cymbal set-up: hats, 20" ride, two medium crash cymbals, and a splash.


Now ... go spend my money.

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personally.....i would get a Yamaha Hipgig set (cherrywood of course). i would probably add some remo roto-toms and maybe buy some percusion like a wooden block or cowbell. i would also put in a pearl powershifter double pedal even if i didnt use the double alot. now for cymbals...i dont know about hats but for a really good ride i would go for a Zildjian K Custom 20" ride or a Sabian HHX power ride. crashes....id probably stick with zildjian ks or k custom. i wouldnt get too many cymbals...i like to keep it small...hats 2 crashes one ride....or hats 2 rides one crash. oh yeah and with my extra money i would probably just buy a whole bunch of technical crap. oh yeah and if i wasnt to get the yamaha hipgig...i would get the premier Gen-x its one of the best sounding ones out there. made from half maple and half birch. ok now i can stop dreaming and go back to my pots and pans that i can barely afford. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif
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oh, and I would stay away from sabians and zildjians unless you like that sound.


Do yourself a favor and listen to some UFIP ear crafted cymbals or some paistes. Better yet, see if the drum shop will let you try them with your band...a good one will! Go into cymbals with an open mind and ears...trust me.


I would not get a hip gig either. To me they are a fad. I'd stick with a 5 or 6 piece and a beautiful finish on your kit.

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Hey, Gadd:

It really depends on your objectives with the set.

Is it for playing out?

If so ... how often? What Kind of Music?

If it is primarily for playing at home, ... how much space do you have?


What do your fav artists play?


and last,


What would you personally gravitate towards?




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Originally posted by joe blow:

personally.....i would get a Yamaha Hipgig set (cherrywood of course).


I am going to get a HipGig kit eventually, but it's not something I would like to use as a primary kit. I'd love one for a variety of situations I often find myself in -- casuals and studio gigs -- but it won't work for the band I've created. I'll probably get one before winter, when I expect my workload to quadruple.


i would get the premier Gen-x its one of the best sounding ones out there. made from half maple and half birch. ok now i can stop dreaming and go back to my pots and pans that i can barely afford. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


I like the Premier kits. If I were in a lower dollar bracket, I'd get the low-end Premier. I feel that kit is as good as most others twice the cost. But if I'm going to exceed $2,000, I'd feel more comfortable with a DW -- same maker, better hardware.


This message has been edited by Gaddabout on 10-15-2001 at 09:46 AM

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Originally posted by felix stein:

yamaha maple customs


you just can't go wrong with those...I don't care what anyone else says...don't get the absolutes IMHO...the beech customs don't sound as nice IMHO


This is definately my fallback position, Felix. Always loved Yamahas, love the hardware. The kit I just unloaded was a Yamaha birch, so I'm definately ready for some maples. I won't hesitate if I don't fall in love with something else soon.

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Originally posted by felix stein:

oh, and I would stay away from sabians and zildjians unless you like that sound.


Do yourself a favor and listen to some UFIP ear crafted cymbals or some paistes. Better yet, see if the drum shop will let you try them with your band...a good one will! Go into cymbals with an open mind and ears...trust me.


I do like my Dark K Customs. I don't like thin or bright cymbals. Don't like other gongy dark cymbals, either. The *only* reason I'm rethinking cymbals is Weckl's recent return to Sabian. I'm curious. I will, however, check out UFIPs based on your reccomendation. Can't say I've ever heard a Paiste I could love like a member of the family, though.


I would not get a hip gig either. To me they are a fad. I'd stick with a 5 or 6 piece and a beautiful finish on your kit.


Read my comments above. To me, HipGig fits a very important niche. I'd love to have one! If Yamaha were to discontinue them, their resale value would probably skyrocket.

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UfiP's are glassy soundiing- they are amazing. And Paistes sound much better with music than by themselves...they are very clean. I like cymbals without all the extra overtones that are so prevalent in sabians and zildjians...But if you like dark cymbals-I can't help you. I like my cymbals to be way high in the freq. range for reasons of my own.


Maple customs are just awesome...they stand with anything.

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Originally posted by djarrett:

Hey, Gadd:

It really depends on your objectives with the set.

Is it for playing out?

If so ... how often? What Kind of Music?

If it is primarily for playing at home, ... how much space do you have?


I anticipate playing out at least four times a week in the coming months. I'm really starting to get some calls. Everyone gets busy around here when it begins to snow elsewhere. I do some casuals, but I've been careful not to do it often. Have played, will continue to play in small combos ... but I'll never be in demand for that sort of thing. Do some studio work, but I don't do a lot right now because of my day job. Beginning to work with an 80s cover band, doing some original work for singer/songwriter friend who wants a full-band compliment, and I've created a new band that ... well, we don't really have a musical vision yet.


My concern is being prepared for the stuff I don't currently do. For example, my previous set-up wasn't enough for a major studio gig. I really want a high-end kit for that eventuality. Of course, a good miking system will be my next purchase.


What do your fav artists play?[/b]


The name more or less says it all. I've always leaned towards whatever Steve Gadd played. But drum sounds have changed dramatically. Gadd plays loud and low, with lots of ring. Now ... sheesh, that just won't work for a lot of what I do.


Vinnie plays a Gretsch now, and I am taking a serious look at those Reknown Maples because of it. I don't know much about them. I'm hoping those tom sizes don't have to be custom ordered. Also concerned about hardware. Again, I don't know anything about Gretsch.


What would you personally gravitate towards?[/b]


I've always been a Yamaha guy, but I'm trying to be open-minded. I'm trying to make a good business decision, and less of one with my heart. It's why I'm asking the good people on this board!

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