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Art Verdi To Be On ProMark's Online Chat


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We just got word here at Drumometer/WFD that WFD World Champion, Art Verdi has been asked to make a special appearance at ProMark's omline chat. Although this is a tremendous opportunity for our movement, time is extremely short to promote. We are trying to get the following announcement out to as many within the WFD movement and others as quickly as possible.


Any help you could lend to this effort would be greatly appreciated and we especially hope you will attend the online chat with Art next Tuesday.


Thank you for all your Help in this Matter.


Tamarah Jones, Drumometer / WFD Communications




Art Verdi will make a special guest appearance on ProMark's Trading Fours Chat at 6:00 pm Pacific time, 8:00 pm Central and 9:00 EST on Tuesday, Sept 25 th. 2001. This is a rare occasion and wonderful opportunity for all drummers to go online and actually ask first hand detailed questions about Art's practice schedule, professional tips and the technique involved in WFD World Record (1116 single strokes in 60 seconds).


You can access ProMark's Trading Fours by entering http://www.worldwithoutborders.com/ and then click Trading Fours from first page.








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drummerMom, I got an email too from WFD when I got in last night from school. I am glad you took the bull by the horns and got in on here. I came in and there you were great. I will also hit some buds by email. It is great that promark is giving Art and WFD'ers this chance to chat. promark is a good company isn't it? well thanks! I have to know that left hand thing of Art's. My fingres are stiff with traditional grip. see you tuesday. Have you let Modern Drummer over at remo know?
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I'm tired of the B.S. on the Evans site after I posted about Art being on the ProMark online chat. In my opinion if you don't like it don't read the #$%^(*& thread to begin with!







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DrummerMom, surely you are not talking to me? i have been a supporter of WFD since Johnny Rabb's 1 st. record over a year ago. I am aware of the controversy but I have never said anything negative only positive. If you are not talking about me then I know what you mean I was called WFD Geek for firsat 6 months I was there. They even ran tim Waterson, Art Verdi, Andy doerschuk and Travis BArker off the site. travis used to post there about WFD under "Famous Stars and Straps" Harri and the other punks ran him off. DrummerMom I applaud you for helping to spread the word about Art and Promark chat. if it wasn't for you I would have done it but you got it going so a big thanks! Is ProMArk doing anything to promote? They should because this is a great deal for them. Art uses their stick meaning they have the fastest drum stick in the world. Johnny Rabb had a tremendous run in publicity from his days as WFD #1. Well I will see you on tuesday at promark chat.
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Originally posted by bb thomas:

DrummerMom, surely you are not talking to me? i have been a supporter of WFD since Johnny Rabb's 1 st. record over a year ago. I am aware of the controversy but I have never said anything negative only positive. If you are not talking about me then I know what you mean I was called WFD Geek for firsat 6 months I was there. They even ran tim Waterson, Art Verdi, Andy doerschuk and Travis BArker off the site. travis used to post there about WFD under "Famous Stars and Straps" Harri and the other punks ran him off. DrummerMom I applaud you for helping to spread the word about Art and Promark chat. if it wasn't for you I would have done it but you got it going so a big thanks! Is ProMArk doing anything to promote? They should because this is a great deal for them. Art uses their stick meaning they have the fastest drum stick in the world. Johnny Rabb had a tremendous run in publicity from his days as WFD #1. Well I will see you on tuesday at promark chat.




I'm not saying your aren't a WFD Supporter. I was just claiming to you about all the B.S. that others are saying.







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DrummerMom, Cool! You know though this is just where we are. Actually I believe one day they will be wrong and it is like the folks that said the horseless carriage will never work. I am sure people said DCI sucked in it's early stages etc. i have readwhere people said mylar heads would never replace calf skin. On and On! i saw on your site about WFFD World's Fastest Female Drummer? Is that a catorgory now? They have been needing to do this so more girls can compete wit heach other. I think it would be more exciting to watch the girls. What is your score? Some post the guys are saying you work for wfd? I was said to be Johnny rabb for month's at evan's. They had Tim as Glen Noise for a long time. I think it is mostly uneducated kids over there, wanting to fight. This site is much cooler. It's funny when these guys think of wfd as a big corporation like yamaha or something. Are you training now on drumometer? have you heard who else is on the promark show? rumors are flying, but it should be cool. I will email the site to see what i can find out. It is really awesome of promark and the www.worldwithoutborders.com folks.
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Here are the answers to some of your questions.


i saw on your site about WFFD World's Fastest Female Drummer? Is that a catorgory now? I came up with that on my own. If they want to make it a category that would be great!


They have been needing to do this so more girls can compete wit heach other. I agree.


What is your score?

I don't have an exact score.


Are you training now on drumometer?

I will be soon! My Drumometer should arrive this week then I can tell you my score! (It's very difficult to practice when your two year old wants to play at the sametime on the same practice pad!)


Some post the guys are saying you work for wfd?

No, I don't. I am a Domestic Engineer! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif



Hopes this helps,






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Hey, You WFD guys,

Check out my comments on the Blast thread. I also got Boo McAfee passes to the show. He was blown away. At this ... due to time limitations, the Blast folks did not want to try the drum-o-meter, but it could happpen in the future.

These guys were FAST!!


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Yes, we need tolerance. I don't have a problem with the WFD. I don't take it very seriously either, but I see its benefits and if it promotes drumming, great. We can all learn from each other something- so I'm cool with it. Historically there has been some pointless banter in some of the WFD posts but I chalk that up for youthful enthusiasm and equate it to a bunch of teenagers/college students just talking and having a hoot. They probably get a kick out of getting us older guess wound up. I know I would.


Like Winton Marsalis says "A new art form does not come to you...you have to go to it and get the benefits it has to offer...."


Picasso or Dali don't come to you...you have to go to it. One may leave anytime, but if you don't get something from it, well, I wouldn't call you much of an artist or, in our case, drummer.



the token jew

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Hey, SoundZap!

Where you guys been!?!


Missed ya.


I have been to everyone for the last 7 months. Basically, it is like an online auditorium. You all log on and ask questions. The moderator decides which questions will be fed to the guest. They ask that you use nice language. Also, if you just type a question in the monitor box, only folks from your region can see it and chat between each other. The moderator will not see it , ... nor will the guest. You must submit the question in the submit question box! You can also register for the chat early ... and submit the questions in advance.


Hope you guys enjoy!



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This particular chat will be a little different than the Pro-Mark In Session auditorium events. It will be in the Trading Fours chatroom and have a modified protocol. The host will ask you to type a "?" to the room then place you in a question queue. You'll be called on in turn.


We're looking forward to it and thank you all for your interest in Art Verdi as a guest.

- Cys Bronner

Community Director, World Without Borders


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I got a little insulted on this board once or twice about being interested in WFD, Drumometer and Art Verdi, so I guess I just shyed away from posting. I have been reading though.

Anyway, looking forward to the chat tonight. I really do believe, after visiting Art's website more than a few times, that he really is quite the musician, and not some kid interested in only speed.

Thanks DJ for making me feel welcome in spite of my likes in drumming.

See you at 9PM est

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Originally posted by SoundzapS:

I got a little insulted on this board once or twice about being interested in WFD, Drumometer and Art Verdi, so I guess I just shyed away from posting. I have been reading though.

Anyway, looking forward to the chat tonight. I really do believe, after visiting Art's website more than a few times, that he really is quite the musician, and not some kid interested in only speed.

Thanks DJ for making me feel welcome in spite of my likes in drumming.

See you at 9PM est




Hi it's me DrummerMom. I created a WFD Forum on my web site. Check it out it you want.


It is listed as World's Fastest Drummer Forum








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Sorry to hear that you received so much flack on the Evans board about the WFD. bb and I have talked about that before.


To me, it's all drumming, it's all for the benefit of drumming and promoting drums, drummers and the spirit of drumming. Therefore, it's ALL good, even if it's not my (or anyone else's) particular bag.


It's unfortunate that some fellow drummers 'cop an attitude' about the WFD stuff. You know, in just the same way, each or any of us could cop the same attitude about almost any aspect of drumming. Someone could say "Blues is just beat keeping, that's not REAL drumming". Or "Jazz is OLD crap, man. That's not REAL drumming any more". Or "Swing died out years ago. Quit trying to revive it, it's not REAL drumming". See? There's ALWAYS something to get incensed about with some aspect or area of drumming. "Drum Circles aren't REAL drumming", "World Percussion's not REAL drumming", "Drum Corps drumming's not REAL drumming". It's always easy to be negative and cynical, if THAT'S your goal, isn't it?


For me, I'm only a fringe observer of the WFD phenomenon. I understand it and appreciate it for it's competitive spirit and the level of manual dexterity and energy those who compete must have and execute to BE competitive. Beyond that, like many other areas of drumming, I only have a passing interest and acknowledgement of it's value.


BUT, to some of my drumming brothers and sisters, like bb thomas, it is VERY important. And since friends like bb ARE important to ME, then WFD is important to me BECAUSE it's important to THEM. So I believe that I always need to speak up and not only support and endorse it, but at times, defend it as well.


Just my thoughts.



If you always do what you've always done, you'll always have what you've always had.
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