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Guatemala Pain for the attacks

Dr Teeth

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I want to express in the name of the guatemalan society our pain for the attack against our brothers and sister in the USA. We are a little country, and we could not help you materially, but all my peopple are with you in the spirit, and we share your pain, and your shame for this dirty act.


Sorry for my broken english



Rebuilding My Self
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ThanX A Million, LatinMusic. I'm sure I express the sentiment of many Americans that we deeply appreciate the empathy and concern the Guatamalan people have for those here in the U.S. And sincerely appreciate the support in spirit of you and the people of Guatamala.


I think many countries have realized that it could just as easily have been THEIR country under attack.


I'm sure those responsible will be dealt with as appropriate. The most important thing may be to let those responsible know that whatever tragedy they THINK they have perpetrated, in fact the have only strengthened the resolve of ALL nations to eradicate terrorism.

If you always do what you've always done, you'll always have what you've always had.
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Latin Music:

Many American's simply are too young to remember WWII, Korean War, and Vietnam. For too long, we have all grown too comfortable with our freedoms.


I hope that we all will realize just how precious that freedom is, and grow to cherish and value that freedom with much more resolve.


You do not live here, but understand enough to wish God's Blessings on us ... I AM MOVED EMOTIONALLY.


Thank you for your sincere words.



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I also would like to express my appreciation for your kind words and thoughts. Every person in the civilized world tonight deserves prayer, for this was an attack on modern society, worldwide. Please, keep praying for the many, many people who have been affected by this, and pray that our world's leaders have the courage and ability to produce the needed actions.

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I also would like to express my appreciation for your kind words and thoughts. Every person in the civilized world tonight deserves prayer, for this was an attack on modern society, worldwide. Please, keep praying for the many, many people who have been affected by this, and pray that our world's leaders have the courage and ability to produce the needed actions.

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Originally posted by djarrett:

Latin Music:

Many American's simply are too young to remember WWII, Korean War, and Vietnam. For too long, we have all grown too comfortable with our freedoms.


I hope that we all will realize just how precious that freedom is, and grow to cherish and value that freedom with much more resolve.


You do not live here, but understand enough to wish God's Blessings on us ... I AM MOVED EMOTIONALLY.


Thank you for your sincere words.




Don't underestimate American resolve!And don't forget Panama,Grenada,Kosovo, Sareavo(sp) and I certainly haven't forgotten the Persian Gulf War, because I was there!!!7th corps 4/37 Armor battalion US Army!Cav Scout!

Our armed forces are the best in the world and have risen to the occasion before and I'm sure that given these extraodinary incidents on our own mainland that we have some motivated fighting men ready to do their job in a swift and agressive fashion!

Look too at the policemen, firefighters, and EMT personel in NY who died bravely doing their jobs!

We Americans are far tougher than you're giving us credit for! War is an ugly thing and I hate that we have been put into this situation, but as the Good Book says:Everything has a season.....There is a time for peace and a time for war!

I have seen war first hand and have had to perform duties that required me to take human life! This does not give me pleasure nor am I proud of it but I, like so many American soldiers before me and assuredly after me was performing my sworn duties for my country and for that I AM proud!

Our troops have been in harms way many times since Vietnam and I just felt the need to clarify that we aren't as soft as you think! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif

Proud American,


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i cant uderstand somebody who is proud of his militar power, i think war have to leave people's minds. people dont have to die anymore, this terrorists are barbaric i just hope eeuu will be wise enough to resolve this without continuing this war..i just dont know what i would do, but certanly im against violent thing. and i certanly wouldnt be proud of being in a country with a high military power. i live in new york and i felt this a lot we just have to focus more in pray for the people that died and pray for that no more people die, not think in revenge and more killing.
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Hey, ian*:


Let me first say that you will never know how much I appreciate *you* for you service to America! The brave in the face of peril can only be known by folks that have been in a position like the one you were in.


Second, My point was not to take anything away from what you or anyone else have done since Vietnam. Clearly, however, our youth today do not know or understand the sense of Country that our fathers knew. WWI and WWII, specifically had a much larger National impact than did any war since. (that does not make the wars or operations since any less significant)


I can remember when every morning growing up in my small town that the flag was raised at school every morning, and folded properly at the end of each day. Today, they are just left flying ... dirty and soiled.


I can remember that ... through the fifth grade, each morning, we said the Pledge of Allegiance ... what happened to that?


I know the resolve of the American public will persevere and we will pull together ... no doubt.


I would just love to see the respect, understanding and appreciation by the youth of America that ... *I* feel is lacking!


Thanks for letting me openly share,



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First of all thanks for the kind words!

You are so right that the patriotic pride in the US has been stifled from our youth by the same freedoms that were won by the patriots that you speek of!In defense of America's pride however I must say that the support we recieved before during and after the Gulf War by civilian Americans was so huge I can't even begin to describe it!

I love that I live in a truly free nation but I too am saddened by the fact that our children aren't given the example of what it means to be free!I too quoted the pledge of allegiance every morning at school and know that celebrating Independance day has more meaning than just another day off from work to shoot fireworks!

Our men and women who served and sacrificed for the freedoms we enjoy disserve better for their efforts!



This message has been edited by ian* on 09-12-2001 at 02:32 PM

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