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How can I get more participation?


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Hey, Guys ... each month, we co-op the ProMark Live Chat. We also offer a give-away prize package valued at @ $300.00


Each month for the last two ... we have had little participation from you guys that hang here at MusicPlayer.com's Drum Talk.


I am wondering why that is ... and what would make it more worth your time to register to win ... as well as ... to participate in the chat?




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I'll be honest in that I don't recall seeing or remembering when these chats occur. Maybe we need to have more reminders ... like a few days before, a day before and then the day of.


Also ... and you asked, so here's my input; Promark product is not very enticing to me. I don't know how much of a draw it is for others, but I could care or less.


Now if it were Vater or Vic Firth ... shoot anybody but Promark, I might be interested. I don't fully understand why I feel this way, but I don't care for Promark (or Remo when it comes to drumheads). Anything from these companies sends me heading for the hills! This isn't about being fair, it's how I feel ... regardless with how wrong or right it may be. Sorry.


I would still get involved with the Chat just for the sake of the chat ... but I always seem to forget or miss it!

Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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I agree with Bart on his opinions of those companies. I'm always nervous that when I finally win, i'll win Remo Drumheads, or Pro-Mark, or Sabian, or anything that I just don't personally like. The companies just simply do not cater to my taste. Although they all support drumming which gets a big HURRAH from me!

The chats are great, i'm sure. I simply am not around when they occur. I imagine that they offer an invaluable learning experience, as long as it doesn't turn into "Do you remember that song on that album? That was cool"(i actually witnessed that happen at a clinic) "What kind of sticks do you use" etc. I hate those questions!! I hope these chats continue to occur.


One suggestion, have you considered posting the chat so that those of us who can't make it can view the eduactional material?

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He with few posts and lots to say (me) shall speak:


I have noticed a drop off in posts recently too, and an increase on Drum Set. The reason I like it here and refuse to visit Drum Set (much) is professionalism. Some people prefer the casual banter of sites like Drum Set, but I dislike the way it quickly degenerates into swearing and bigoted bitch sessions. But that's the draw of the internet for some people, they just want to fool around.


I am stumped on how to increase participation on the MP board though. Drumweb has professor sound, sort of like a Dear Abbey for drummers, but participation there is down too. Maybe its a reflection of the economy, nobody is buying new gear so nobody is asking questions about it.


The first step though, is to provide information to the readers of the page. That should whet the readers' appetites for more information and thus BBS participation. More equipment reviews, more rumors, and as for chats, I agree with the above. A list of pre-prepared questions and a streaming interview would be much more interesting. Or even just an article. As long as it was UP TO DATE. Old sites that are never updated are the biggest turn off.


And links. Gotta get links to your board on as many sites as possible. How do us readers post a link on another page, is there an HTML icon anywhere?

As for the competitions, obviously a lower grade of prize will be more attractive to drummers with lower expectations, the pros won't be interested. This board obviously has mainly pro and semi-pro's (except me, I'm a hobbyist) visiting it now. Maybe you should make more of the fields in your 'User Profile' screen necessary, so you have a better idea of who your readers are, and can then tailor your content and prizes to match.


Another way to increase participation, and get in good with shops would be to slip in little notes tipping readers off on bargains etc. Can't do any harm, and hopefully would form a relationship between the shop and MP.


Running out of ideas here, keep trying, it'll come...

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Well, like the Bart-ster and rl, I too have saw little or few notices of when such chats occur. So, I suppose some additional notification would help. Of course, I too also have to be available. And I hate to say this DJ, but it doesn't make a great deal of logic to have a chat at some time like Friday evening. Many drummers work at night! Probably more than those that work during the day. So many drummers play clubs or concerts, which most often, are held in the evenings. And because two of our band members have 'day jobs', we also rehearse in the evenings. Again, making participation difficult.


Also, please, PLEASE when making any such notices, ALSO note what friggin' TIME ZONE you're in! If you say 7:00 p.m., and you're in New York and someone else is in California, they just missed the chat by several hours!


As far as giveaways. I'm a bit of a cynic about them. I sometimes get inundated with junk mail talking about entering 'free' contests. And pretty much, you have about 10 times BETTER odds winning the lottery 5 successive weeks WHILE being struck by lightning 5 successive times!


DJ, when you say "We also offer a give-away prize package valued at $300.00", what EXACTLY does that mean? Does it mean that if 10 people showed up at that chat, ONE of those 10 people absolutely, guaranteed would have WON a FREE prize package worth $300? Or is it just another "Well, it's not really free. It's a discount package when you buy, blah, blah, blah"? 'Cause those, IMHO, are simply marketing scams, pure and simple. And I resent them, and I resent that some marketing hype-ster believes me stupid enough to believe their sales pitch. Obviously, such marketing scams, and that's EXACTLY what they are so I'm using the word, SCAMS, anger me.


And what does "worth $300" mean? Is that what I'd have to pay if I bought those items from the internet, or Guitar Center or Mars Music or something? Or is this "suggested", or "list" price? 'Cause everybody and their brother knows only a complete bozo would pay "suggest retail" or "MSRP", or whatever. Another scam. "Oh, this drumset is worth over $1200, but WE'RE selling it for $599 'cause WE'RE great people!" Baloney! It's worth $599, 'cause that's what I'm willing to pay for it, and they're STILL making a profit and everyone knows it. So why not just SAY it's worth $599, and we sell it for $599? At least then they're being honest!


Lastly, as far as the chats, I'd LOVE to participate. But to be honest, in the case of your last one, I'm afraid I don't even know who Hilary Jones IS! Yes, yes, I understand that many of you think that's shameful and sacriligious. Tsk, tsk. I'm sure I'll burn for eternity. But the truth of the matter is that while I like certain types of music, I prefer others. Like everyone else.


And I don't really follow Swing, or Jazz, or Funk. I follow Rock. And really, even narrow that down somewhat, since I'm not really into 'Death Metal', etc. And while I sometimes get berated BECAUSE I'm not 'hip' on Jazz, or Blues, or Swing, or Funk, or Pop, I also find that often these chats are directed specifically toward those that are. Hey, if you know who Hilary Jones is, and like her musically, and have her albums, that's great. You should DEFINITELY participate.


For me, I have to KNOW about the chat, stuff like 'give-aways' have to be TRUE giveaways that someone AT THAT CHAT will positively win, in other words, a REAL give-away not a 'come on', and the special guest has to have something to offer me. Knowledge. What can *I* gain from participating? Can I learn something new? A new approach, a new technique? Or am I just going to stare at my screen while everyone tells the 'celebrity' how great they are, and listen to the 'celebrity' rattle on about how cool it is to be them and do what they do? To be honest, like felix, my time is too valuable to spend an hour or two stroking anyone's ego. Even Neil Pearts, LOL!


Sorry DJ, to sound so cynical. I really don't mean to be. But over the last few years on the internet, I've seen so much crap doled out that it now has hardened me somewhat to ANY marketing strategy or tactic. And being suckered in a couple of times trying to give the company or whatever the benefit of the doubt, I now ask hard questions and expect straight answers. If they CAN'T give a straight forward answer, it's a scam. Plain and simple. Every single time.


Hey, and if no one won that $300 prize package, or they don't want it, feel free to send ALL those crappy Pro-Mark sticks and Remo heads over to me! In that case, they're ALL good! It's not the equipment, it's the drummer! LMAO! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


This message has been edited by ModernDrummer on 09-15-2001 at 09:39 AM

If you always do what you've always done, you'll always have what you've always had.
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Geez MD:

I did not realize you would write a book! LOL

The prize package is NOT a scam! I work with Pat Brown at ProMark to provide a nice prize package valued at $300 (retail value ... as always is the case! Give me a break MD ... IT'S FRIGGIN FREE ... NO STRINGS ATTACHED!)


Additionally, the chats are always on a Tuesday night. We have decided not to participate in the upcoming chat (this coming Tuesday), due to the tremendous disruption this past week's tragedy caused to our NY office.


I will keep you posted as to the next chat.


Thanks for the feedback.


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