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What is the cheesiest thing you've seen or heard?


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Ok, what is the chessiest drum fill, drummer, gig, band, etc. Anything that is full of cheese and is related to drumming.


The first one that comes to mind is the (although apropriate at many times) 16th notes down the toms. da da da da da da da da boo boo boo boo crash! That is SO cheesy! AAAHHH


C'mon, name your cheese

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It's a tough call, really:


- Any song post-1982 that uses slap bass and claims to be funky. Any slap bass, really, but I'm giving some credence to the true slap innovators who could pull it off.

- John Tesh albums. Only surpassed by John Tesh in concert.

- Every drum solo that revolves around bombastic tom fills and over-the-top theatrics.

- Neil Peart trying to swing on Jeff Berlin's album a few years back.

- Sixteenth-note double bass beats.

- Excessive use of the "tumbling rocks" fill

- Every movie, tv show or music video showing a band where the music obviously has the drummer on the hi-hat but the drummer is playing ... the ride cymbal. Or vice versa.

- Drummers who confuse linear beats with being funky


There's more, but I just don't have time to list them all ...

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Originally posted by Gaddabout:

- Neil Peart trying to swing on Jeff Berlin's album a few years back.



I hate to say it, but I couldn't agree with you MORE!!! I would have to add Neil Peart's performance on the Buddy Rich Memorial Scholarship video.


Neil, you're a great rock drummer; you should stick to that. Jazz is fun, but don't play it publically until you can SWING!

Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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LOL, GEE... That's kinda harsh. Wasn't Neil playing his 'crappy' version of swing for the BR Memorial to help raise some money for a worthwhile cause? Shoulda got a 'REAL' Swing drummer, I suppose. I wonder WHO they shoulda asked, hint, hint. LOL. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


'Course, the Buddy Rich Memorial Scholarship, or Jeff Berlin, in this particular instance, didn't invite those 'REAL' Swing drummers, did they? LOL, if they had, I'm not sure those 'REAL' drummers would've drawn the same size crowd. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif Or helped raise the same amount of $$$ But HEY, at least they could've taught that bumbling Neil how to SWING, eh? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


Kinda brings to mind that old adage that says something like 'Those who can, DO. And those that CAN'T, teach..."


I think over the years, Peart has proven himself able to hold his own among ANY group of drummers. And I'll bet there's at least ONE other drummer out there that would agree. Of course, there's probably some 'Experts' or 'Professionals' out there that would disagree. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


But the truth of the matter is that Peart's where he is 'cause he can play. Well. Not since Buddy Rich himself has another drummer been in Peart's specific position: A combination of acknowledged (from fellow drummers and musicians) talent and skill AND great public recognition from non-musicians. As a drummer, Neil Peart is almost a household name. Like Gene Krupa and Buddy Rich before him. Doesn't happen too often.


I also detected a certain undertone of "If it's Rock, it ain't real drumming". Not sure mind you. But just the impression that if a drummer doesn't play swing, jazz or funk, they're not a REAL drummer. LOL. That, as we all know of course, is ridiculous. And as a sidebar, it should be noted that both Krupa and Rich played the "Rock" music of THEIR day. The popular music. The music that 'swings' and 'rocks', LOL.


Of course, those aforementioned 'REAL' Swing drummers COULD volunteer their talents, time and effort to also help raise funds for the Buddy Rich Scholarship. And PROVE themself to be BETTER than Neil. IF they were up for the challenge. I'm sure SOMEONE would show up! Probably a loving wife or an idolizing student or two. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif Kind of a "Put your money where your mouth is" kinda thing, you know?


I just hope impressionable young students don't have that silly 'professional' attitude passed on to them.


Oh, and yes, I'm quite happy to say that I'm a big, big fan of Krupa, Rich AND Peart.


Just my own opinion.

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Originally posted by Bartman:

Neil, you're a great rock drummer; you should stick to that. Jazz is fun, but don't play it publically until you can SWING!




'Course some of us don't think he's a great rock drummer either http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif... I prefer a bit of a swing in my rock'n'roll, too!



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Originally posted by ModernDrummer:

LOL, GEE... That's kinda harsh. Wasn't Neil playing his 'crappy' version of swing for the BR Memorial to help raise some money for a worthwhile cause? Shoulda got a 'REAL' Swing drummer, I suppose. I wonder WHO they shoulda asked, hint, hint. LOL. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


No need to get touchy, MD. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


In the same vein, Jack DeJohnette should never try to play rock (which it kinda sounds like on occassion), and Anton Fig should NEVER, EVER attempt to play a David Garibaldi groove, like he did a few years back when the Late Show Band covered What Is Hip?. He did a nice job of faking his way through it, but it was obvious to any drummer that was *not* his forte. LOL!


My comment on Peart playing with Jeff Berlin was one of frustration that Berlin was simply trying to sell records. The cassette I purchased came with a big sticker on it advertising Peart's playing. Steve Smith was on there, but surprisingly his name was not on the sticker. Smith, of course, handled himself nicely in the varied fusion environments.

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Originally posted by ModernDrummer:

That's kinda harsh. Wasn't Neil playing his 'crappy' version of swing for the BR Memorial to help raise some money for a worthwhile cause? Shoulda got a 'REAL' Swing drummer, I suppose. I wonder WHO they shoulda asked, hint, hint. LOL.


You're right ... he was their to raise money because of his status with RUSH ... not because he could swing. By the way, 'crappy' is your word, not mine. I simply said the boy can't swing, even though he had all the moves. He should have played something else ... not a swing tune. Buddy Rich played countless tunes that were non-swing tunes; Neil could have played one of those.


Kinda brings to mind that old adage that says something like 'Those who can, DO. And those that CAN'T, teach..."


I think over the years, Peart has proven himself able to hold his own among ANY group of drummers. And I'll bet there's at least ONE other drummer out there that would agree. Of course, there's probably some 'Experts' or 'Professionals' out there that would disagree.


Talk about an attitude! LOL ModernDrummer, you are an expert at putting words in other peoples mouths. To quote you, I'll bet there's at least ONE other drummer out there that would agree. So just because I think the boy can't swing ... you want to slam me (and others) and/or discredit my opinion by attacking teachers, experts or professionals. Your a piece of work man! LOL


Here's a new cliche for your next bantering:

"Those who can, DO. And those that CAN'T, spend all their time and energy attacking/slandering those who DO."



But the truth of the matter is that Peart's where he is 'cause he can play. Well. Not since Buddy Rich himself has another drummer been in Peart's specific position: A combination of acknowledged (from fellow drummers and musicians) talent and skill AND great public recognition from non-musicians. As a drummer, Neil Peart is almost a household name. Like Gene Krupa and Buddy Rich before him. Doesn't happen too often.


What on earth does that have to do with anything?! LOL

No one is discrediting Peart's achievements ... the boy simply can't swing his way out of a paper bag! Neal Peart is the grandfather of progressive rock drumming, in my opinion, but you know what ... HE CAN'T SWING!!!


I also detected a certain undertone of "If it's Rock, it ain't real drumming". Not sure mind you. But just the impression that if a drummer doesn't play swing, jazz or funk, they're not a REAL drummer. LOL. That, as we all know of course, is ridiculous. And as a sidebar, it should be noted that both Krupa and Rich played the "Rock" music of THEIR day. The popular music. The music that 'swings' and 'rocks', LOL.


Of course, those aforementioned 'REAL' Swing drummers COULD volunteer their talents, time and effort to also help raise funds for the Buddy Rich Scholarship. And PROVE themself to be BETTER than Neil. IF they were up for the challenge. I'm sure SOMEONE would show up! Probably a loving wife or an idolizing student or two. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif Kind of a "Put your money where your mouth is" kinda thing, you know?


I just hope impressionable young students don't have that silly 'professional' attitude passed on to them.


Dude ... is Neal Peart your brother or something? You are SO defensive and bitter; you do nothing but attack and slam! My goodness man, what has been done to you? What have I done to you that deserves this kind of bad mouthing and attitude? Who has wronged you that you would get such a victim mentality?


It's so obvious what you are trying to do here ... yet I feel sorry for you that you are so hurt that you have to lash out like this. You shame yourself ModernDrummer; very sad and pathetic. Is it because you don't understand what I'm talking about? Is it because you can't hear the difference between the way Neal Peart and Buddy Rich play swing? Are you mad and bitter at me because I can hear the difference? What gives?!


Again, just for the record and all those "impressionable young students", my bringing some clarification to the fact that Neal Peart can't swing is to HOPEFULLY let you realize the following:


Just because Peart is famous and worshiped by others ... it doesn't mean that he is a good example of how to play swing; in fact, he's a terrible example. That's all I was trying to say.


Remember kids:

Those who can, DO. And those that CAN'T, spend all their time and energy attacking / slandering those who DO.





Bart Elliott


Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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LOL, Bart. O.K., reminds me of the Dream Theater song "Lines in the Sand".


Hmmmm, I had a real searing reply all typed out. Lots of name calling and good stuff like that. But that's unfair. Bart, I should apologize for what were obviously not very veiled digs at you're accomplishments. My apology to you and Gaddabout as well.


In honesty, sometimes what you post DOES sound a bit condescending. To me anyway. Like having a music degree or being a 'professional' (using DJ'S definitions) bestows authority to pass judgement. I'm sure that's not what you're trying to do, and I mis-interpret what you're writing. Again, my apologies.


And yes, I am pretty quick to jump on someone who appears to be doling out that "I've done this, so I'm superior" attitude. LOL, I'm pretty good at it, too. An error in my own judgement, something I'm trying to work on. Obviously, I still need a WEE bit of work. Once again, I apologize.


Obviously, you think Neil can't swing. I think he did a great job at the BR Tribute, when I saw the tape (4). Even played a 4 pc. set, obviously out of character for Neil(!). I thought he was attempting to keep the true sense and (small kit) feel of the music Buddy did, and pay as much tribute to Buddy as he could possibly muster. We'll leave it at that.



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What I think is really fricken cheesy is some of the stuff on solo albums that have been put out by drummers who are supposed to be super good like Dave Weckl or Billy Cobham! Like there are certain 'jazz progressions' that when I hear them I just shiver and think, "yuk, elevtor music!" And its usually got great show-off drumming over top of it, but how do these great drummers let their musicians get away with such a cheesy feel? Its watered down, emotionless, and has bad factory preset synth sounds too!


Where is the SOUL!


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Originally posted by jamoflage:

hat I think is really fricken cheesy is some of the stuff on solo albums that have been put out by drummers who are supposed to be super good like Dave Weckl or Billy Cobham!


I agree, jamoflage. I wish I had thought to include it in my list. The bad thing is, the drumming is often so good, one can't help but listen to it over and over again. If Dave Weckl and Jay Oliver were in kindergarten, and I was the teacher, I would put them at opposite ends of the room to keep them from collaborating! I do like the Dave Weckl Band, though. They can make some really good music when everyone is contributing to the writing. Astounding live band. I think they should make a live album, because it seems to me the cheese factor lessens to the Nth degree for them.


I think we also might want to include Karizma. There are some tunes I can't bear to listen to because of the cheese, regardless of the drumming by the many great ones who have graced their line-up.

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Yeah, Gadd...

I agree that these guys are heavy, and so are the musicians they work with, sometimes it seems that they just focus on showcasing the drummer for some tracks, at the expense of the groove or feeling. Because there are definitely tracks on the same albums that 'fricken' rock.



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