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So Many Choices


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I know you guys are probably sick of my stupid questions, but don't bash on me too hard http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif I did decide to go with the Pacific set, which I am more than satisfied with! It is much more than I expected for the money, and now I have a new dilema - cymbals. I am basically seeking high-quality cymbals at a low cost. My budget is no more than $500, which I know is not much to work with. Right now I have a 14" and 16" Sabian B8 crash, and 15" Zildjian hats and 20" Zildjian ride, I don't know the model of either, but I'm guessing A's. My Sabians are fine for now, but my Zildjian's need to go, especially the ride. Along with a new ride and possibly a new set of hi-hats, I would like to have a splash (10" or 12") and a china (preferably a 16", I just like the sound of them better in most different series). I am pretty sure that any Zildjian's are out of the way because of price, except maybe the ZBT's, but I would really not like any B8's, 302's or ZBT's, something better than that. So that really puts me in a bad spot, because all the other high quality cymbals come with high price tags. The model of the cymbal is pretty much not a problem, I like almost everything I've heard from all the different kinds I could get my hands on to try out, except for some of the lower-end cymbals like I mentioned before. If there is anything I may be overlooking, please tell me, I'd appreciate any info. Thanks!
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Your $500 should be able to buy you a top of the line pair of hi hats and a ride cymbal, with change left over. I bought a pair of 13" Dark K hats and a 20" Dark K ride online, and paid less than that.


If you're going with Zildjian, I think the K line has the most versatility. The A's are way too thin for my taste. I like the more traditional darker cymbals.


I am more inclined to buy new cymbals online. I don't know why.

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Hey, HMSDrumKing:


Typically, most "big-box" retailers and most specialty drum shops sell cymbals at 50% off the list price. Why? ... I never have figured that out!!! And I used to do it too!!


You should be able to go to the thread that was just started about on-line dealers and thumb (or click) through some of those sites and get a good idea.


You should look at the new HHX Sabian line ... just my two cents !



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Yea, my private instructor has a whole set of K's, I am soooo jealous of him. I don't know about that hi hats, I'm not really into that light of a sound, but I sure love his 20" heavy ride. One of his other unique things is his 14" china, it's got a nice sound to it, but the sound just doesn't last long enough, it dies straight off. I am almost positive I will but my cymbals online, just because of the price difference between them and the drum shops around here. Hey dj, yea, I have checked out the new Sabian HHX line, and man I LOVE those things! I would (of course) buy them if the price wasn't so high, but then again I could just skip the splash or china and get those. I'm still pretty unsure at this point, I guess I'll just have to go to Guitar Center again next weekend and keep tryin out different ones. Thanks for the help guys.
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Guitar Center typically doesn't sell their cymbals at 50% off, although they do run specials from time to time.


When you go, assuming you find cymbals that you really like, tell them to cut you a deal because you are buying a set of cymbals. DO NOT TELL THEM HOW MUCH YOU HAVE TO SPEND. If they ask, do NOT answer. Tell them that's none of their business ... and if they want YOUR business, you need to know the best deal that can give you ... otherwise you will go else where. Tell them to give you 50% Off or you will walk out the door. They WILL tell you that they can't do that ... so ask to talk to a manager. The sales guys at GC are going to be flunkies (no offense), and they can't bargain with you. Tell the manager that you are wanting to purchase __________ cymbals and need to get 50% Off because you are buying so many cymbals. Be sure that you know (ahead of time) that the total of the cymbals you want, minus the 50%, plus tax, is going to be $500 or less. If you ask for the discount, you better come through and buy the cymbals, otherwise you'll just make them mad and they'll never do business with you.


No matter what they say, don't buy them unless you get 50% Off. 45% Off isn't bad, so if you can get them to do that, you may want to consider it. They will tell you that they can't go that low, but they can.


DJ and I have both been in the business a long time. I personally used to own a drum shop years ago ... so I know what I'm talking about. You can mail order the cymbals for 50% Off, but don't do it because you can't pick them out and listen to them.


Just stand firm and make them give in if they want your business. If you are buying a pair of HiHats, a Ride and a Crash, there is no reason they shouldn't give you a nice discount. They may try to talk you into a lower line of cymbals ... don't back down. If you know you can afford the cymbals you REALLY like ... pending that they give you 50% Off (don't forget the tax) ... then don't settle for less.


Yet another life lesson in setting boundaries.





Bart Elliott


Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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Good points, DJ and Bart. And the more I think about it, the more I'd suggest holding off on the splash and china-type until your purchase the neccesities. Good hi-hats and ride cymbals are too important. Never settle for less than what you want in cymbals.
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I agree, Get the meat and potatoes first!! The hat and ride are two places where you are going to be a majority of the time. Go with something that you like, and that has some verstatilty, enough so that you can play the styles you want to on those cymbals. I know the internet and catalog prices are great, but i would NOT reccomend buying drums or cymbals that way(unless it's on an auction). Every cymbal will sound a bit different, go to GC and hit 5 of the same cymbal, you'll get 5 different sounds.

Also, check out the A. Customs for crashes. I'm not a big fan of the rides, but the hats and crashes, and splashes are great. I also reccommend the K Custom Medium for a versatile ride, i want this one SO bad!

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Hey Bartman, thanks for the advice, I'll be sure to try and get that much of a discount when I hopefully make my purchase on Thursday. Normally, they'll only give me 35% off, but if an experienced person like yourself says I can get more, I'll sure do my best to try and get it. I will probably be holding off on the splash/china, because you guys are right that its better to get the necesities first. I have pretty much narrowed down my search to the following: Zildjian A's and K's, Sabian HHX, and Paiste Innovations. I haven't gotten a chance to test out the Innovations yet, but they got a great review in MD, so they must be worth at least checking out. If you guys have any other suggestions, please speak up becasue I don't want to screw up this purchase, $500 is a lot of money to a 14 year old. Thanks!
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