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Drum Talk Awards -- The Drummies


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I've been here all of one month, but I'm registered as a "senior member," so I figured I'd pass out some poster awards. As a senior member I need to make senior decisions. And I know all of you so well. No good organization goes without some trite, meaningless recognition, and we are exceptionally good:


Um, I'd ask for a drum roll, but I'm trying to avoid any obvious irony here.


BEST USE OF HUMOR IN A POST OR SERIES OF POSTS: Felix Stein. Consistently funny. So funny, we can never take him seriously. He obviously chose the wrong profession.


BEST TEACHER: Bartman. He's informed, he's wise, he's a sincere, and he's always referring books. He's the Oprah of drummers. He's channeling the ascendant master of drum teachers. If Bart ever writes a book, it will probably be called "The Tao of Bart," or "The Art of Bart."


BEST NEW TALENT: DerekDrums. We're not exactly sure how old he is, but his constant willingness to seek advice has led us to dang near adopt him in his search for the Holy Grail of the Guitar Center Drum Off. I ran all of our advice through an analysis program; if Derek takes all of our advice, his solo will come in just under 90 minutes, and will require 14 limbs to play. Represent, D!


MOST SPARSE USE OF PUNCTUATION: Serpico. Pretty easy choice here. If he speaks like he writes, I can only assume he's a marathon runner. We still love you, Serp.


POSTER MOST ASSOCIATED WITH A MUSICAL ERA: Lee Flier. OK, she's not really a drummer, but she talks about the 60s and 70s like she remembers them. That's kind of scary.


MISTER CONGENIALITY: Sidereal. Nice guy. Posts a lot. Makes people feel at home. Clearly not lead singer material.


LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD: djarrett. He was running this board when I got here, and he does it so well, I can only assume he's been doing it for the last 20 years.

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I was at a party this summer and one of my friend's relatives said that I reminded her of Jerry Seinfeld and if I had ever considered a career in showbiz. And I was like, "that is really not my style...I hate showbiz, but I did like to watch TV and crack funnies all the time."


I remember one time I was in music school and two of us would have to get up and trade fours with each other in some jazz class I was taking. Believe it or not I could crack people up with my solos!

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Hmm, well I don't know whether I should be flattered or not. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif You know what they say about the 60's, if you can remember them, you weren't there!


I DO actually remember the 70's, I was born in 1963 ya know, and was playing in clubs by the age of 14, which was in 1977. But I really was never into much of the 70's stuff, I was listening to 60's stuff even as a teenager. I hated all the corporate-rock and prog-rock of the 70's, hated disco too. Didn't start liking much contemporary music until the 80's - I liked all the power-pop, punk and post-punk bands because they had that songwriting focus and garage-rock spirit that I'd so liked about the 60's stuff.


So now my goal is to bring that forward again in the 00's!!



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[Whoops, strange double post. Actual entry appears below.]


WORST THING ABOUT THE DRUM FORUM: Can't delete your own posts.



This message has been edited by sidereal on 08-17-2001 at 01:34 PM

Just for the record.
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Well I have to say I'm flattered and surprised. I thought I was coming off as a jerk. I assumed I'd get an award for most likely to piss off WFD fans. ...or most likely to be warned to be careful by DJ (it's happened twice).


I have to admit, I came on to this thread when all the talk was about fast drumming and I hated it at first, but I've grown to love you all like brothers (and sisters, I naturally assumed Lee was a guy).


Oh and you forgot one....



Just for the record.
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Uhmmmmm ... thanks for the award.


But please, in the future ... never use my name and Oprah's in the same sentence.


Thank You http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


P.S. I've actually got a new drum education magazine coming out in the Fall; it will be simply called ... B.


This message has been edited by Bartman on 08-17-2001 at 01:54 PM

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