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Drumming Fallout!


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Sidereal recently lost his girlfriend to his passion for drumming. As with everything else in life ... we must find some kind of balance. What is the solution to holding on to your love ones ... while you hold on to your drumming dreams?



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My wife and I believe that when the time is right, what you're looking for will be there. If it's not meant to be, then it's not meant to be. This has worked very well for us.


Chicks dig drummers, anyway. If you're young, keep playing, buy a raincoat, and have a little fun.


Old fart Bob

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Originally posted by djarrett:

What is the solution to holding on to your love ones ... while you hold on to your drumming dreams?


That's really simple: all the drummers can just move in with ME! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif



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I NEVER had "chicks" going after me, the drummer. So either I'm ugly or my playing sucks ... or possibly both. Most the women I was attracted would have nothing to do with me once I told them I was a professional musician. Do know if was the hours or the fact that most of us don't make the same $$$ as a brain surgeon.


You know the old saying though ... "what do you call a drummer without a girl friend?"



Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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I've been married (yes, to the same woman) for 20+ years. So we have set times that I go to practice (Monday and Thursday nights) and nights the band plays out go on the calendar. That calendar is the "final word" on our plans. If you get it on the calendar first, then you get it. When my mother died a couple of months ago, I put her funeral on the calendar and guess what? Nothing else came in the way!! See? The system works really well. Okay--that's an extreme example....
I can't complain, but sometimes I still do... --Joe Walsh
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I feel rather fortunate. This is my second marriage & I've been married for 10 yrs. now. My wife knew I played the drums in the past, and was in a band, but she never heard me play. She was the one actually encouraging me to get another set to play with these guys that needed a drummer. The first time she heard me play, well.....she was WOWED!! She thought the idea of me playing the drums again was sooooo cooool.


She never complains when I practice at home or when I practice with the band on the weekends. In fact, lots of times she'll come hang around with us & listen in for awhile.


My drumming life & her are getting along just fine.

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I play naked for my gf once every three months or so. She likes it believe it or not. She says I have the most amazing "moeller technique" (just kidding on that part).


I'll be married in two weeks so I did something right.


What I did was put her first in my life. I balance the rest around her because she is a living, breathing, compassionate person. My drums aren't...they are a piece of canvas basically. And other musicians? I would much rather spend my time with my significant other. She cares about me. It took me a while to get it right- people are what matter. I might come on cynical at times, but I love people and try to give them the benefit of the doubt.

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That's cool felix. Congratulations!! I have been with the same incredible woman for 3 years now. She stayed with me even while she finished her degree here in TX, while I went to L.A. for a year. We now live together, and I am seriously considering asking the big question in a few months. It's so important to have someone close to you. She understands my love for music and helps push me to work toward it.
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Hey sidereal, there might be good times now, but it was hard work to get where we are today. There were PLENTY of bad times leading up to now. Sometimes things got so bad that we both thought about throwing in the towel but, we believed enough in the commitment we made to each other to try to tough it out and our relationship is much stronger for it.


Don't get hung up thinking every woman could be the one. Stay loose, have fun, be nice to the ladies, and channel some of that frustration into your music.


Believe me, and I bet every married person on this forum will agree, when the right one comes along, you'll both know it. And THEN you'll be in for it http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif




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Good luck to ya, Felix. I have to admit, I'm pretty lucky with my wife of 9 years tomorrow. I feel a hangover coming on... I started playing classical piano at first. Then a friend of mine kept saying ' you gotta play some rock '. So I started learning rock. Then I told my wife we need to get a mixer. Then I wanted a hard disk recorder. Then I started learning bass, then guitar and finally drums. Now I'm heavily into recording and it was my wife who continually pushed me into getting bigger and better equipment. One day, I was kinda bummed out about business being slow. So she said come downstairs she had something to show me. I thought I had to go fix something, of course. Next thing you know she pulled a sheet off my first acoustic kit, all black, shiny and ready to play. She had went to buy it for Christmas and I ended up getting it 2 months early. She's a real babe....



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My old lady and I have had an issue or two on my obsession with drum programing. In fact she ended up smashing my MC505 once...that really sucked...really really really sucked. Gotta love the wife more than the groove box though...I think. Hmmmmm.
Heeeeeere kitty kitty kitty
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well i am really a guitar player first but have been playing drums since i was 12....music is my life and my wife of 12 years is the coolest person ever!!!!!!


she knew when we first hooked up that music was my main "lady"....and guess what....it is her main "lady" to...as a active listener.


she has been there 110%....puts up with a 24 track studio in her house, lives with me our kid and my real drummer and busts our ass when we are slacking not making music.......i got one of the good ones!


but i think it is really important to lay all your cards on the table when you first get involved with someone so there is no ...."what you wanna play what...with who....where....not in my house"




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