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one left handed roll

felix stein

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I'm thinking I might like to develop a one handed roll.


I seem to recall buddy and dom doing them and it involved a technique where the rim of the drum is leveraged on the "up" stroke. Heck, I forget.


Any footage on this? Any footage with a cat playing matched doing it?


I doubt it.


Something to try before I die.



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There is a great shot of Joe Morello doing this in the solo for the Tune "Take 5" It is definitly one of the most impressive videos i've seen. Although, i am not sure what movie that is on. It shouldn't be that hard to dig up. I'm pretty sure it's on one of his technique tapes.


To actually execute this smoothly will require true mastery of the "Moeller" stroke. This stroke will add fluidity to your playing by leaps and bounds. Check out the old Weckl and compare him to the new and improved Weckl. He uses the Moeller tech(think he studied with Gruber?, can't remember the teachers name) and we all are aware of his ability. You should all check out this technique, i use it all over the kit!

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O.K., now you guys have me all interested in this as well, LOL.


Where can I read up or research on the "Moeller Technique"? Any online information / illustrations about it? And who WAS Moeller, anyway? And how long is this gonna take, LOL. 'Cause if it takes a regular drummer like a year to get it down, I'll probably be dead before I get it right! LMAO! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


ThanX A Million for any information / assistance.



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O.K. you guys ...

What you are refering to is available as a video/book lesson by Johnny Rabb.

The video/book is titled The Freehand Technique -- Open The Door To New Rhythmic Possibilites. It is written and explained by Johnny Rabb and is produced by Jim Keltner.


This Video/Book clearly explains the one-handed roll and this technique of rim leverage.


I highly recommend it and intend on doing a review of the video/book in the near future.


You can read more about the book and order at www.johnnyrabb.com .




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Felix, I hate to inform you but Buddy never used the rim of the drum ie.the free hand technique and djarrett you are right ... Johnny Rabb demonstrates this better than anyone i have ever seen, ... and with both hands. Modern Drummer's Jim Chapin video is a must have if you wish to develope the Moeller stroke and once you learn, it your playing will change and things will just be that much easier to play. There are all types of one hand rolls Jo Jo Mayer shoes how Buddy Rich worked his left hand and also shows how to do the free handtechnique without using the rim on The modern drummer festival 2000 video Jim Chapin also invented a brush sweep type roll with one hand and I like to use this one and the freehand technique when I perform. Best of luck Tim Waterson a.k.a. The Drumcanman
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Uh, O.K. but who was Moeller and what's the technique? Is it illustrated anywhere other than Keltner's video? Wouldn't Moller have illustrated it somewhere? And if so, wouldn't that be the best illustration?
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Ok Modern drummer in my earlier Post I researched this Moeller Technique his name is Sanford Moeller although you'll see it as Standislaw . Frank. Guy, anyway this is quite fasinating he was the Pit Drummer for Radio City Music hall for years but as a young man he witnessed ( And this is were it goes back) Civil War Drummers most who were young boys but back then they had to march and Drum for everything , from Battle to Buriels and times being as they were the heads were made of animal skin namely Caff skin sometime Pig or Goat Skin and in humid weather or rain these heads were like mush so they developed on there own after drumming for hours a technique to economize on movement and energy , were you whip your wrist and in doing so you leave a sort of ghost stroke (EXTRA) anyway I'm not describing the technique well at all , But on netscape punch Moeller Techqiue for Drums and you'll get several great sites . Hope this helps..........serpico3
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Hey thanks Serpico. Actually, I think you explained it pretty well. As sort of an extension of the ghost note technique, just using some leverage and additional speed to give the rolling effect.


I'll be sure to check out the site. Thanks again.

If you always do what you've always done, you'll always have what you've always had.
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Originally posted by sidereal:

DJ..... is there anything you *don't* know? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


Yeah! There is plenty I do not know. And ... if ever I give the impression that I know everything ... you guys have my permission to slap me around!! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


Actually, in my 38 years ... I have lived a lot of drumming. I have the unique experience of being a student of drumming and the drum industry. I have player experience, drum consumer experience, drum salesman experience, music instrument retail "big-box" management experience, drum sales rep experience, drum manufacturing experience, drum artist relations experience, drum marketing experience, to name a few. This allows me to see drumming issues from all sides of the equation.


Thanks for askin'



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