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Stretching Out


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Hey, Drum Droids!

I have had several folks ask about Stretching Out over the last couple of weeks, and even read a post about this question on Mars board.


I thought you might find my article on the subject helpful:http://www.musicplayer.com/CDA/Player/Main/1,2228,Lessons-Drummer-5100830,00.html


Read, it. Try it. Come back and talk about it!




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Hey Dj,

I actually find those streches quite helpful.

When I sit down and play or jam with friends I usually find it

takes me 45min-hour to really get all loosened up and groov'n.

These streches take down my warm up time and I can be rockin out

a lot faster than if I don't do them. I've used'em for a couple a

months now and its great.




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When I was gigging in college, I found that I was experiencing lower back problems. The guitarist in the band suggested I get into yoga. So I took a class and it helped tremendously. I got into the habit of doing an hour of yoga before every gig. It stretches the muscles, but more than that, it gets the mind focused and provides a dose of energy that will take you through those all nighters. I highly recommend it!
Just for the record.
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I'm curious about the "pretzel" stretch.


From what I understand, this doesn't stretch out the muscles that are used when playing Matched Grip. I know it feels good, because I used to do the "pretzel" stretch all the time. I'm just curious if anyone has any evidence to my claim. I can only say that I've heard this from several reputable sources, not to mention my own study in Kinescology.





Bart Elliott


Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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Hey Bart:


Interesting. I know it feels great to do the pretzel before I play, but never really noticed if it affects the Matched Grip muscle group. I do think it addresses the muscles used in Match Grip that are on the outer perimeter of the muscle groups. If you do the pretzel, you will feel the pull in the top forearm muscle and the lower forearm muscle (the one under the big vein!)


I have to believe that this stretch helps no matter what.


Interesting that you studied Kinesiology. I have talked with several folks that practice Applied Kinesiology. This is an intriguing field.

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Hey, Sidereal:

Nevermind the others ... Yoga *is* cool!

My wife has tried to get me to do Pilates with her. She claims it will help more than Yoga. Heard of this?



While I do not partake, or condone "burning a big one!", to each his own!

What ever works for you! ;D


Thanks guys.


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Yeah, it's interesting. I'm positive that the "pretzel" stretch would work the two muscles that are used in Traditional Grip; the two muscles used for the Radius bone to move around the Ulna bone in the arm.


I've always wondered about this topic and have never been able to get a substantial amount of data to prove one way or the other. It's clear that it feels good, and many drummers claim that it works ... but I'm not quick to justify the means just because there are those who claim it works. I'm equally not quick to rule it out just because there are those who say it doesn't work the correct set of muscles for Matched Grip.


Well ... I'll keep to the information trail and see what I come up with. If there was a quick easy answer to all of this I'm sure it would have been made public a LONG time ago! LOL


Bottom line: If it works for you and you see some results, then keep using it. Just realize that there is a chance it's nothing more than a placebo! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif




Bart Elliott


Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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I've actually hurt myself doing two of these stretches, hand stretches and the propeller. On the latter, I tweaked a nerve so bad, my left hand was twitching randomly for days. Be very careful how you apply these.


My favorite is something I learned from Rob Carson. Simply put your hands over your hand, palms facing forward, then open and close your fingers like you're waving to someone.

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I'm with the Gadd dude:


Light stretching of legs and calves if at all...I'd rather just warm up on the kit during soundcheck or hell, go cold-who cares?


go up on balls of feet, back down to heels, pick up toes-a few times


For hands:

Drop arms to sides, flop hands gently back and forth at wrist (don't do in public unless you are into "drummer.com" ---LOL---some of you cats will get it.


opening and closing of hands--yeah, arthritis meds work better.


maybe a neck roll


If I don't feel tight I don't stretch.


I like a beer too.

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Yikes Gaddman!

You have to approach these excercises with caution. As with any new sport, or exercise, you must pace yourself.

I hope you have recovered!


As far as you Felix ... you would like beer!


That is the fast and external stimulas way to relax yourself !


That one is hard for me ... all that yeast gives me gas! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/redface.gif



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All kidding aside, stretching is good, but any harsh whipping action that bends your wrists in an unnatural way is bound to do bad things to your joints. Use some good sense when doing these exercises. Don't be self-destructive like me. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


Be good to your wrists!

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I'm not quite the hippy I used to be. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


Seriously though, it works, it's not foo-foo, and girls suddenly find you more interesting if you say you do yoga. (think Sting)


Unfortunately, as the schedule starts filling, the time you have to dedicate to doing it properly starts becoming less and less available. I find myself getting more into the beer-drugs method lately and my body is feeling the impact.


What was the question again?



Just for the record.
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