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The Lord is my drummer; I shall not rush.

He maketh me to lay out in tasteful places;

He leadeth me beside cool meter changes;

He restoreth my "one."

He leadeth me in the right repeats

For His name's sake.


Yea, though I read through the trickiest road maps,

I will fear no train wrecks;

For You are with it;

Your ride and Your snare,

They comfort me.


You setteth up a solo for me

In the presence of mine guitarists;

You annointeth my lines with drive;

My groove overflows.


Surely good feel and swing will follow me

All the tunes of each set;

And I will dwell in the pocket

The whole gig long.





Bart Elliott


Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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A wagon train circles and camps for the night. When Indian tom toms are

heard in the distance, the head of a wagon rushes to the wagonmaster



"I don't like the sound of those drums." From behind one of the wagons, an

Indian scout discreetly says, "not regular drummer."

Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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A drummer goes to play a gig in a club, shows up early, sets up and sits

down at the bar to have a drink. "When does the rest of the band get

here?" he asks the bartender. "They come together and should arrive soon." he answers.


Well, it gets to be time for the gig and the rest of the band is not there

yet. So the drummer says, "I think I'll go ahead and start." He plays a

nice business man's bounce and everyone gets up and starts dancing. Then

he plays a cha-cha and it's party time; the dance floor is packed. Next he

gets his brushes and plays a slow ballad and everyone is cuddling their



Someone comes up to him and says, "Would you play Misty?" In an extremely

irate tone of voice, he says, "What in the hell do you think I just


Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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Female vocalist asks her keyboard player, "I'd like to do 'My Funny

Valentine' again tonight... but can you think of a way to 'jazz it up'?"


Keyboard player replies, "Sure, we can do the first chorus in G minor,

then modulate to G# minor for the second chorus in 5/4 time, then

modulate to A minor in ? time for the bridge, then cut off the last 3 bars!"


She exclaims, "That might be too complicated to do without a rehearsal!"


Keyboard player responds, "Well, it shouldn't be--that's how you sang it

last night!"

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At his appearance in Piermont, NY October 1998, Dan Hicks was tuning up the band (Tom Mitchell on guitar and Carolyn Dutton on violin) in mid-show when he said "OK, that's good. That's enough." A slight pause, then "Don't wanna tune up too much, ladies and gentlemen. Makes the singin' sound bad".
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Q. Did you hear about the guitar player who locked his keys in the car?


A. It took 2 hours to get the drummer out.



There was a bandleader who had a problem with a drummer who dragged. After trying to work with him for quite a while, the bandleader couldn't take it anymore and finally fired him.

The drummer was so sad he went down to the railway station and threw himself behind a train.



And lastly


Q. What phrase is quoted by more drummers than any other?


A. Would you like to Super Size that?



Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week.



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Here is a funny drummer violations redux. Typical citation given from the drum police! Enjoy! DJ



NAME OF DRUMMER: __________________________________


DRUMMERS REAL NAME: _______________________________


(other than "sticks", "backbeat", "snake", "drowned-out" ... etc.)


DATE OF OFFENSE(S): _____ / _____ / _______


Setup / Equipment Offenses:


[1] Brings a 36" bass drum........................................$25.


[2] Has more than one bass drum...................................$100.


[3] Brings a 10" deep snare (for a solid back beat) ..............$50.


[4] Brings more than 2 mounted toms ..............................$25.


[5] Has a tubular chrome bar that holds all his mounted toms .....$50.


[6] Brings more than one floor tom................................$25.


[7] Brings more than one crash cymbal ............................$25.


[8] Doesn't bring a ride cymbal...................................$250.


[9] Brings a 46" Chinese gong (for big endings)...................$75.


[10] Brings two timpani (for really big endings)..................$100.


[11] Doesn't bring any brushes....................................$300.


[12] Has a hi-hat that is welded shut.............................$250.


[13] Asks leader where he can plug in his headphones .............$200.


[14] Wears old black Nike sneakers on tux gig.....................$50.


[15] Tunes snare drum during the benediction......................$175.


Playing Offenses:


[1] Plays eighth note rock ballad style on "Stardust".............$150.


[2] Pretends to read chart with big band..........................$25.


[3] Actually reads drum part for big band (note for note).........$200.


[4] Asks bass player "Where are we?" on "Happy



[5] Plays disco beat on "A Train".................................$200.


[6] Takes fours on "The Bride Cuts the Cake"......................$100.


[7] Takes a break when the leader says "A request for Take 5"...........$25.


[8] Actually tries to play on "Take 5"............................$150.


[9] Asks leader what brushes are..................................$250.


[10] Plays breaks in "Cute" with sticks.............................$50.


[11] Plays breaks in "Cute" on timpani............................$100.


[12] Plays breaks in "Cute" on Chinese gong.......................$250.


Other Miscellaneous Offenses:


[1] Mentions to host that "DJs are the wave of the future"......$100.


[2] Is first in line at the party's buffet........................$50.


[3] Asks where the "go away bags" are at the buffet line..........$100.


[7] Is ten minutes late for the next set..........................$25.


[8] Is twenty minutes late for the next set.......................$10.


[9] Never shows up for the next set...............................$1.

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Okay-- The story goes that a band had lost their drummer and were in the process of looking for a new one. After many unsuccessful auditions, a rather ratty (rattier that usual?) drummer wandered in with a snare drum under his arm. Desperate, the band had him sit down to play.


He was more than they expected. He was fantastic!


Rehearsals picked up. With every song, he was better than before. He could make the fills light up. He kept a solid beat. The ballads were deeply moving--and all because of this unkempt, slightly smelly drummer.


Finally, the set-list was ready. The band was going to re-appear in public once again. That night, the keyboard player (it's ALWAYS the keyboard player, you know) admitted to everyone that when he saw the drummer, he was a little worried. But with all of their reahersals, with all of their work, he thought they were better than they had ever been.


The drummer replied, "...it's the least I can do, because I can't make the gig, man."

I can't complain, but sometimes I still do... --Joe Walsh
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Q: What does a drummer use for contraception?


A: His personality!!!!



Q: How many drummers does it take to screw in a light bulb?


A: 20! 1 to hold the bulb and 19 to drink until the room spins!



Q: Why did the band only take 20 minute breaks in between sets?


A: So they would'nt have to re-train the drummer!



Q: If a dollar bill was lying in a room with Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, a drummer with good time, and a drummer with bad time. Who would pick up the the dollar first?


A: The drummer with bad time of course! Since the other 3 don't exist.



This message has been edited by mrthirsty on 07-25-2001 at 03:17 PM

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---------A Drummer's Dictionary-----------




Acoustics n: relative reflectiveness of a room Commonly described as either "live, in which drums sound like aluminum cans, or dead," in which drums sound like sacks full of oatmeal


Artistry n: aesthetic value in a drummers playing that is inversely proportional to income


Aversion n: drummers' feelings toward day jobs




Ballad n: interminable song form that allows drummers to exhibit selflessness


Bass Player n: musician with unusually broad shoulders designed to carry drummers


Black Hole n: absolute void in the physical universe that, if opened, would be found to contain 1,677,942 cymbal stand wing nuts and 9,764,338 drumkeys




Chart (drum) n I: baffling and misleading musical instructions written by non drummers with little or no knowledge of the instruments capabilities or notation standards 2 : exercise in bar counting


Chiropractor n: type of agent who receives regular cash dues from drummers


Click n : electronic device used in recording to eliminate any semblance of humanity


Clone n: drummer sub-species that propagated by the thousands after hearing Steve Gadd


Cymbal n : high-priced metal disk that. when struck, offends the ears of other musicians




Devolution n: term used to describe changes in rock drumming history between Mitch Mitchell and Tré Cool.


Drop v: what most drummers do with a drumstick as soon as a spotlight is on them


Dynamics n: subtle variations in volume from loud to louder




Energy n : feeling of strength and enthusiasm necessary for strong drumming (most noticeable during ballads)


Eon n : average length of a ballad


Engineer n: 1 person driven insane by the resonance of drums and cymbals.


2 person with an unnatural love of duct tape




Fidget n : activity performed by drummers during tacet passages


Fill n: flurry of notes played by a drummer as an attention-getting device


Fortitude n: a characteristic required of drummers at the end of the last set. as when they find out their wedding gig has been extended by two hours


Futility n: a diligent, persistent practice whose ultimate goal is to emulate Buddy Richs left hand




Gate n : sophisticated recording device intended to make a $1,000 snare drum sound like a piece of cardboard


Girlfriend n : a drummers landlord


Gratis adj :average pay rate for a JaZZ gig




Hell a n : drummers term for self-employment


Heresy n : a refusal to play with a click


Hi-Hat n : a mechanical device designed to mute the sound of two cymbals by trapping air between them




Imagination n : I (archaic) lost element of drumming. once necessary for success


2 (modern) skill at programming electronic percussion machines


Indigent adj : fiscal status of a drummer lacking a girlfriend or a day job


Ingrate n : a bandleader who asks a drummer to play less




Jam Session n : place where drummers go for self-flagellation


Jazz Drumming n : style of drumming whose concepts are impossible to grasp by those born after 1950.


Jelly n : substance a drummers brain turns into when watching a Buddy Rich video




Kick Drum n : modern term which relegates a musical instrument to the role of a soccer ball


Knuckle n : part of drummers anatomy most often attacked by drum hardware


K Zildjian n : cymbal erroneously believed to make young white drummers sound like Art Blakey




Labyrinth n : typical route from car to bandstand


Legend n : drummers employer


Logo n : conspicuous emblem on drum equipment deployed as free advertising




Mail n: fabled place where gig checks are said to reside


Mezzo Piano adj: loud


Mile n : average distance between drummer s vehicle and bandstand


Monitor n : speaker that allows drummer to hear more clearly how bad the other musicians time is




Nail v : to strike a drum and/or cymbal with accuracy and emphasis, producing a sound that is at least twice as loud as all other instruments


New Age Drumming n : style of drumming in which a drummer plays only whole notes


Nuance n: aspect of drummers playing obliterated by guitar players volume




Outrage n : drummers emotional response after a cattle-call audition when ciency on the instrument (most noticeable someone else gets the gig. during ballads)


Overcompensate v : play normally


Overplay v: play normally




Percussionist (Classical) n: drummer who possesses strange. arcane knowledge, such as how to read music


Percussionist (Ethnic) n : drummer who possesses strange, arcane knowledge, such as how to get a sound out of a conga drum


Pocket n : inaccessible, mythical place in the space of a quarter note




Quake v: universal response among drummers upon first hearing Dennis Chambers


Quest n : futile search for the perfect ride cymbal


Quota n: desirable number of licks played by a drummer during the course of a set





Rock Drumming n : style of drumming whose concepts are impossible to grasp by those born before 1950


Rudiments n : viral strains that infect musical ideas and turn them into mechanical exercises




Scuff n : unsightly. abnormal wearing that appears regularly on drummers tom shells, shoe tips. and pant knees


Scuffle n : make a living


Singer n 1 : person whose main function is to divert attention from the drummer

2. person with a mysteriously complex grasp of tempo


Singer (Female) n : musicians wife


Stick v : what a drummers hi-hat, bass pedal, or snare strainer will do at the most critical possible moment


Syncopation n : overplaying




Technique n : ability to demonstrate proficiency on the instrument (most noticeable during ballads


Tenure n : (archioic) secure job status once afforded competent drummers before the advent of sequencers and drum machines


Time n : drummers martyrdom




Unpaid ad] : common characteristic of auditons


Utility Bill n: minor irritation easily superseded by the need for a new crash cymbal




Vegetable n: : record producer


Vent v: to express musical frustration (most noticeable during ballads)


Vibrate v : what drums would do were it not for recording engineers




Wife n: roadie


Wisdom n:: (archaic) quality lost to the drumming community with the passing of Papa Jo Jones


Wreck n : drumset at end of a Green Day concert




Xenophobia n:: fear of that which is strange or foreign (experienced by jazz drummers upon hearing Dave Grohl)


X-files n:: top-secret documents concerning gigs that pay cash




Yawn n: drummers irrepressible. involuntary response to ballads


Yes n: affirmative response given by working drummers when asked if they can play styles they have no knowledge of


Youthful n: performance quality monopolized by Roy Haynes




Zero n: amount of pay remaining from a gig after factoring in mileage, gas, and bar tab


Zillion n:: number of drummers who think they sound like Dave Weckl


Zombie n:: drummer after a six-hour wedding gig




From: Modern Drummer -

By Ron Hefner

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