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How come there isn't any W.F.D. message board or chat room in the W.F.D. web site?

vinnie c.

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How can MR.Mcafee and MR. Alan stand by watching their supporters like B.B Thomas,who got kicked out of the Evans board because of W.F.D.,and soundzap and many others including myself get knocked down/ I can't believe for months these put downs have been going on and they queitly watch. If I were them, I would have a message board that people could go to right on the web site. Mr Alan and MR.Mcafee can be moderators. I have a couple of friends who are HOT HEADS and afraid to write about W.F.D. because of fear of what they might say back in anger to these ANTI W.F.D. GEEKS HAHA. Right b.b? These people that post good things for W.F.D., reminds me of a guy looking for a place to hang his hat every night and getting pushed out every where he goes,i'm not talking about dj's board. With W.F.D. board they would have sort of a home message board to go to. I see on these other boards, there are a lot of people getting BRAIN WASHED to talk against the W.F.D. I f MR. Mcafee and MR.Alan would have something like this these people that aren't sure about this subject would see a more positive side of this. The Evans board is ruining the W.F.D.and I think the owners of W.F.D. could fight back a little harder. With this M.D. issue,I would start a W.F.D. news letter or magazine to get more peole interested,instead the W.F.D. owners are turning the other cheek and doing nothing about this. They should have a chat room where Andy or Johnny Rabb could speak. I think if some of these things were done they would reach a lot more people. I hope i'm not offending dj by talking about another message board. The more message boards to go to the better I say.
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I agree with that. I would like to go to a message board about it too. I am almost reluctant to buy a drumometer, because I am afraid I will be considered a non-drummer who is non-musical. I would like to talk to the guys that are involved. Bet me that if something like that finally comes about, there will be all sorts of drummers in there. Count me in !!!
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These types of forum hosting cost money ... big money!


I think we have been more than accomodating and open about our accepting drummers that choose ANY genre of drumming.


I think that I can openly say that Boo and Craig would tell you that this IS THE PLACE to come regarding this subject.


You can post freely here. Perhaps one or two folks will show a post or two of ridicule. but that is out of ignorance and nothing more.


When you post here ... you are validating your acceptance of drumming as a universal art, ... and that means all walks of drums and percussion!!!



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vinnie, djarrett is right! I know the WFD guys through my studies at npi,. These guys don't have that kind of money and I think right now Ron Spagnardi and his clan are kicking their butts. Please by all means wfd guys, let's stick here and not move again. djarrett and the folks here have been very gracious to us. I am a believer in drumometer as a teaching tool first but through my loyalty to npi and it's creators. i've picked up the wfd torch. My request is for all to unite as a movement and brotherhood until Mr. spagnardi comes to his senses. i hope he still understands readership, but he may not.
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W.F.D. fans have no fear the W.F.D. is just getting started and yes it is not for everyone just like there are jazz snobs who don't classify you as a real drummer unless you play jazz, there are also closed minded rock drummers who never even give jazz a chance there will always be people that fight anything that is new or different. The W.F.D. is alive and kicking and is not going anywhere. Keep the faith and lets sread the word about drums and Drumming Tim Waterson a.k.a. The drumcanman
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Mr. Waterson, Tim if I may? well said, I feel a part of history with all this WFd movement. time I guess will tell what happens, but i want you to know I respect you putting your beliefs out on the line for drumming. It is guys like you that are an inspiration to students of drumming like me. I saw where you have events for an organization of drummers in Canada. what is coming up next? I love the Drumcanman stuff. Any word on the discovery channel special, yet? what tuning or muffling do you use in the bass drums to trigger the drumometer? bb
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B.B., I don't understand what you meant, when you wrote about Johnny and Boo looking at Art playing something at N.P.I. I still don't know what you meant about not understanding Art's left hand.
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