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Hey Drummers - Inquiring Minds Want To Know!


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My name is Michael Marner and I run the Drum Tab Archive (www.crosswinds.net/~alcoholica). Ian sent me here.


I am only 16 and a bit, have been drumming for nearly 3 years. I live in South Australia and am in a punk rock band with 2 friends and play at mostly 18ths and 21sts.


I'm going to persue my music career (as I also play piano) and hopefully get into sound engineering/recording.



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Hey Michael,

I know the guys on this forum will make you feel welcome!There's a lot to learn about drumming and the and the industry,these guys have the experience and technical knowledge to point us all in the right direction!

welcome aboard!


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Hey, Ian*:

I spent a semester at SouthEastern LA. University on a Drum Corps Scholarship. I studied with Will Rapp (famed drum corps composer)

The town was Hammond ... talk about the outback!


I did not know if I mentioned this to you or not before.


Loved the food there!


Thanks for the memories.


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Hey, Lego, MichaelM, and Rock2Rock!

Wecome to Drum Talk!

If it is drumming, you are welcome here! I don't care if you are a speed freak or not ! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

I don't care if you are a kid still playing on Tupperware! You are welcome here!

Open minds and drum education is the name of the game. In my experience, tapping into the great drum mind will help us all along.


Tell every drummer to "make the switch!"



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Hey, Simeon (Rock2Rock)

I am a classic rock freakazoid as well. Nothing like a great Yes, Doobie Brothers, Styx, Queen, Dan Fogelberg, ELO, Earth Wind & Fire, Elton, Billy Joel, ... someone help me, .... please, stop me!


Augh, I feel better now.


I think when you grow up in an era, you always have an affection for the music of your youth!


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DJ, Ian*,

You guy named like every totally wicked band there is!

Can't forget Neil Young (or Crosby Stills Nash and Young)

BTO, the Stones! ACDC(aquired tast), Fog Hat,

the list goes on and on!

I have 'Slow Ride' playing inside my head 24/7.

and it ain't Cheesy, its Classic!




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Hey, Lee:

Some classic lines come to mind:


"Cheese ... I just love cheese ... really I do!"


"I didn't leave him cookies and milk ... I LEFT HIM CHEESE!"




Rock on!


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Hey guys i'm new here to Ian* also sent me to check this place out.

Well u wanna know about me,where do i start?

Well i live in the UK and i am 16 years old,i have been drumming 3years this week.I have just finished school and have been accepted onto a full time music diploma course at college.After this i plan to either go to drumtech university or session musicians university.

I pretty have the next 5 years of my live planned out.

Well i as u can guess i love my music,i love my drums very much if only they where female (lol).

i have been having lessons ever since i started,and my drum teacher says that i am the fastest learning student he has i have passed all the grades including the top one 9.Apparently i am 2-3 years ahead of where i should be! which is cool,but obvisously doesn't help when it comes to experience thats why i came here.

After 2 years of playing i joined a indie band,this was kool,but i found that i did not want to do just pubs which this band seemed to do.

anyway i joined a new punk band and we seem to be going places. We have surported Nerf herder (the band that done the buffy theme), and i don't know how much you guys know of english venues but we are also playing the harlow square(big) and the hermit club (label scouts hangout)

so we're doing well.


I'm into all styles of music,i love playing anything and i can play many styles including: Latin,Ska,punk,rock,metal,jazz,blues,r&b,funk,pop,some drum and bass, well most things.

I am very good at reading drum music i find it almost 2nd nature now.


Well i don't know if any one has done this yet but my favorite part of the kit has to be the hi hats,the amount of technical and great stuff you are able to do on them is i think only 2nd to the snare.


I think that about wraps it up.

o i might as well tell u my kit setup


Pearl ELX amber standar size kit (ok i know most of u guys don't like pearl but i checked my kit for the things u said about the 45 goin to 30 and the layers joining and mine seemed fine luckily.)

I play a Iron Cobra power glide pedal

Cymbals i use are

Zildjian Z custom 14" hi hats

Zildjian Z Custom 16" rock crash

Zildjian Z custom 21" mega bell ride

Zildjian A custom 18" china

i have some other cymbals but i rarely use them

i am hopefully coming to america this year and then i am going to get some more cymbals because they are cheaper over in the US than in the UK.


thanx for reading


Stu (Thumper)

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Hey, Stu:

A 5 year plan ... that is impressive. I do not know many folks my age (36) that have that!


Sounds like a great plan and a great future!


Stay focused, stay sober, stay clean, and stay true to yourself and drumming.



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hey, im pretty new here and also glad to be here. well i guess this is where i tell you all about me so here it goes....


i wanted to start drumming back in 5th grade (about 11 years old) for the school band, you know play snare drum. but my mom wouldnt let me cause it would be "too loud for her". so what do i do? i play tuba. well after a long effort with that (about 2 months) i quit it. 4 years passed with me just listing to music and bugging my mom to let me play drums. then freshman year i convinced my mom to let me play drums. ive been playing now for about 3 years. i took lessons for about a year and a half but then i had to stop cause i was real short on cash, and still am. arnt all drummers poor? right now ive got my punk band that im really into and in the process of building a studio with the guitarest of another band around here. everything looks to be on the up and up for me and i hope that it stays that way. i love to drum and i love music even more.



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Hey everyone, I'm new here. I'm a 15 year old drummer, I've been playing for about 6 years. I'm self taught, so when I started, I just played open handed. I learned how to play open handed, and then found out that you're "supposed" to play crossover, so I relearned how to play right handed, since I'm a right handed person. I got bored with the drums basically, because I didn't know there was more to drums than the 4/4 straight up stuff I heard on the radio(not a thing wrong with that at all, I just mean I was a moron not knowing there was more to music then that). So I almost gave up drumming after getting bored, until I heard Dave Matthews Band. My brother had gotten a few CDs from them, and I was bored one day and learned some of the basic songs on Crash and UTTAD, and they were alot of fun. So I looked into the songs that were a little harder, and worked at them until I could get to them, and it was just so amazing finding that there was more to drums than normal. It was so much fun playing their stuff, I ended up getting addicted to Dave Matthews Band and Carter, bought his instructional video set, I've watched both videos at least 200 times each. So I spent about 1 year straight of constantly daily studying his playing and his videos and live videos, and seeing him live in concert, and ever since DMB, that has basically put a 360 on my drumming ability, drumming style, and view of music. From the start of seeing the video and him live, I went back to open styled, and learning left handed on accident was the best mistake I've ever made. I still use right handedness alot, like with leading, or riding my ride on my right side, but I'm mostly left handed on the kit now. Today, I can play any Dave song, some Phish stuff too (Ones that I've took time to learn, like You Enjoy Myself, David Bowie, Run Like An Antelope, ect.... Going to see Trey live on the 22nd) and other styles. Now, instead of me being into playing and listening to rock/pop, I'm playing and listening to fusion/latin/funk/jazz/progressive rock/reggae/world music/a ton of other styles. Everyone always lets me know that my Carter influence is obvious in my music ( http://www.mp3.com/DustinDerek - It's made of me and my brother, with me on drums, and my brother doing rhythm/lead guitar, bass, and keyboard. Our new song Moist Towelette just made it's debut last week at #3 on the Latin Jazz charts, No Mullets was just at #2 on prog rock charts... ) and people can see it in my kit too, which I'm trying to avoid now as much as possible. I play a Pearl Export with 5 toms, snare/bass, timbale (there is alot of the Carter influence, heh), 11 Zildjian cymbals (strangly, Carter only has 2 of my cymbals, but I'm a splash addict, I have 4), and Latin Percussion stuff(Chimes, cowbell, jam blocks, agogo bells). I've been trying to avoid a Carter lookalike kit, since I'm so adapted to that timbale now. I was trying to avoid getting K/Z hi-hats, but they sound so good. I was even in denial and got 13" K Customs. Worst closed sound I've ever heard in my life. Eh, but anyway, that's basically my drumming story. I get a drumset, play what I hear on the radio, get bored, find more advanced style, music styling changes completely, add on to kit. And that is my story, for a summary for anyone who didn't read my novel above. But anyway, for anyone that wants to hear my music, I've got it at http://www.mp3.com/DustinDerek and we should be recording some new material next month. Thanks for reading through my life story,





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Your music isn't too bad.


The guitar playing is a little boring IMHO as were the chord progressions in moist towlette. Guitar tone is very direct sounding...kinda weird with that clean rhythm in the background.


Funny little cowbell sounds. I hate cowbells but I guess it fits the style of the tune. You played them well though.

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Hi, i am new here as well!


I'm 16 and female and from England, so already i feel like the odd one out!

I started drumming after a friend of mine got a kit. I always thought it would be cool to play drums, and i needed a new instrument (I already play piano, clarinet, sax and pathetic guitar) so i got a crappy little percussion plus set at christmas.


I've been playing for just over 2 years and i'm trying out for my first proper band this monday, i sat in with my cousins band, played in the school jazz band and done little performances but nothing serious or permanent. This monday is also the day that i go to ACM (Academy of Contemporary Music) for the drumming summer school.


I too kinda have a plan to finish college (where i am doing music tech amongst other things) then go to ACM fulltime and hopefully break into the business. Realalistically i will probably be a 'hobby gigger'.


As for my kit i have a Pearl ELX with Sabian Pro Sonix cymbals, ok so not top of the range, but what i could afford.


Well that was pretty much my life story! Sorry for being boring!



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Greetings, everyone. New guy here.


My name is J.B. Blank. Before you ask, NO it's not a stage name, and the initials don't 'stand' for anything. It's my real, legal, legitimate name. LOL. Hope that answers THAT. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


I live in Chicagoland area, U.S.A., I'm 44, I've been playing, off & on, approximately 30 actual years, most of that in live gigs. I took about a 15 year hiatus and just returned to drumming some months ago. Didn't even pick up a drumstick. It feels great to be back. Though I'm having to catch up on some things! And of course, brush up on the chops!! I'm currently with a band that plays a combination of progressive and hard rock. Some originals, some covers. We're in the early stages of recording and performing. So we've some real work ahead of us in the ensuing months.


Though I've had drum kits from several different manufacturers over the years, I currently use Pearl's, with an array of cymbals from Sabian, Paiste, Zildjian and Wuhan. Oh, and I currently use 5B sticks. 'Cause for some reason, I get asked that a lot. I dunno, they fit my hand, LOL. I use a combination of Traditional, Matched, left handed Traditional and whatever the heck else I can figure out that'll enable me to hit the doggone drums and get the sound I want. I don't care, throw pencils at it! Whatever works, WORKS! Of course, in my own opinon.


Since returning, I've tried to maintain a tight and consistent regimen of practice and exercise (jogging, calisthenics, bicycling) to build up my performance and stamina. HEY! I'm 44, O.K.? And it's BEEN 15 years since I played behind a kit. I NEED it! LOL! While I would never make claims to be a 'great' or 'fantastic' drummer, or any such thing, I will say that I feel that through this diligent work, my abilities are quite a bit ahead of where I left off 15 years prior. And hopefully, because of my experiences over the years, a bit more creative and philosophical in my approrach. In my own perception, I think more, and am better able to execute what I think of. I say this in humility, not pretention.


In addition to my current involvement working on originals and some covers with a new band persuing a progessive rock (ala King Crimson, Rush, ELP, Pink Floyd, etc.) and what USED to be called 'Hard Rock' (ala, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Led Zepplin, et. al.) bent, I also try attend the 'Jam Nights' here locally, which run at some place or other Sunday - Thursday. IMHO, this has helped tremendously with getting me again used to being on stage, and opened up my creatity as most of these are mostly blues / jazz oriented, rather than rock. For me, it helps me brush up on feel and those rhythms. Which helps allow me to incorporate some of these influences in my playing style with the band. LOL, as long as the jam night audiences can stand to listen! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


Oh yeah, and I also know the legendary and respected Moo, that's also new here! I know this energetic young lady from the Evans and Remo boards. Hey, Moo! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif And Ray, who I know also posts here and who thinks so much like I do that sometimes *I* think we're the same person! THAT'S a scary thought...


ThanX A Million for the time,





This message has been edited by ModernDrummer on 07-18-2001 at 01:40 PM

If you always do what you've always done, you'll always have what you've always had.
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Welcome Moo and JB:

Everyone has a story and that is the reason for the thread!

We as drummers, all have some connection. Nothing is ever boring. If someone gets bored ... it is because they are dis-interested. If that is the case ... why are they here!! LOL.


Welcome again and bring your drummer friends!



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Hey Moo and ModernDrummer, Welcome BigTime! It's BB Thomas, great to see you made it over to here. This is a cool hang, moderator real nice and the locals put up with WFD Posting!!! heheheh! (lol) all the jerks at evans just got to be too much for me. I enjoy the Remo board because it is slower, I know that sems funny coming from me! Anyway Welcome and look forward to seeing your post. bb
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Ok, I guess I'll jump on this 'new' bandwagon myself. Just joined this forum today. Hey Moo & ModernDrummer! Good to see ya here as well.


I'm 45 & gettin younger everyday. I'm in San Antonio, TX, USA, and I've also recently got back to drumming after a 16 year break. I got my first kit way back in the 9th grade & was in my first garage band at that time. I've always enjoyed playing & told myself that I would get back into it at some time, and that 'time' was about 4 months ago.


I currently play with a few guys locally. They were the ones urging me to get another kit & join them. We do all original stuff.

I bought a 5-piece Pearl ELX set to get me back into the drumming scene. I could have bought just about anything, but I wasn't looking to spend a whole bunch of money at the time, so I bought the Pearl's. I play Zildjian cymbals except for one Paiste crash. My wife also thinks all this drumming stuff is pretty cool, so she doesn't say much as new drum gear/toys creep their way into the house.


That's about it for now folks. Looking forward to learning more from everyone here, and I'll contribute the best I can. I have a lot of catching up to do.





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Hey bb!


Great to see ya here, as well!


Sorry to hear about the Evans board. As you may know, I don't participate there any more. Not because of the other members, but because of Evans themself, I'm sad to say. Because they make a good product, IMHO.


But I'm always looking forward to meeting new fellow drummers, and exchanging thoughts and ideas. For me, that's what it's all about!

If you always do what you've always done, you'll always have what you've always had.
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Hi all-


My name is Jen and I'm a drummer... (Hi Jen)


I've been playing for 11 years (minus the 5 when I became disillusioned with it all). I started playing again with the band I am currently in 5 years ago (has it really been that long?) We are an all original band that has been compared to Buffalo Tom, early Elvis Costello and The Replacements - we of course don't hear any of that...


I play a Slingerland kit from the 70's - WMP- (concert toms) and am trying to even out my cymbals to all Paiste Signature.


I am self-taught and if I had to name one drummer that I'd love to be as good as, it would have to be Kenny Aronoff. The thing I love most about his playing is his groove and the fact that everytime I've ever seen him play a huge smile is plastered on his face.


I have been putting on the engineer hat lately as the band is recording itself in our rehearsal space... If it weren't for these forums, we'd be lost!


Nice to meet all of you!





Jen H.




Jen H.
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AA meeting?


Aeronautics Administration? American Airlines? Annette's Admirer's? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


And who's Annette, anyway? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/confused.gif

If you always do what you've always done, you'll always have what you've always had.
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Hey, Felix, I'm not really sure what you mean? That fits the song perfectly, it's a latin progression. The clean sound is what they use in that style that we're doing, you don't hear much distorted Latin music except for soloing, which we saved until after the smooth jazz part. How much of the song did you listen to? That is the guitar playing commonly used in that style, we didn't want to fill the whole song with soloing, because that would get old pretty quick. I'm not sure where it's boring, the begining part is pretty quick in getting over, the Wes Montgomery styled octave soloing fits the part, and then the ending has the guitar soloing. Can you clarify? Thanks,





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It doesn't matter what I think. Remember, it is just my perception of one song on shitty computer speakers. But I will give you my opinion on the genre.


I didn't care for the tune. Maybe it was a classic latin progression. I could care less-3 chords are 3 chords. Most latin songs bore me except for the drumming anyways. And the stuff is so ethnic to me (I'm not latin as you can probably tell) I have a hard time relating to it. I don't enjoy latin music for the most part. And don't think I don't enjoy it cause I can't play it. I can burn a samba or bione like you wouldn't believe. Those grooves seem so old to me (probably because they are!)-100's of years! And playing band hits, well I have definite views on what turns me on setting up band hits. I wasn't turned on.


Dont' worry, you will have plenty of oportunities to rip on my music if you stay on this board. I like constructive criticism.


But ask and you shall receive.

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