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Hey Drummers - Inquiring Minds Want To Know!


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Hey Drum Gods!

As we all grow Drum Talk, I think it would be nice to know who everyone is.

Of course this is an optional post, I think it would be cool to know who our drum comrads are around the world!


Please tell us a little about yourself. Include links to your personal sites,etc.


We want to know.


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Forsaken drum god is more like it.


http://www.greazyspoon.com is my band's webpage.


After a couple years of being in the music biz, playing in bars, working in music stores, teaching lessons (and it took me a long time to get there)- I decided making music for a living sucked (for me)...I really enjoy not teaching brats who don't practice, selling musical instruments to mad mothers and "poor" musicians while having a fucking record producer tell me how to play so the band will be the next big thing. I love not living in L.A. and I love having money in my pocket. I love not dealing with all the flakes just to get a shitty gig and most of all I love playing exactly what I want when I want.


Do I sound jaded? I'm actually a lot better now and I am playing every day again after almost 3 or so months off and I credit this message board.


Now I design rubber and plastic parts on my computer, enjoy working in my project studio and have a nice little house with my beautiful fiance'...I play instrumental tunes with two other fantastic musicians and that is about it.


Sounds great doesn't it? Well it works for me!

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Felix wrote:

>"Do I sound jaded? I'm actually a lot better now and I am playing every day again after almost 3 or so months off and I credit this message board."<


Hey Felix ... That made my day! It is good to know that we have a good thing started here. I am glad that Drum Talk made a difference!

And by the way ... sounds like you got a great thing going!




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Geez Felix, your life sounds like it has gone ridiculously like mine. Including the loving not living in L.A. part. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


The only thing I'm missing is the greatlooking fiance. Hopefully that will happen at some point. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif



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I live in Adelaide, Australia. I am 41.


Ok, I was a slow starter I ignored my desire to play drums and work in the industry (to my detriment). I worked for years (in an unrelated field). On my 25th birthday when I spat the dummy. I started drum lessons and studied sound engineering from that day on.


I put most of my effort into sound engineering for the next few years, did live mixing for a couple of years and in about 1990 I got a full time job as a sound engineer for the tertiary education sector, making educational videos etc. I still do this today


I continued to play drums all the time but mainly for fun, just jamming with friends. About 4-5 years ago I decided to take the drums to the next level. I got into my first proper band (I was about 35) and since then have been in a few and I do a lot of project/session work. Nothing terribly notable but I enjoy the challenge.


So you see it's never too late to start.


My plan at the moment is to pay off my house in the next 10 years and then quit full time work and make a living with the drums. A couple of gigs a week, a few students and my golf clubs. I have no desire to be a huge name in the drumming community (well maybe a little bit), I mean if Peter Gabrielle asked me to go on tour, then I'd be there but in general I just do it for me.


I am not married and I don't have kids although my girlfriend does so I am kind of a step dad.


That's it for the moment.




PS If any of you ever come to Australia, let me know and I'll put you up.



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Brenton. you exemplify the beauty of a forum like this.


Image that I am in Nashville, Tennessee and you are in Adelaide Australia, all the way around the world and we are able to communicate with such speed and convenience!


I love this technology.


Thanks for the post!



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I started messing around with the drums around the age of 7 or 8, my older brother bought a 5 pc. kit and I used to bang on it all the time but never was too serious about it. I joined my first real band at age 14. I went to watch a friend's band practice and the drummer didn't show up, so I sat in and they fired him the next day! That band didn't last long, but there were many after that and many late nights at clubs. I used to love going to school on Thursdays and Fridays and telling all of my buds about all the action at the bar the night before!!! My drumming career went on hold at age 20 when I went to an audio engineering school ( I won't mention which one here, but you could probably find out from a post on another page if you really want to know). After school I moved out to Seattle to do an internship at a decent sized sound company. To make a long story short, it didn't work out in Seattle. At 21 I had a baby daughter, and that pretty much made up my mind about where I was going to live (back home in Frankfort KY.) Started to play drums again in a kickass band, we even had a guy from Atlantic records talking to us, but that didn't pan out either. That band dissolved about 2 1/2 years ago, on good terms with each other. Now I am 31, and the bass player and I are currently working on putting something back together. I love the drums, and want to play them for a living, but I need more to survive that what it can provide at this time! I'll keep working at it, and who know's, maybe one day?!?!
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I've been playing drums for about 20 yrs now and currently work as a top-40 cover musician. I first got playing in a marching band and studied music when I left school.

Played in wedding, polka, top-40 bar bands, and some original projects over the years.

I stumbled onto this site by accident and have found the message boards very interesting, it's cool to get other musicians views on things.

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Hi, my name is Bob. I just posted this over in the "How and why did you start to play drums" thread and thought it should've gone here (Here I am, just getting started over here and already a lousy cross-poster!).



I've just recently bought my first kit this March. I'm also a guitarist (21 years, this year) but, I've always thought drummers were the stuff. So this year, at age 35, I bought a Yamaha DTXpress kit. I wanted to buy an acoustic kit however, even though I live in a house in the "art" district of the city, without a basement, a live kit would not go over very well, although it has been tolerated in the past. So, digital it was! For me, the benefits of digital are great:


1. Wife doesn't have to listen me learn how to play.

2. Sure makes it easy to drop a part into Cubase (I also own a VSTi drum synth, A0 Audio DK1 so I'm not limited by the lower-cost DTXpress' limitations.).

3. Makes it easy for the band to come over and write songs.

4. Gonna buy some add-on triggers so next band I record also gets a midi drum track at the same time.


I have no allusions about becoming the next Neil Peart, however, I practice almost every day, focusing primarily on keeping a steady beat at this point. The drummer in my band is constantly showing me things to practice (a plus, of course), as does the singer in our band, also a drummer for another band. In fact, he turned me on to one of the coolest drum recordings I've heard to date. The name escapes me but, it's a sort of "headcutting" record with Max Roach coming out of the right speaker and Buddy Rich is coming out of the left (or vice-versa). Max Roach definitely lays the smack down on Rich on this recording. Listening to stuff like this sure makes it hard to just go "boom-chick-boom-chick"!



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Hey, Bob:

This is why we have the Inquiring Minds Want To Know section!

I answered your post in the other thread and welcomed you there.

BUT, since you just started drumming 3 months ago, I ASS-U-MEed that you were a young buck, just getting started.


I think it is really interesting to learn how many guitarist are closet drummers!!! It is really cool and I think way to improve your overall musicianship! If you are playing guitar in a band, you will really be able to relate on an even playing field with the drummer and vice-versa!


What led you to want to start playing drums at 35?


... and again ... WELCOME TO DRUM TALK!


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Originally posted by djarrett:

What led you to want to start playing drums at 35?




Thanks for the welcome DJ! I wanted to learn how to play drums because I have a small home studio (and geez, who doesn't these days!) based around Cubase, and having and knowing how to play, definitely makes songwriting and demoing for the band easier. Having a set sure beats putting scratch drum parts down with A0 DK1 VSTi and a keyboard.


PLus... They're fun as hell. But you already know that!



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Originally posted by djarrett:

I really think deep down everybody is a drummer wannabe!



I was just going to say that! That's the reason drummers often get no respect from other band members - they all have Drummer Envy! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


Those of us closet drummers on this forum, of course, ADMIT to our Drummer Envy and therefore can grovel before drummers without rancor. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif



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I'm a fulltime professional drummer and percussionist, clinician, and studio musician. I've performed live and/or recorded with such artists as Bonnie Raitt, Sam Moore (Sam & Dave), Bill Tillman (Blood, Sweat & Tears), Stevie Ray Vaughn, Eddie Daniels at Carnegie Hall, the legendary trumpter Clark Terry, Amarillo Symphony Orchestra, Chattanooga Symphony Orchestra and a long list of contemporary Christian artists.


Check out my website for my full biography, discography, equipment list, lessons, etc.




I have a home based studio, BAE Productions , which specializes in custom drum and percussion tracks, loops, samples, sound effects and MIDI grooves. I also do a little bit of web design and web hosting in my spare time, as well as work in my watergarden .


I'm blessed in that my hobby is also my vocation and career.



Bart Elliott



This message has been edited by Bartman on 05-14-2001 at 12:56 PM

Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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My musical career began back in the late 60's, when I played my first gig at age 12 for 25 bucks playing a single snare drum in a bubble gum band and I was hooked....


I pretty much spent the entire decade of the 70's playing in the Chicago area (where I was born and raised and where I live now)...opening for bands like, Styx, REO Speedwagon, Buckinghams, Cryn Shames, Cheap Trick, amongst others....


Somewhere along the way, I earned a music scholarhip and became less interested in drums and more in vocals and keyboards, and eventually earned a vocal performance degree with a minor in classical piano...


Falling out of the Chicago rock scene, I toured mainly as a vocalist

singing everything and anything you can imagine...drums became something that you screwed around with after you had a few beers with your buddies..


Eventually settled in New York City, and performed in a small two piece combo for a few years, and even got a bunch of acting parts in films here and there, voiceovers....


Returning to the Windy City, throughout the 80's I performed in numerous theatre productions, co-wrote a musical and played drums and sang in it,

did TV commercials, voiceovers, small parts in films....


I skipping all kinds of other stuff, but right now I do session work as a drummer and vocalist, still get called to do bit parts in film or commercials, record local bands in my home studio, teach, and am working on a blues CD where I'm playing drums, some keyboards, and singing...

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Thanks Felix ... I love that watergarden. I put too much time into it, but it's fun, relaxing ... and hey ... it's a hobby! My fantail goldfish just had babies ... so if you want some more goldfish let me know! LOL The neighborhood toads have found the pond again this year, so we already have a spawn of tadpoles (thousands of them).


I'm getting ready to double the pond's size this week. I like it the way it is, but a friend gave this molded liner, so I want to use it! Hope it only looks better and not worse. The only thing I will be out is my time, which should be about two days of digging! My hands are usually numb after that kind of work, so I have to be sure I don't have any gigs around the time I play to dig.




Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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Hi all,


I consider myself an "ex-drummer" LOL I used to play clubdate, rock, and jazz gigs w/ numerous bands but got out of the heavy gig scene a few years ago (right around the time I got married. hmmm.... ) I was never really a technician or soloist, but I could keep solid time and sing accurate backing vocals so I got a fair amount of work http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif I've also played lead guitar in a few bands & bass in others. I'm now getting into keyboards a bit. I have a website which shows my basement jam studio:




Nice to be here!

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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I'm a newer drummer but wanted to play drums my whole life. I never really told anyone about my desire to play. Because I was a girl, I didn't know how people were going to react to the fact that I was interested in drums. Finally, I got married and my husband is much more down to earth them most people I know. Then I finally told him and it took a lot of convincing for him to realize I was serious. I never mentioned it to him before so he thought we were going spend lots of money on a drum set and then I was never going to use it. One day we were sitting talking with his brother and my husband (Kenny, who also plays guitar) mentioned that we were going to get the drum set. His brother (Steve) said that if I bought to drum set we should start up a band.


Well, I bought the drums and started teaching myself. Every day I spent about 8-10 hours per day practicing. (Until my neighbors asked me to stop at 8:30) Then I got to a point where I wasn't improving anymore. That is when I started taking lessons. My drum teacher told me I am the fastest learning student he has ever had. He said that he has never gone so far with a student so fast before. I think the band helps alot too. My teacher said he does have one student that alot younger than me that has made a lot of progress but he doesn't play with a band and he thinks that is what he is missing.


Well, during this whole thing the three of us started playing together and went out looking for a bassist. We started learning cover songs just to get the practice of playing together but then started writing our own songs. The bassist was the only thing holding us back. We went through 4 bassist who wanted to play but none of them even showed up to practice. One came to practice and just watched us play. He didn't even pick up the bass guitar. And he did this about 4 different times. The funny things is that these 4 people are our friends.


Then finally about a month ago one of our friends just moved back here (Massachusetts) from Georgia and his is now learning to play bass, which he has always wanted to do. Well, it's going great


Well, anyway sorry about the longs story.



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Yeah I miss the adrenalin rush of getting a crowd fired up, and of playing w/ good players on a consistent basis. (Don't miss the pretty bridesmaids & wild groupies. nope, not at all - and you can tell my wife I said so LOL)


I guess I'd like to do a band which rehearses occasionally and plays out once a month or so (and ONE SET ONLY, none of these three-set marathons). But I don't wanna get back into making a living onstage. I kinda like getting home at a decent hour http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif



Originally posted by felix stein:

Do you miss the heavy club scene? I don't so much, but once inna while....

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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  • 1 month later...
Hi Guys and hopefully Girls, I saw drummergirl on here, is she still here? Anyway i am new here and found the site through a contact at WFD. He said he had heard it might be "Athletic Drumming Friendly" and wanted me to check it out. I have been a supporter and participant and even model for the WFD in the past and love the movement. I guess my big thing is I like "competitive activities". As I search for WFD in the engines I find a lot of sites where all this ugly bashing and childish non sense going on about competitive drumming. The Worlds is competitive, so let's get on into the details. I like this site already and look forward to spreading the word to my WFD coleagues.
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I am a 35 year old from Louisiana and I am a drumaholic!I, like a lot of you, started drumming in school band and was really into the competitions and hot sweaty band camps.

I recieved a music scholarship which I declined to persue a degree in Landscape Architecture and Horticulture.

I never turned my back on music though.Ive been in several bands ranging in style from(yes Bart)country,blues,classic rock,metal,and alternative rock.I've played many venues from the dankest dives to arena's.I've opened for the likes of Warrant,The Fixx,Clay Walker and others.

I now play in a band made up of some great talent:Grant Dunaway(singer,songwriter rythm guit)Brian Forrest(bass)Bradley LaForce(former lead guitar 3Doors down)We play covers ranging from Alman Brothers "Whipping Post" to Staind "It's Been Awhile"We also have a library of original material.And a decent following.

To me drumming is a passion that I will partake of until I am a quivering mass,or until I get tired of it which ever comes first,And I'm feelin FINE!


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The day I saw Terry Bozzio playing drums on the Missing Persons "Words" video, I asked my mom to buy me a drum set. That was about... damn, that was close to 20 years ago. I've been playing ever since, except for a couple long periods when drumming was not a possibility (and life always sucked during those periods). I'm 32 now and I've never had more fun playing and never had as much opportunity to do it. I'm in an original band that has some serious potential (don't they all?) and a cover band with four of the coolest guys on the planet. Occasionally I play a gig with a singer/songwriter and I do the odd session here and there.


I also do some rhythm programming and a lot of Pro Tools work. Mostly just writing material... rhythms and patterns.


But for me it's all about drumming, especially live drumming. Those moments when the soul flies, time stops, and nothing else in the world matters.


I prefer anonymity at this time. Just 'sidereal' for now is fine.


See you all out there. I look forward to your collective wisdom and individual insights.


I'm going to stop typing now.

Just for the record.
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Hi my name is Simeon and I think i have a problem, i'm addicted to Classic Rock...oh man that feels good to get off my chest, its like a weight has been lifted!

really though, I'm from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I'm 19 and I've been drumming for 2 years but music has been in my life for much longer, my whole family is artists, I've been around music my whole life. I also sing, play a little piano, and i can fake bass playing, I have several relitives in the music business and i can't seem to stay away from music no matter how hard i try. I am currently in in a classic rock cover band, influences are Kick Axe(love them, if you know kick axe you understand my user name), Triumph, Zepplin(of course), N.R.G, Lion, and a few others.

We have our own style of music too that we are working on.

love music, and I don't quite know how my future career is going to involve music but I think it will.

wish me luck



Simeon http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif

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