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Am I unreasonable?

Ross Brown

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yes. This is the hard part. Maybe less fun to practice/rehearse when no gigs lined up and no singer yet, but we do have some limited vocals and still a lot of other work to do. Then we can get to the place where we have gigs lined up and a singer. Been advertising, been to karyoke nights, praying, etc. Maybe if we were all better musicians or have played together longer, we could worry less about rehearsing, just not there yet.
"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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Gettin gigs isn't hard. Pick up a phone and a have a CD of your demo. Thats about it really. You don't need a reputation at first and don't expect to get paid at first either. Getting gigs is about going out and meeting club and bar owners. Thats how that game works, and when you get experience under you belt then start going for nicer clubs and money gigs. Do you know any other bands, if so open up for em (free of charge) Go to open mikes and play. I guess I'm saying, why the hell don't you go out and get a couple gigs (shitty or not, ready or not, free or not free). You need the experience and That'll motivate your peeps more than anything you say to them.

Together all sing their different songs in union - the Uni-verse.

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Originally posted by getz76:

There is a saying regarding begging and choosing, especially for a band who does not currently have a singer or any gigs lined up.

The point is, I would rather not have a singer. Period. In general I hate almost all vocals. I like music, not some person's wailing covering up the music.


That being said, I know a band that intends to gig and release albums and actually wants them to sell, needs a singer.


I have also been playing in garages and basements for a LONG time. To be blunt, I would be perfectly happy playing in them for the rest of my life. I mainly want a group of people I can play with the rest of my life, gigging or not.


Would I like to gig? Yes. But I will also demand, of myself and the other members in the band, the utmost in professionalism if we are to be paid for playing. And right now that is the push. I require commitment and professionalism from anyone we invite into the band. Both because I have no want or wish to have a member's self destruction take the band, or it's reputation, with them, and because in my heart I could care less if we had a singer.


We have a pretty good group of people right now. I have no desire to pour any poison in the well.

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yourlord, I was going to make the point that CMDN made. If I wanted to party, I'd ask the band to reschedule my audition, or decide not to party.


While my band isn't gigging much, we have found that we enjoy it more than just playing by ourselves. You may find that you are in the minority about getting a vocalist and gigging. I'd give the singer one more chance, but would keep my eye on the situation if he's asked to join.


Most of all, you've got to get the band in line about this. If the singer shows up and kicks ass at the audition, and is drunk for the 3rd or 4th rehearsal, everyone should already be on board to swing the boot. It's that band agreement thing that has me most concerned about your situation (admittedly I know just about nothing about your band, so I may be off base).


And Jimbroni - I admit I haven't been picking up the phone for gigs as much as I probably should. I think you oversimplify the booking process. Still, we don't need lots of money to play so if you want to start dialing NYC area codes, I can get you a CD and any info you need (including 10%) :eek: It's my experience that some people have a knack for this, and you may be such a person!




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally posted by Tom Capasso:

yourlord, I was going to make the point that CMDN made. If I wanted to party, I'd ask the band to reschedule my audition, or decide not to party.


While my band isn't gigging much, we have found that we enjoy it more than just playing by ourselves. You may find that you are in the minority about getting a vocalist and gigging. I'd give the singer one more chance, but would keep my eye on the situation if he's asked to join.


Most of all, you've got to get the band in line about this. If the singer shows up and kicks ass at the audition, and is drunk for the 3rd or 4th rehearsal, everyone should already be on board to swing the boot. It's that band agreement thing that has me most concerned about your situation (admittedly I know just about nothing about your band, so I may be off base).


And Jimbroni - I admit I haven't been picking up the phone for gigs as much as I probably should. I think you oversimplify the booking process. Still, we don't need lots of money to play so if you want to start dialing NYC area codes, I can get you a CD and any info you need (including 10%) :eek: It's my experience that some people have a knack for this, and you may be such a person!



I think was really trying to say they shouldn't wait to book gigs. They should go out get anything they can right now just to start developing stage skills. And getting low/no paying gigs anybody can do. As long as your not picky its easy to find place to play. Of course if you want into a specific venue and money, its going to take more finesse and diplomacy and experience and marketing.

Together all sing their different songs in union - the Uni-verse.

My Current Project

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Ross -- Just my $.02 regarding kids and rehearsals, but it really is "what you make of it."


In my previous band, which was together six-plus years, I was the only one who didn't have kids. And, yes, stuff did come up on the fly from time to time -- kids always seem to get sick, get in trouble at school, or fall of their bike and break their arm at the least opportune time. . .


When it came to bringing kids to rehearsal, it was usually, but not always, planned ahead of time.


One question, how well do the band's significant others know each other? Reason I ask, a lot of times, if kids came along to a rehearsal, one band member's SO came along and "rode herd". Or maybe a couple of SO's would come, watch the kids, and kind of use it as an excuse for some "girl time". Three out of the four band girlfriends were really good about doing that, and I think they almost came to look forward to rehearsals more than us band guys. They'd crack a bottle wine, hang out and BS, and mind the kids. :D


Depends, I guess, on how close your band's SO's are, and how supportive they are of your musical aspirations. . .Our band, at the time, was very fortunate in that three out of four were good friends and were supportive that way. . .

"When it comes to havin' a good time, nothing beats 'fun'. . ."


-- Stefan Johnson

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Get all the wives to be friends?


Only problem with that, rooster, is when the drummer is at a gig and the guitarist's wife is at the gig. The drummer's wife could not make the gig. The drummer ends up making out with the random woman in between the second and third sets. This puts the guitarist's wife in a bad position; does she tell the drummer's wife or bite her tongue?


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Like I said, the band at the time was extremely fortunate that way, in that everybody involved covered one another's back. . .


Even though the band split after last New Year's Eve, we all still hang out, play together, and get together on occasion. We got to be a little "family" of sorts.


Yeah, I know, SO's being "too close" can be a liability. . .One band member at the time tended to be a little "loose" when his GF wasn't present. :rolleyes: My GF, who was at some of the same gigs and saw that, flat-out said "That disgusts me, but he can dig his own hole if he wants. It's not my day to babysit. . ." His GF usually found out from some other source, anyhow. But, my GF has a policy of not participating in "He said-she said" politics and BS. Aforementioned bandmate has settled down a lot, though, and everybody's still tight. . .


I guess I'm fortunate that way. . .

"When it comes to havin' a good time, nothing beats 'fun'. . ."


-- Stefan Johnson

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No matter who's in your band, there are always gonna be problems with wives & kids as long the pay is low & the level of commitment is expected to be high. Money makes all of those problems kinda go away. Not entirely, of course, but it definately has an effect.When the spouse considers what you do with the band to be your "hobby", things get kinda messed up. It's almost like you having another girlfriend. Fact is, they just don't understand what playing & performing with others is like. They don't understand how essential it is to us & what it means to us. They don't usually get to see how happy it makes people & how much fans respect & love us for what we do. You must find a way to let them know how much it means to you & how unhappy you would be without it. Don't fire the guy with the kid. Talk to him & get him to explain to his wife what's up. On the other hand, you gotta be flexible when it comes to children. Anything can happen with them & their welfare is more important than anything we play.
"Shoot low, most of 'em are ridin' ponies"
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Good rehearsal last night. Everyone showed up, played well, good attitudes. We discussed several important matters as a band including deciding on a different night that everyone felt they could commit to. Turns out the drummers wife goes ice skating every wednesday and that would be the best night for him. Unless something like a sick kid, or other emergency comes up, we should be good to go.


We still need a singer but the rythym guitarist sounded good on the songs he was singing. We decided on a timeframe to cut a demo (Mid Feb) and will get out and play what we can with out a real vocalist (we can put together 1 good set with this guys vocals, I think based on last night).


After practice my wife and I hit another karyoke night. Tried to recruit one guy that really nailed Hotel California, we'll see. There is another karyoke night tonight.... :freak: I'd rather sit with the band wives, but I'll do what I need to do...

"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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ah you know what.....sack the git and get a new guitar player.

maybe i am like you a bit too A type but i just dont take crap from people,we had a girl singer with us for a while who wanted to bring her son or go to her house and rehearse there,so we sacked her and got someone else.

point is we all have Children and while my daughter is the most important thing in my life i dont bring her to my day job as my boss would sack me!!

I have to arrange my life so that i can make the time for the band,i dont have the time to arange another members life also that bit is up to them.I know its a hard ass way of looking at it but its just who i am.I love playing and bought my first house with money i earned from playing and now its a nice side earner and i just wont suffer fools.

its up your guitar player to make it there,its not your job to get him there and its not your wifes job to mind his son.

Fender S1 P Bass-Fender Jazz Special'86-Musicman Stingray 5-SWR super redhead+SWR 15 cab
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Singer from karyoke night just called. Good guy to talk too. Real interested in trying out for the band. He knows most of the songs we do, I heard him sing last night and I was impressed. Could be good. Just what we need to help motivate folks into coming to practice, perhaps.
"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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Originally posted by Bumpcity:

This thread makes my skin itch.


And it's "Karaoke".

Thanks for the spelling correction.


Why are you itchy?

"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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Have you ever thought about just practicing to the point where you are up to snuff and then finding a gigging band that needs a bassist?


I never understood regularly scheduled rehearsals for cover bands. With a cover band, if the band is doing the songs as the original, everyone should show up prepared and be able to play the song.


Sounds like, from what you have posted, that this is not the case. Sounds like you have a bunch of guys with little or no gigging experience. Rather than rely on all of them to be as dedicated as you, have you considered just being determined, woodshedding like crazy, and then doing some open jams and auditions?

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Originally posted by getz76:

Have you ever thought about just practicing to the point where you are up to snuff and then finding a gigging band that needs a bassist?


I think about it everyday.


If I had to say, I would say I am up to snuff. I have sat in with other bands and done well (my opinion and some compliments from others). Can always get better however.


I have my name "out there" now but it would be for a second "gigging" band. I also like the challenge of putting together this one (even though I am obviously frustrated).


3 of 5 of us are at the point you mention. We could play many many covers with limited rehearsal. We are so close...



"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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Originally posted by Bumpcity:

This thread makes my skin itch.


And it's "Karaoke".

Not trying to hi-jack the thread, but knowing that karaoke is near and dear to all of us, it brought up a question with me that 'is' on topic....was I being unreasonable? The last band I worked with (quartet) wanted to let a waitress, who worked at the place we played regularly, sing a song that we had done previously as a 5 piece, before the female front was terminated. They wanted her to come to our rehearsal so we could go over the song. I told them I knew the song and would not spend valuable rehearsal time working on a song that we would never be doing again except to give this girl a chance to 'sing with a band'. So we agreed that I would come in a half hour later after they went over it with her, which we did. She never did do the song, and was always cold towards me after that....imagine.


Personally, as I told them, I don't care to be part of a live karaoke machine. It takes enough personal and band practice to make a decent product. (Especially for me, as I am not that gifted) I had picked up most of the vocals since they dumped the singer, and I had my hands full learning to sing lead with walking bass lines, which was new to me. (for instance, Mack the Knife with 5 half step modulations) I couldn't see spending more time rehearsing to play backup for wannabee's. Isn't that what our beloved karaoke CD's are for?


Anal or not? Come on, I can take it.

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Letting singers sit in with the band is a very hit or miss situation and most of the time it's a disaster.


As a band, we do our best and fortunately we are standing behind the singer so she or he can't see us rolling our eyes or laughing (which we try not to do).


No one ever sits in on guitar or bass....we don't allow anyone to touch our expensive instruments. If they can't understand why that makes it even clearer why we don't want them to sit in.


We did have a decent drummer sit in last month...but he was not a complete unknown...it turned out that one of the guys in the band knew him from 20 years ago or so.

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According to some on this thread, if they are cover songs that you are playing, you maybe don't need rehearsal and any singer should be able to sit right in...


How hard could it be.


(of course I am just being a pain in the a** now).


If the guy we found works out, he won't be sitting in, he'll be working hard with the rest of us. I am heading out tonight with my wife and sister in law to look for more candidates.

"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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A good (and experienced) singer should be able to just sit in - perhaps with a change of key to accomodate them. Problem is, often this isn't the case. You often don't know how good the singer is before they sit in and more often than not, it doesn't work well (sometimes ofr non-musical reasons - monitoring etc.) Of all the times I've tried it it's probably worked well only a few times with an equal number of disasters (usually when it's the girlfriend of the bandmember).
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Ross, I think the 'working hard' thing is vital. All successful musicians do that. It can just happen at different times. Some do it to develop their skill and ability to react and play in the moment; some do it with lots of rehearsal; some do by spending a lot of time at home, individually, working out the parts and improving them.

One way or another, succesful bands rely on everybody working hard but weekly rehearsals aren't the only way.

Whatever you guys agree on and what works best for you as a group! ;)

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I agree with Phil... Cover bands have it made because all you really need to do is listen to a CD, and learn your parts. If this doesn't click live, then either not everyone is doing their homework or it's just not y'alls thing? Nothing wrong with that, though. To each his own.
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