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Jamming with other bands.


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Good morning everyone. If you recall (even if you don't) I failed an audition to play bass with a band a few weeks back. No biggy. But then I got a call to audition for the lead vocalist spot in another band. Last night was the third night we've played and all I can say is "wow". For a traditional 3 piece band these guys really rock. Their personalities mesh with mine, and they're challenging me to use my voice in ways I never thought possible. Awesome time!


The reason for this post (sorry if it's a little off topic) is to see if anyone out there routinely jams with other people just to expand their horizons. Even the failed audition taught me a few things and I learned a few new tunes to boot. I'm still in my original band "Off Our Meds" but am really enjoying the change of scenery. I guess I'll pose these questions:


1) Do you "jam around" with other musicians?


2) Do you step out of your bass playing comfort zone and try other instruments?


3) What have you learned from this?


Thanks guys and gals and have a wonderful day.


BTW, we are playing a mega party on December 16th in Dexter, Michigan. If any of you fellow Detroiters would like to go let me know. It's an annual thing and should have 100-150 people. May be an opportunity for us to meet?




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1) Do you "jam around" with other musicians?


When I have the chance. It's great with friends, and friends of other friends and their friends as well.


2) Do you step out of your bass playing comfort zone and try other instruments?


Nop I am a single soul. I only play the bass. Oh well I sometimes play kazoo. does that counts? and I have some turkish drums.


3) What have you learned from this?


Everytime that I play with others I try to understand their language and that always have a reaction in me good or bad. I always go home feeling that I've learned something new.




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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1) Do you "jam around" with other musicians?

Any chance I get... In retrospect it has opened many playing doors as well as making me a better player. It even works as a great networking tool.. you know.. a friend of a friend of a friends brothers hairdresser.


2) Do you step out of your bass playing comfort zone and try other instruments?

Not really stepping out but I do play acoustic guitar and play with a bro in a duo setting. It does make you think in a different way with the music. Make it as simple and genuine as possible.

I picked up an electric cheese ball violin for $40 shipped on e-bay. That will be the new noise aggrivating my cat and girlfriend. That damn "Devil went down to Georgia" tune always rings in my head.


3) What have you learned from this?

NEVER, I mean NEVER wear spandex to a coffee house gig.

I think it gives you the chance to work in different enviroments that you might not have thought of before. Understanding other types of music or even a different role of the music makes it a valuable tool. And even sometimes FUN!



Don't have a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. ~ Johnny Carson
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Grats, Ken, on finding some cool guys to jam with. :thu:


1) Do you "jam around" with other musicians?

Since I'm still "in between bands", this is about all I do other than solo stuff. A friend of mine runs a couple of open mikes around town and I've played at more than a few of them. Otherwise I'm at home multitracking by myself.


I've sat in with bands in the past, and I've hosted some open jams at my house with friends of various proficiency levels. The point of the latter was to have fun, not necessarily to make serious music.


2) Do you step out of your bass playing comfort zone and try other instruments?

The last solo gig I did I brought my Ric, my Ovation acoustic/electric, and my mandolin. I mixed a special "minus one" CD of some of my originals so I could back myself up via the CD. I'd play a couple of songs with one instrument, then switch for the next couple, etc.


At the open mikes I mentioned above, I've brought each instrument on different occasions. Although I have no problem playing along to whatever on bass, not every singer/guitarist wants an accompaniment. I've done a couple of original solo bass pieces just so I could be sure to have something to play. I made some new connections on a night I brought my acoustic. But by far the biggest reaction I got was from bringing the mando (because nearly everyone else brings a guitar).


For an up-coming solo gig I think I'll bring the LP instead of the Ovation, as I'm becoming more confident in my lead playing.


3) What have you learned from this?

Well, like I usually say, you speak through your instrument. So ensemble play is like having a conversation. When you jam around with others you get to talk about different topics and not always hear the same old responses to your favorite stories. Change is good. Diversity is good.


OTOH, it's also a lot of fun to be able to talk with an old friend and be able to communicate so much with very few words, because of the bond you've created over the years.


As far as playing other instruments, it gives you a chance to see things from a different perspective. It's like Halloween, when you're allowed to dress up like whatever you want, and even act out the part. The more you get into it, the more people get out of it. So grab that lead mike or lead guitar, step into the spot light and milk it for all it's worth. Tomorrow you can go back to being demure and "standing in the shadows".



Dexter isn't that far. PM me the details! :thu:

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Since joining this forum I've heard of several of you doing solo gigs. That's too cool! My first exposure to it has been here in the Lowdown and it's got me thinking.....


I'll search some old postings for "solo gig" and see if I can check out some solo performances on line. I'm wondering if it's something that would go over out here Ann Arbor way, If I could utilize my bass, accordian, vocals etc.



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