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Bass players and their personalities.


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Originally posted by DavidMPires:

Does your personality influenciates your instrument choice?


Let's put it this way.

It's strictly based on intelligence level.

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From an outside perspective in generalised terms that could very well be skewed I see a Bassist as somebody who likes to work as part of a team, a lead guitarist as an heavily opionated wannabe leader, a vocalist as a showman and a drummer as a nutcase.


But then again I am a guitarist that couldnt lead his way out of a one way street. I am a bit opinionated but generally pretty laid back (or too laid back as I am sometimes told) ;)


I always liked Bass, but started playing acoustic guitar instead because it didnt require me to have to interact with other people to make music... You can take an acoustic guitar anywhere with you and write music whenever you want.. Its why a guitar like instrument was invented (apparantly by arabs).


I think 50% of the time yuo could probably generalise a musician into the above catagories, but I will always be a laid back loner with a guitar and not a care in the world.

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Originally posted by CMDN:



I'm the same jerk regardless of whether I play bass or guitar.

Me too.


Originally posted by CMDN:

Compliments are nice.


I say "Thank you" when people give them to me.

Me too.


Being the bass player is a powerful position to hold in the band. Most people don't realize it but you are probably the most powerful musician in the group - in most western forms of music anyway. You get to lay down the groove with Drummer Person. You can influence Drummer Person a great deal with how you choose to play - ahead of the beat, behind, busy, subtle, etc... You are the one that makes the people on the dance floor want to shake their bootys.


The thing about it is that 99% of the common listening audience has no idea that it's the bass player who is making all the neat groove go. And I'm totally fine with that.

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Originally posted by Trucks.Of.Love:

[QB] From an outside perspective in generalised terms that could very well be skewed I see a Bassist as somebody who likes to work as part of a team, a lead guitarist as an heavily opionated wannabe leader, a vocalist as a showman and a drummer as a nutcase.


I can agree with that. Unfortunately, my band tries to be democratic all of the time. It just doesn't work. Someone needs to step in to lead. I think I may try that.

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Originally posted by Trucks.Of.Love:

[QB] a drummer as a nutcase. :D Love It




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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Time article



There are very different feels to the Keyboard Corner, Guitar Forum and Lowdown forums.


Massive generalities below


The keyboard guys have massive theoretical knowledge and they're into details and specifications, they love to discuss musical and especially improvisational philosophy. They like to go vaguely OT about small points rasied in the discusions and things can get fairly heated.


The guitar guys care less about theory, have more social/hanging out threads, have HUGE avatars, like to post lots of threads as opposed to bumping old ones and share a lot of their music performances and recordings. Of course they love to have lots and lots of guitars; preferably one for every song ;) .


I guess we know what the lowdown forumis like ;)


I guess that maybe some of us choose the instrument to fit our personality, some choose the instrument which then molds the personality and some of it is fairly random. Are Lemmy or Charlie Mingus typical bassists?


How about great bassplayers who primarily play other instruments (e.g. Prince, Hendrix)


I doubt

there's much empirical validity to any of these 'types' but it is fun!

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I like to watch ppl dance as the band plays, they watch the guitar player and the keyboad player as they do thier thing, and no one notices me, but they are dancing to what I'm doing thats what I like. I sand in the back in the dark doing what I do.
If you smell something stinking, it's juz me, I'm funky like that
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For me, the role of my bass and my personality concides somewhat. I often end up mediating between people and have resolved some conflicts in our band. I am kind of like "mortar" (at least in swedish we say like that).


I chose bass because I have always liked all kinds of rythms and bass playing is the best of two worlds, rythm and harmony. I will never, ever switch to something else :-) Perhaps I chose the bass also because of its role in the band.


I can have the supportive role in the band and I can stand in the background supporting without being jealous of the front people. On the other hand, I think I am the one most interested in exploring new areas, new genres. I like to move on, learn new stuff. Our personalities are complex.


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We've talked about this and I think there are tendencies. In your bands, who is the most likely to have duct tape or a spare cable? Be the one to set up the PA? Print the set lists?


Originally posted by Rocky3840:

I really believe a good band has to have a strong leader. Rocky

I've seen successful bands with a strong leader. I'd be able to work in such a band (assuming I'm in sync with what's going on).


In my band, I do lots of "leader" things, but I'm not the only one. We do manage with a kind of leadership team. Partially that's a division of duties - I do lots of the non-musical "arranging", but another guy handles booking the rehearsal studio and is a key "music director" voice. The drummer only speaks up when something's falling apart but the rest of us can't decide.


I know of another band where 2 guys handle the studio stuff (recording), one guy is the main songwriter, and one guy does the "front" stuff like booking and PR.




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