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Yee Haw - Pics! (Scroll Down)

Chad Thorne

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I finally got my bass finished. Walnut (lefty) J-Bass copy body; 50 bucks on Ebay. Warmoth righty P-Bass neck w/ebony fingerboard; zip, a gift from a friend. Carvin H50N pickups bought from Dr. Sweet Willy years ago; 50 bucks. Pots, jack, wire, knobs; maybe another 35 bucks. Fender J-Bass bridge; zero, kicking around in the parts box. The sound that comes out of it: priceless!


I'll post pics when I have some. The body work (pickup cavities, output jack cavity) is a bit rough, I think this body must have been a home job, but it plays sweetly, resonates like crazy (it tickles my tummy when I play) and sounds great. I'm a happy guy.



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There is something about building your own. It's like giving birth. No, not exactly, but it is a great feeling, especially if it sounds good and plays nice. Hummmm! Lefty body and righty neck, that might be a first.

Have fun.



"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Originally posted by Edro:

... (it tickles my tummy when I play)...
That's the sign of a very good bass. :thu:
I think so, too. Both my gtrs. (a Strat and a Tele) resonate that way as well. I think that's why I chose them. This bass body was just a blessing, since I bought it off Ebay.



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Yee Haw pt. 2.


Played my new bass in church yesterday. First, a revelation: the regular bassist, who's wanting a break, drummed. First time I've heard him drum, and he's great! and far and away the best drummer we've had on that platform. We locked in pretty easily and brought the noise, old-school style. :D As I mentioned elsewhere, I ripped off McCartney's bass line from "Taxman" for one song, and slapped 'n popped my way thru "Days of Elijah". Fun! And the congregation seemed to really enjoy it and enter in.


The bass itself sounds great, even though I just played thru the other guy's Peavey KB 100 (not a top-of-the-line amp), mic'd. Needs a couple tweaks; the D and G strings are a tiny bit low and buzz a bit too much, and I think I need to replace the cap on the tone pot to get more of a tonal sweep. But those H50Ns (thank you, Dr. Sweet Willie!) coupled with the resonant walnut body and hard ebony fretboard, sound very sweet.


Now to re-assume my secret identity of "Mr. Low".



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Originally posted by Rocky3840:

Lefty body and righty neck, that might be a first.

Have fun.






You can stop now -jeremyc

STOP QUOTING EVERY THING I SAY!!! -Bass_god_offspring

lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

I'm not sure any argument can top lug's. - Sweet Willie


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Nice! Is it yours, lug? The difference between that one and mine is that mine is strung lefty, and this one is strung righty and upside down. I've seen other basses like this, like that woman who plays for Moby, Greta somebody?



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Originally posted by Chad:

Nice! Is it yours, lug? The difference between that one and mine is that mine is strung lefty, and this one is strung righty and upside down. I've seen other basses like this, like that woman who plays for Moby, Greta somebody?

Greta Brinkman and Jimmy Haslip (Yellowjackets) are probably the two most famous. The neck is a neckthru Carvin I won in their weekly $250 giveaway several years back. I was gonna go with my own headstock design but decided I liked the look of the Carvin upside down. :D

You can stop now -jeremyc

STOP QUOTING EVERY THING I SAY!!! -Bass_god_offspring

lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

I'm not sure any argument can top lug's. - Sweet Willie


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  • 5 weeks later...

Weird, alien looking beast there.


So let me see: do you strap it to your feet and play it righty, or do you play lefty upside down (which makes the slap thing really weird mentally) or do you hold it righty but strap from the bottom, or do you hold it upright and sit on the strap or do you.....



All I know is that if I tried playing that bass, the volume/tone knobs would give me a rash on my right arm.

"Let's raise the level of this conversation" -- Jeremy Cohen, in the Picasso Thread.


Still spendin' that political capital far faster than I can earn it...stretched way out on a limb here and looking for a better interest rate.

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Looks pretty nice (maybe you can provide a slightly alrger closeup?).


It's been a month - are you still enjoying it? Is it still in one piece (LOL)?




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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