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... the Lowdown.


I had the pleasure of meeting up with *57pbass* (Dano) last Monday. We've met before (2 years ago)and talk online and by phone; but he was down here to visit with family/friends for a while, so we made plans to catch up.


We met up at a local SamAsh, hung around and played a few basses while chatting. Mostly shoptalk, Lowdown news, tales of manufacturer's gear, the Biz, and (of course) our latest aquisitions.


We went next door to a 'Wings/Ribs' Sports bar type place to grab a bite to eat. It was Monday night - the bar was packed - so we took a table away from the bar.


Good food, nice place - we talked...



and talked...about music



and talked...about life



- and if we started conversations about 25 different subjects, we finished maybe 5.


(Funny, how conversations jump topics between friends...)



By the time we left, the waitress (who was great) was finished for her shift, and the bus staff had already stacked chairs upon tables.


We left the restaraunt and talked a bit before saying our good-byes...


...Dano says - "You really should come up to NYC, meet the rest of the NY Lowdown Crew..."


...I say (again, but with more conviction) - "I'll be there. Warn everybody ahead of time, OK?".


Maybe for the next Sweet Willie BBB fest I'll head up north (pending invite)...


...not empty handed - I'll bring the Lull (two is company, three is sublime) and maybe the Roscoe???... and how 'bout if I cook up some Cuban Cuisine to spice up the Menu???



Lowdown meet-ups are special. We trade off quips and commentary here with due respect and a sense of comraderie. It's a pixel-life after all (Ear-Worm Warning)... except when we do get the chance to interact...


Thanks Dan.


Great to see you again, and Thanks for the US Open Cap. It looks great and, well, you know, it covers up that bald spot...




Confirmed RoscoeHead

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Thanks Jim,


That was indeed a good hang and it was great to see you.


I am glad to know you are the owner of 12 basses...awesome!!! and its a very nice collection of basses.


We shall talk soon and it would be great if you made it up north for the 3rd annual BBQ...



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Jim - I hope you can make it up to NYC - we'd love the opportunity to eat food :):)

(that goes for anyone else)


I have the pleasure of seeing Dan from time to time, and we get on so well - he's such a great guy.


Phil - you seem to be making opportunities in your area - nice to hear that as well.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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I agree. I've met a few of our forumites in the real world and it's been a ton of fun! I think the biggest gathering was Bassquake at 2005 NAMM. Present were: Wally Malone, Bob Gollihur, Adrian Garcia "bassaddik", JeremyC, Steve Lawson, and myself. I know more attended NAMM that year but that was the biggest gathering in one place that I'm aware of. I also got some great hang time with zeronyne (and a huge group of keyboard forumites) on that trip.
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Davio - Yes, we do need to get the FLA contingent together again. Any ideas for time and place? Let me know.


Phil - Ditto Toms comment. Thanks for your meet up write-ups.


Tom - Food is good. Basses are better. Food and basses is Nirvana. Ill do my best to head up there. Just dont ask me to play in the presence of yall.


Dan - Im merely a student at the foot of the master. (Translation: My gear GAS is all your fault.)


Bump - Its quality (not quantity) that matters.

To paraphrase: "An average day chatting with a fellow LowDowner is better than a good day with six IRS auditors."

- or something like that. :freak:


tnb - Absolutely! I still have your cell number, and Ill leave you a PM with mine. Give me a shout!!




Confirmed RoscoeHead

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Originally posted by JBFLA:

My gear GAS is all your fault.)

I'm a big dummy... I know I've read/seen it somewhere, but what does GAS stand for? :confused:

[Carvin] XB76WF - All Walnut 6-string fretless

[schecter] Stiletto Studio 5 Fretless | Stiletto Elite 5

[Ampeg] SVT3-Pro | SVT-410HLF


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Originally posted by polyrhythm:

I'm a big dummy... I know I've read/seen it somewhere, but what does GAS stand for? :confused:

It's typically a mix dominated by methane that builds up in one's intestines and can be quite embarrassing to realize.


That or Gear Acquisition Syndrome.


Jim - I'll brainstorm a bit and see if there's anything coming up that might be of interest. It'd be great to get Stackimo and some others out too.

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well, gas, I know of... I'm the king of gas around here.


GAS... well, I'm guilty of that everytime I get a guitar center or sam ash flyer in the mail...

[Carvin] XB76WF - All Walnut 6-string fretless

[schecter] Stiletto Studio 5 Fretless | Stiletto Elite 5

[Ampeg] SVT3-Pro | SVT-410HLF


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That "playing in front of you" thing. I understand that - I'm not the most bass-ucated or bass-technical guy when it comes to playing. When you are around other instruments, playing is the only way to figure out what you like, what inspires you, etc.


The beauty is that no one has ever been critical. And the pointers that have been given were always done with respect and received with a spirit of gratefulness. There were a few folks at Willie's BBB who were shy about playing (due to some monstrous players there), but I believe you have to push it a bit and play. You may feel inadequate at times (I still remember feeling that way at our first LD meeting years back). You may feel encouraged or inspired. Or you may be OK that you can do what you need to do and are working towards being better.


And when we say that so-and-so is a fine player, it takes nothing away from what the rest of us can do.


While JBFLA caused me to write all of that (and needs to read it if he's going to meet tnb :eek: ), it's true for all of us. And in so many facets of our life - if you are good enough (and your energies are going elsewhere by choice), that's fine. If you are inspired to improve, that's fine.


Please note that this entire discussion does not apply to lug, who sucks (and always will). Though somehow I suspect that if he's ever among us, he'd fearlessly pick up a bass and play....




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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I met with JBFLA at Sam Ash and he was doodling on a few basses we picked off the rack...


The man can play...



as Tom mentioned...

it does not matter if you are an absolute beginner or an established pro...

its a very comforting group of musicians to hang with...


but if we get sick from the Cuban food you cook up..

I think you will be in deep sh*t!



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Dano - sheeesh, everybody knows you can't get sick of Cuban food!!! Besides, I'm a microbiologist - I've got stuff here at the lab to cure whatever you've got...


Tom - I would expect that the atmosphere would be supportive (in the least) - All youse guys have been very good to me wit my questions and queries, and I appreciate it.


As far as playing in front of the folks - I don't think I could refuse the opportunity to lay hands on the plentiful and amazing assortment of fish and gear that was assembled at the BBB. Don't know what I'd play, but...


Meeting up with tnb is something that's eluded me for a while. He's been down here often, we've talked on the phone, but schedules conflicted. If a person is here on the LowDown long enough, you get to know a bit about other posters and what they play and like and what their approach to playing is about. tnb's rep here is stellar. My motive for meeting him is purely selfish, and if I'm lucky, I'll catch him at a show. I'd like to see him play and spend time talking about the things that motivate us. I'll be all ears.


...and Dan? Thanks for the "Vote of Confidence" The check's in the mail. :thu:


Confirmed RoscoeHead

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Originally posted by davio:

Jim - I'll brainstorm a bit and see if there's anything coming up that might be of interest. It'd be great to get Stackimo and some others out too.

Hey! - If you've got a gig that Stack and I (and maybe ATM, et al) can make, that would be great. Shoot me an e-mail or PM me with specifics. We could always do another BassCentral meetup - you know, satisfy the GAS thingy and/or dream a little.




Confirmed RoscoeHead

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We've also had some quality gatherings the past two years at Bass Player Live and Music Player Live (where I finally had the good fortune to spend some time in person with the "now in RI, now in FL, now in IN, suddenly in NY for a quick minute" tnb).


I can attest to those feelings of intimidation or shyness when picking up the instrument in the company of others who play. I have to admit that I am a more confident player now because of it, given that the group is both supportive and willing to share knowledge.


It's also amazing to see some folks grow quickly on the instrument, like G7TZ, or catch their gigs. Now, mes amis, that is a blast.



--Dub $$



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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