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My New Spector finally it arrived.................


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Hey guys


I just got yesterday night my new Spector Euro lx 5 Natural oil.


This is a long story but fun.


On the 21st of July was my 24th birthday and I decided as I have been one year without playing and I am just coming back, that I would buy a new bass for me and I tried loads and found the one that suits me. Spector Euro LX 5 natural oil.


I went to the dealer to buy it and the guy asked me 20% to keep the bass for 5 weeks untill I get paid and have the money.


I asked if the bass would came with a spector case and the guy said "yeah no problems".


Well two weeks after the problems started.


The guy called me saying that this series don't come with a spector bass and they will give me another one.

I wasn't very happy but ok.


So I got paid called him and said that I was going to pick the bass.

The guy said that the bass had been sold but another one was on the way and I could pick it on the next saturday.

I went there and after paying £20 parking in central London, the bass wasn't there....


The guy apologise said that he forgot and this and that, and start to saying that he will give me something to make up for me.


Well during all this the guy never called me once qite strange for a bass that costs £929, I was starting to give up. But I stick with that and wait another two weeks.


So I called him the bass was there and went for a set up.


Yesterday I went to pick the bass and:


The set up was perfect with ELIXIR strings

and I got another free set.

A good stand


levi's leather strap

another free set up

and a spector original case...


The bass plays beautifuly and I am just so happy...

It was worth to wait.


By the way for those from England the shop is SoundControl in London.


The shop has really good prices but the customer service is not that good, or I was unlucky.


Now I am of to grab my Spector




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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Pictures are on the way, I'll take some if I can take my hands out of the bass. heheheheh


You know what, this morning I received an email from Stuart Spector (or someone on the Spector factory) apologising for the delay and sending congrats, they sent after reading this post here on LOwdown. That was just to cool. I think I'll love Spector customer service if I ever need them.

Was actually pretty cool, to received that.

Thanks guys.


And that bass is getting better and better.


I will see u all next week with my hands sore. heheheh




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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I too, ordered a new Spector on ebay, which hasn't arrived as of yet. That has no bearing on Spector Inc. because I didn't buy it from them directly. However, I DID meet Stuart Spector at the Summer NAMM show in Austin. He was about as nice as he could be. He showed me all his new stuff & we drooled over some of his basses. At the time I was pondering buying one to take on tour. I gotta say that Mr.Spector's demeanor & attitude sold me. I have endorsement deals with other companies who make fine basses. Although I am grateful for these, sometimes their A&R people tend to treat you like a red headed stepchild. I could have bought a touring bass from them for much less than I paid for the Spector.I get the feeling that he treats his endorsees in a much different way. Heck, I liked Stuart so much, I may even get some Spector gear & wear that onstage. Even though the time we spent together was short, I felt I had made a new friend. Not many guys will take the time to make you feel that way. Thumbs up to Spector!
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