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Tom Capasso rocks !!


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hey, Tom. You are awesome, man! Thanks for calling, I was so glad to talk to you today. Thank you so much for caring and keeping me in mind, it means the world. ALL blessing to you, my brother. Nothing but love!

your true friend,



ps- everyone, please believe me when I tell you, the man rocks!!

Praise ye the LORD.

....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

excerpt from- Psalm 150

visit me at:


for His glory

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Originally posted by Ross Brown:

Originally posted by Pernax:

Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! :thu:

That's only two cheers.
Well, it's Tom we're talking about afterall, we don't want it to go to his head or anything... :P:D
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Thanks Adrian (and everyone) !!


While I am interested, we do get people that contact me asking about you. Getz and Willie are working on some material to update your "project" site (some of which you furnished during our chat). Details soon.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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aww. man! well, please give everyone concerned my deepest thanks! much love to you all. I am moved. Peace!


Praise ye the LORD.

....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

excerpt from- Psalm 150

visit me at:


for His glory

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...yes it's true!


I can confirm that Tom Capasso is a great guy :thu:


I'm all the way over here in Australia, and Tom is in east meadow,NY,UNITED STATES.


I get a PM one day from Tom asking if I played Ashdown gear...


Yes I do!


Turns out, Tom has an Ashdown T-Shirt that he wants to send me!


Why? Just 'cause he's a nice guy.


The T-Shirt arrived shortly after complete with a great CD of Tom and his Band Stonefly.


Thanks Tom, you're the genuine article.



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Tom, and friends. Just a reminder that there is a blog on my website where i post updates, i am trying to be more consistent about this. Stop by and say hi if you can, good people.

peace always, Adrian


Praise ye the LORD.

....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

excerpt from- Psalm 150

visit me at:


for His glory

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Tom and I share a love (born of our almost identical old age, I guess) of '60s comic genius. (Go, Stan Freeburg!)


He and I were chatting once, and I mourned that I had lost a couple of great old albums to damage, and hadn't listened in years. Within a few days, he had mailed me cassette copies of them.


Maybe I shouldn't have told that story. Now I fear Tom will be inundated by requests to mail us his stuff!


Anyway, he's indeed a great guy, and we're lucky to have him.

Yep. I'm the other voice in the head of davebrownbass.
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Yep, Tom is a great guy.


Did you know he actually MET Stan Freberg a few times? He was interviewed by Freberg under Tom's stage-name at the time, The Abominable Snowman.


Tom used his natural singing voice for the interview.


..funnily enough...


Freberg = :thu:

Capasso = :thu::thu:

Play. Just play.
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Originally posted by Dave Brown:

(Go, Stan Freeburg!)

Love love love. Stan Freberg is the best. "Stan Freberg Presents the United States of America, volume 1: The Early Years" is absolutely brilliant.


"Funny, he left by the balcony"

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After a couple of minor road trips and a lunch, I would say that, as absolutely funny as Stan Freberg is, that's how nice and cool Tom is. It's true.

He's definitely about the nicest guy whose rental car I have thrown up on.


Seriously, all the kids think Tom's a righteous dude.


And, they're right.






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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To clarify, I sent DBB some old material by Allan Sherman. I really love that guy - in '63 he had a song that seemed to show how a couple got married, settled down, and grew older. It was really a song about how acronyms were taking over the language (in '62 !).


While I'm not the packrat that some of my forebearers have been, my wife would be all too happy to satisfy requests for any of my "stuff".


It's this community that makes us help each other. I've been "taken care of" much more than I've helped others here, including (but not limited to) free drinks, special custom made "Shecky" stickers (Pernax), amplifier loans (57pbass), and many other expressions of hospitality and extra effort.


Thanks to you all!



Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally posted by Tom Capasso:

To clarify, I sent DBB some old material by Allan Sherman. I really love that guy - in '63 he had a song that seemed to show how a couple got married, settled down, and grew older. It was really a song about how acronyms were taking over the language (in '62 !).


Thanks to you all!


That would be: "Harvey and Sheila." And I still listen to it; I even have the package addressed in Tom's handwriting.


And it is Stan "Freburg" (one E.)


Private to bump: "Force of habit, I guess."




"You've really influenced me a lot, Vic."

"Let's raise the level of this conversation" -- Jeremy Cohen, in the Picasso Thread.


Still spendin' that political capital far faster than I can earn it...stretched way out on a limb here and looking for a better interest rate.

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Originally posted by Tom Capasso:

I sent DBB some old material by Allan Sherman.

When I was a kid we had a 45 of "Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah (A Letter From Camp)". It would make me laugh so hard I could barely breathe. My mother was afraid I'd have an asthma attack and die, so I wasn't allowed to listen to it. My brother would play it for me when she wasn't around.


I don't know if he was cool or if he was just trying to get rid of me.



And Tom really is a very nice guy.

Push the button Frank.
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How about we play a little game, as seen on a few late night talk shows. It goes by the name of "What if they mated". Click on the smilies from left to right see the corresponding pictures.


Here we go:


:) + :o = :idea:


Ok, that was just a practice run, let's try again!


;) + :rolleyes: = :cry:


Now that the logic is clear, let's try the real deal!


:evil: + :mad: = Wow!

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That was truly the best Hallmark card I have ever seen. Until the last example.

That one almost made me uncontrollably expectorate my beverage upon my CRT display.


Luckily, my wife was in the room.


Seriously, truly funny!






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Originally posted by bumpcity:

You know, either way man, as long as it swings.





"He's out of step with me, sir."


You know Stan did BOTH of those characters himself? That Yankee Doodle sketch still stands up as one of the most inventive and funniest things ever written. It is every bit equal, and perhaps superior, to the "Dead Parrot" sketch.


It's true. Anybody who is a fan of the "Stan Freburg Presents..." has every line, every note of every song memorized. Great cast, INCREDIBLE MUSIC ARRANGEMENT BY THE LATE BILLY MAYS and great writing.

Yep. I'm the other voice in the head of davebrownbass.
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