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Help Me Buy New Gear!


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Hi Every1 I Need Some Proffesional Help Here, Tihs Chirstmas Im Getting New Gear But I Need To Know What Combintaion You Think I Should Get, its either:


Bass Rig, Fretless Bass

Bass Rig, Boss FX Board

Fretles Bass, FX Board

Amps, Fx Board


Or What! I Have No Clue What Im Gonna Get Im Currently Playing A Squier Presiscion Specail Updrage, its basically a fender with a squier sticker, ive got a little peavey Max 120 Bass Amp, which i need to get louder for gigs, and a zoom b2.1u fx baord which i hate and want to sell to get a boss one. Help Me Someone!!

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What's wrong with your Zoom B2.1u? I have one of those and I think it's sonically excellent...of course, you do have to learn how to actually use it.


So, what's important to you? We could all just pick an answer out of the sky to give you...but if you've bothered posting, you probably want good advice. What are you trying to achieve that you can't achieve now?


Many of these types of posts are looking for other's opinions. While there's nothing wrong with that, you need to form your own opinions as well...go play through everything you possibly can and see what speaks to you.



Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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Concerning The Zoom, I Keep Getting These Unwanted Hissing Sounds, I've Tried Differnt Leads, Ect Even A Different Guitar, And Also The Expression Pedal Isnt Accruate Its Very Full Off Or Full On, If you know what im saying, oh and sorry for the capitals again! And my local music shop is very electric guitar bias they have like 4 basses in there with 400 guitars, but they will match internet prices and if you want something you they can order it in for you also, so i wanted to know some recommendations? Like i think fx are a not very needful resource more as a 'bonus' if you know what im saying, so i think i will get the fretless and the rig this year and se how much i have to spare.
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Hmmm...I'm surprised at the unwanted hissing sounds from the Zoom B2.1u. My experience has been that it's about the quietest non-rack effect unit I've ever used. Try tweaking the noise gate settings if the hiss is while you're not playing. If the hiss is while you're playing, check how you've got the compressor set, if you are using it.


The only thing I don't like about the B2.1u is that the tweakability of stuff is somewhat limited, and it's only got two footswitches. I do however agree that the expression pedal could benefit from more travel, but I can live with that one. I've picked up a Digitech BNX3 and will shortly replace the B2.1u with the BNX3 plus an Aphex BassXciter/DI pedal as my "church rig". The BNX3 has so much tweakability and features that I can't steer myself away from that route. Of course, it's one of the more hissier effects units, but there's work-arounds to minimize the hiss.



Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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I use a Digitech GNX-1 for both bass & guitar.


I've found it *can* be hissy if you've:


not set up it's out put correctly (mono/stereo/input of 1x/2x/4x12s/direct)


not using a cab simulation and overdoing the EQ (especially treble)


Perhaps something like that pertains to the B2.1u?



"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the World will know Peace": Jimi Hendrix


The Geoff - blame Caevan!!!

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h634, you live in England, what's your budget in £ not $? £400?


The B2.1 is plenty good enough - I had one of its ancestors, the Zoom 506, and that was nowhere near as nice but still good enough for gigging, recording and learning about effects. I suspect any hiss is due to excessive compression, treble boost, or gain on distortion effects. Learn how it works and I suspect you'll be pleasantly surprised.


If I were you I'd spent the whole budget on a quality secondhand amp. You will not believe the difference it makes to your playing to be able to hear yourself properly in a band context.


I'd leave the fretless purchase for the moment - get one when you've been playing longer and will really appreciate its subtleties - and can afford a decent one!



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You have a bass, a practice amp, and an fx board that will be fine when you get the hang of it.You should be able to get a pretty good quality head and cab for your budget, Ampeg, Eden, Trace Elliot, SWR. You should be able to get a 300-400 watt head and a 4x10 cab. That ought to cover most gigs.





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