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First Bass Woot! Buzzing. Grrrr.


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Well, took the plunge and bought my first bass. I went up to the Guitar Center and had the salesman help me try out some entry level basses and guitars.


I ended up getting an Ibanez GSR-200, a 45 Watt Behringer combo amp, all the assorted stuff (instructional dvd, tuner, strap, etc) and a Epiphone Special II (to play around with).


Anyway, I brought it all home, set it up, and I get this buzzing when my bass is plugged in and the amp is turned on. I searched the forums and couldn't find an answer so mahaps you can help me.


No bass or guitar plugged in, no buzz.


Plug guitar in instead of Bass and no buzz.


Plug bass into amp and buzz is there.


Put fingers on strings and buzz is there.


Cut treble (I think) off and buzz goes away.


Cut the treble on (5k) amp eq off buzz goes away.

Hold bass on lap tilted a little away from me, buzz goes away.


So any idea what it is before I stalk back to the store and have them look at me like I'm a idiot (even if I am).

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Hmmm....sounds like the pickups are picking up some noise (and perhaps the guitar has humbucker pickups while the bass doesn't?). If you have a flourescent light, computer monitor, anything that might generate a strong RF interference, turn if off and see if the buzz goes away.


If that doesn't work, try taking the bass and amp into a different room and see if you get the same results. If you do, then you'll probably get the same buzz at GC so take it back and ask them to help. It could be a loose ground connection, bad solder joint, etc.


Could also be a bad cable...did you use the same cable with the guitar and bass?




Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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oh god you bought a bass at guitar center? I went through that mistake once before. two years ago. I got a fender standard jazz bass from guitar center. i liked it..but the action kept lowering as i would play. I brought it back to get a fender standard p-bass. I brough it home and i noticed the neck was a this weird angle. so i brough that back. I got a spector bass. i went to get it set up..and they told me the neck was junk..it had a bad twist in it..so i brough it back to guitar center. I carefully looked at the basses there...honestly..every single one of the basses there that i liked..had some sort of problem with them. either bad connections..messed up necks..blemishes. it was rediculous..So i just ended up buying a Yamaha RBX374. there was nothing wroing with it. i bought it and sold it to another shop in town. and got my suzuki. I think guitar center is a great place. but when it comes to buying a bass there...ive learned my lesson. they just dont take care of their instrumnents. guitar center is a music playground. so many asswipes come in there and totally have no respect for the instuments in there. if you are going to buy a guitar or a bass. go to a small mom and pop shop. they usually take really good care of their equipment very well. I go to this place called boston guitar works. the owner works there and his guitars and basses are totally in check. all his intruments are well maintained and beautiful. I guess im fortunate to have so many mom and pop shops around me. in anycase..dont buy from guitar center. unless it out of the box.
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Originally posted by punkndisorderly:

Tried a different cable, buzz still there. Also, tried a different room, still there. Hmmm, played around with the guitar and if I turn up the tone controls, the buzzing is there.


Hmm, maybe it is the amp?

Nice job of executing the process of elimination. Does indeed sound like it may be the amp. Take the bass and amp back to GC and show them what you're getting. See if a different amp of the same model has the same characteristic...


In general, the folks employed at GC are people just like you and I...treat them with the same respect that you want to be treated with, and they will likely treat you right.



Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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Originally posted by soretro80s:

oh god you bought a bass at guitar center? I went through that mistake once before. two years ago. ... in anycase..dont buy from guitar center. unless it out of the box.



I'm really getting sick of this crap on the Lowdown. Seriously, do we all have to give advice based on a singular experiences in singular locations? You don't know what any other GC is like except for the one you went to. You have no idea how poorly a guitar or bass is set up "out of the box". It sounds like the original poster actually had a helpful salesperson, which is a rare thing in ANY music store. So why not congratulate him instead of kneejerking with "Oh God, please don't tell me you went to THAT store".


Doesn't ANY school teach statistical analysis and/or debate/forensics anymore? :rolleyes:

"For instance" is not proof.


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Originally posted by soretro80s:

oh god you bought a bass at guitar center? I went through that mistake once before. two years ago. I got a fender standard jazz bass from guitar center. i liked it..but the action kept lowering as i would play. I brought it back to get a fender standard p-bass. I brough it home and i noticed the neck was a this weird angle. so i brough that back. I got a spector bass. i went to get it set up..and they told me the neck was junk..it had a bad twist in it..so i brough it back to guitar center. I carefully looked at the basses there...honestly..every single one of the basses there that i liked..had some sort of problem with them. either bad connections..messed up necks..blemishes. it was rediculous..So i just ended up buying a Yamaha RBX374. there was nothing wroing with it. i bought it and sold it to another shop in town. and got my suzuki. I think guitar center is a great place. but when it comes to buying a bass there...ive learned my lesson. they just dont take care of their instrumnents. guitar center is a music playground. so many asswipes come in there and totally have no respect for the instuments in there. if you are going to buy a guitar or a bass. go to a small mom and pop shop. they usually take really good care of their equipment very well. I go to this place called boston guitar works. the owner works there and his guitars and basses are totally in check. all his intruments are well maintained and beautiful. I guess im fortunate to have so many mom and pop shops around me. in anycase..dont buy from guitar center. unless it out of the box.

Sorry, but I have to disagree with your comments about GC in general. Like any other business, some people are very sharp, some aren't...some are very customer-oriented, some aren't.


No offense, but it sounds to me like you should have spent a little more time playing and examining the basses you bought before you bought them. Or were you listening with your eyes instead of your ears? ;)



Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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Originally posted by zeronyne:

Originally posted by soretro80s:

oh god you bought a bass at guitar center? I went through that mistake once before. two years ago. ... in anycase..dont buy from guitar center. unless it out of the box.



I'm really getting sick of this crap on the Lowdown. Seriously, do we all have to give advice based on a singular experiences in singular locations? You don't know what any other GC is like except for the one you went to. You have no idea how poorly a guitar or bass is set up "out of the box". It sounds like the original poster actually had a helpful salesperson, which is a rare thing in ANY music store. So why not congratulate him instead of kneejerking with "Oh God, please don't tell me you went to THAT store".


Doesn't ANY school teach statistical analysis and/or debate/forensics anymore? :rolleyes:

i think you are taking it a little too overboard. ive been to many differnt guitar centers. basically all of them pretty much suck. Maybe its where im from. Im not sure. However, im just giving my opinion. Its not like i casted in stone that you should never buy stuff at GC. Im just telling my personal experiences with guitar center. Not to mention a lot of my friends have had the same problems experiences as i. and as for getting them out of the box. you just know they havent been tampered with. but yes, you are right i cant really say that everything in a box would be good.


however, this is a place for opinions. everyone has one. everyone has experiences..good and bad. you really shouldnt take what people say on here so personally.

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Dave Sisk


you are right i wasnt really paying attention to small details...when i should have been. i learned my lesson. since then i have gone into GC to give it another try. ive looked at the basses i like. and honestly. there is always something wrong with them..necks are all warped. dents..scratches..its weird..maybe it a weird set of circumstances. I personally have had very bad experiences with GC..thats all im saying.

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I went to guitar center because it was convenient, they are running their 40th anniversery sale, and they have a 30 day guarantee so if I bought a lemon, or chaned my mind, I could take it back.


My experience wasn't bad considering it's the Wal-mart of music stores. Once I flagged down a salesman, he was very helpful. I told him what I was looking for and he helped me narrow stuff down. I'd have him play the bass so I could hear how it could sound, then I'd play around with it a bit so I could see how it felt. Then we tried it with a few different amps in my price range.


The guitar is brand new and was still in the box, so anything wrong with it would be from the factory rather than store abuse. I tried the amp out (it was on the sales floor) while I was there and didn't notice the buzzing. Maybe the salesman had it or the guitar on different settings.


So, back to my problem. Thinking it might be RF interference, I tried plugging it into a surge protector strip, and the buzz was still there, so I'm thinking it's the amp. Anyone have a different lead to chase down? If not, I'll take it back to the GC in the morning and see what's what.


If I have to get different amp, any reccomendations on a good bass amp for around $150? I need a headphone jack and don't need huge power, just something to learn/practice on.

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Hey Punk...good deal. Ya know, I'd venture to say that just about any amp you buy for $150 is going to have similar sound and limitations. Just try everything they have that's within your price range, and see what you think sounds best and has the right features. You really do have to use your ears.


About the only two that I can think of that you *might* find that are decent and *might* be in that price range used are one of the older Fender Bassman combo's (there's a 30watt 10" and a 60watt 12", IIRC...both sounded really good to me given their power). You might also find a used Trace Elliot 12" combo (Commando I think might have been what it was called?)...I've played through one of those and it was decent. A similar one would be the Ashdown EB12-180, but I'd doubt you'd find one in a GC unless there's some other local dealer. Perhaps you might find one of the smaller Carvin combo's at the right price. Just see what they have available that's near your price range (you can always negotiate a bit) and play through them all to see what fits your fancy.


Good luck with it!


Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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Sounds like 60 cycle hum to me; not the amps fault, I wager.


And I have to agree that you really can't write your experiences large and make them a rule.


GC is famous for letting stuff hang in an unattended room and gobs of greasy fingered wannabes whack the stuff around. Of course, as these things are dropped and popped, they get roughed up.


In my opinion, the stuff hanging on the wall is USED gear. It does still carry a NEW warranty.


For the bass in question: I would take it back and get another copy. If that one still buzzes, I'd spend a few more dollars and get a better bass.


I notice the description of this bass includes an active bass boost called "PHAT II." I'm extremely suspicious of that boost; can it be cut off? Does the buzz go away?

Yep. I'm the other voice in the head of davebrownbass.
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Originally posted by soretro80s:

oh god you bought a bass at guitar center? I went through that mistake once before.... in anycase..dont buy from guitar center. unless it out of the box.

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does that mean I should take back the Musicman Sterling I bought from them several years ago? Does that mean my Musicman is broken? I'm really worried now guys! This guys sez that all guitar centers' aare bad! I'm going to take it bak and shove it up the sales guys butt. AHAHAHAA. LOLZ. ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!#E
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Originally posted by punkndisorderly:

So any idea what it is before I stalk back to the store and have them look at me like I'm a idiot (even if I am).

You're not an idiot. You did a good job of narrowing it down here. Sounds like the bass is the cause of the problem and it's likely really poor shielding or something faulty in the electronics. Since it's new I'd just take it back to them and explain what is happening. They will most likely exchange it for a working one.


My first bass had a wonderful wiring job. Mike Lull was heard to utter, "I'm surprised this thing ever worked" when I picked it up from him after he did a fretless conversion and pickup swap. I'd played the bass for almost a year and it had worked fine. When Mike took it apart he found that the factory had put one of the pickup screws *through* one of the wires from the pickup. Ibanez quality control was apparently on break the day that bass was made.

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Very strange, turned it on to play around this morning, and no buzz. Maybe it's the floodlights in the store I live over. They're about 5 feet away and not on in the daytime. I didn't even think about them because it's not in the house and they are under our balcony (out of sight, out of mind).


Maybe that's it!

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I spoke to a man recently who was wondering up and down my street with an Aeriel and 'black box'. Some of my neighbours were reporting interference on their TV's. He told me the worst culprits were Magnesium or Mercury Halide spot lights. They can emit radiation that can be detected up to a quarter of a mile away. Especially if there is a faulty or blown one.


Alternatively I have a dimmer switch on my kitchen lights when I record on my PC I have to make sure the kitchen light is off. Took me ages to track down. Check all the lights in your building if possible.


I also had one bass that I couldn't play at theatre shows because it would pick up so much noise from the dimmer racks. I had it rewired and it was OK. If its not the lights swap the bass.

Feel the groove internally within your own creativity. - fingertalkin


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The lights turn on and off by sensor, so if the buzz is back tonight, that may be the culprit. Since I have 30 days to take it back, and I like the amp OK (minus the buzzing), I think I'll look at it as a mystery to be solved. I'll take a mental note of what's on when it's buzzing and what's not on when it's not.


So if it is the light or a dimmer switch, is the radiation coming through the power lines or is it "in the air". If it's in the air, then what should I look for in a bass and guitar that makes it less prone to interference (keep in mind I can't afford much).


If it's coming through the line, would one of those line conditioners cut the problem?


Oh, and thanks everyone for trying to help me figure this out.

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GC is a great place to go to check out the instruments you like. But when your ready to buy it either ask for the instrument not hanigng on the wall but in the back room. OR just test it out there and buy it from the store. I have deff. seen many screwed up items in GC but that store really does help you.




Don't listen to the people selling you the instruments at GC i have gotten stuck with the worst people. This guy was telling me shit about the bass thinking i didnt know and most of the things he said were just wrong! I mean im only 16 so they think im a beginning but screw them, im not!

Feel the Vibration of the bass
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GC is a great place to go to check out the instruments you like. But when your ready to buy it either ask for the instrument not hanigng on the wall but in the back room. OR just test it out there and buy it from the store. I have deff. seen many screwed up items in GC but that store really does help you.




Don't listen to the people selling you the instruments at GC i have gotten stuck with the worst people. This guy was telling me shit about the bass thinking i didnt know and most of the things he said were just wrong! I mean im only 16 so they think im a beginning but screw them, im not!

Feel the Vibration of the bass
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A good shielding job in the control cavity might go a long way, as well as checking the soldered connections. Again, I'm sure the GC has a guitar tech there at least a couple days a week...find out which day he's there, take the bass in and talk to the salesperson. See if they will give you some free fixin' from the guitar tech. It's a new bass, so that seems like a reasonable thing to ask for, especially since it's making noises that it shouldn't.


If the buzz is coming in over the power line, then a decent line conditioner may help. You might want to check the ground connections in the room you're using to make sure the ground isn't lifted or miswired. If the buzz is coming through the air, then a shielding job should help in the control cavity should help quite a bit.



Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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Originally posted by Feel_Grooves1:

Don't listen to the people selling you the instruments at GC i have gotten stuck with the worst people. This guy was telling me shit about the bass thinking i didnt know and most of the things he said were just wrong! I mean im only 16 so they think im a beginning but screw them, im not!

Just as a thought...be realistic here. If you're 16 years old, you can only have so much knowledge and experience about anything, bass included. (No offense intended by this, of course.) Now's a good time to develop the important life skill of figuring out how to take something negative and turn it into a positive. Figure out how you can use folks' assumptions as something to benefit you rather than something that belittles you! ;)



Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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