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Mean Old World

Ross Brown

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Is the world mean today?


Went downtown for lunch today. Saw a middle aged special needs (I think) guy threatening to beat up a middle aged special needs (I think) girl. I began thinking to myself, how am I going to stop this? He was trying to spit on her and chasing her around a flower bed. A blind dude whacked him with his cane. That seemed to do the trick.


Everyone on the local Blues listserve is pickin at each other and pissin each other off. I thought music was fun.


Someone ran into my wifes car with their bike in the parking lot at our apartment. Lots of damage. Of course they didnt take responsibility. BB hole in window, also nice.


Daughters are graduating high school this week. That is good. They can be mean too.


Oh yeah, we hired our second singer that cant sing this weekend. The instrumentals were fantastic at rehearsal. I was amazed at the sounds the guitarist was getting, now that we have a second guitar. Anyway, same old stuff.

"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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I'm kind of pissy 'cuz I'm sick :)


I have noticed that girls (teens-20's) are getting more aggressive. At least 1/2 of the time that I'm cut off on the road, it's by a girl driving aggressively. I'm not sure why. Maybe the "sugar and spice" recipe has been tampered with.

It's not simple to be simple.

-H. Matisse


Ross Precision Guitars

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I agree Ross, I'm a little down at the moment - I had a fantastic gig on Saturday night, we had the crowd eating out of our hands, they were dancing on the tables, screaming for encores and shaking us all by the hands at the end.


When we went to the carpark next to the venue some drunken morons had become confused by the hat my drummer was wearing and tried to intimidate him. When this didn't work they became even more confused and tried to start a fight with us.


It really put a dampener on my evening and makes me glad I don't live in that city any more.

Now theres three of you in a band, youre like a proper band. Youre like the policemen.
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Cell phones are going to destroy us.

"Some people are like "slinkies". They're not really good for anything;

but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a

flight of stairs."

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Originally posted by Bottomgottem:

Bite me. I think you all suck. :mad:


(just kidding; thanny's sort of O.K.)

No, you were right the first time, we all suck, we're not worthy, etc and so on. (yawn)

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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In Ohio, it is illegal to use a cell phone while driving. My son was talking to me on a cell phone while in a parking lot. He hung up so he could drive. Called me back three minutes later to tell me he was a witness to an accident. A girl was on her cell phone while driving and never stopped at the red light. No one seriously injured, but the first thing out of the girl's mouth was "I wasn't on my cell phone".


People who normally cant drive that drive while on the cell phone suck. People who can't normally drive that drive anyway suck.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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You will know things are out of control when your drummer stops in the middle of a song to answer his cell phone. I would love to see the expressions on the audience's faces. Might be a fun thing to pull during a gig sometime.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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My singer was texting during a gig, luckily she wsn't singing but still. and Getz you get paid for work. money is something i despretly need. Bottomgottem thank you for saying I'm ok I am honored.

I knew a girl that was into biamping,I sure do miss



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Originally posted by Social Critic:

Called me back three minutes later to tell me he was a witness to an accident. A girl was on her cell phone while driving and never stopped at the red light. No one seriously injured, but the first thing out of the girl's mouth was "I wasn't on my cell phone".

I narrowly avoided getting hit by some kid who was doing the same thing last weekend. In my case I was 5 blocks from my house at a 4-way stop sign. I'd already stopped and had started to go when he came tearing through the intersection at 35MPH+ (56KPH). That would have ruined my day if I hadn't seen his dumb ass. He continued to talk on his cell phone the entire time like it was no big deal.
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Originally posted by thanny XIII:

and Getz you get paid for work. money is something i despretly need.

Your education is how you're getting paid for doing your school work/finals. Your education is the way you're going to get that thing you so "desperately need" later in life.
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I get flipped off because they run the red light/stopsign.

I get flipped off when they change lanes unexpectedly and I'm already there.

I get flipped off when they're on their phone/reading/putting on makeup/talking to someone in the backseat and they nearly miss their exit FROM THREE LANES AWAY!


It's epidemic. The mentality used to be "is it safe for me to do this" but now it's "damn the torpedoes, I hope they have time to stop and good insurance".


But it's not just drivers. It's restaurant patrons, mall shoppers, people walking down the street. It doesn't seem like such a small minority of people any more like it used to be.

-- Joe --


"If you think you're too old, then you are." --Lemmy Kilmister

"I have not seen a man who is not god already." --Austin Osman Spare

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Originally posted by butcherNburn:

And there's a little child inside all of us, mine is giving me indigestion.

Uck!!! That's just eliciting this disgusting image of some kind of malformed parasitic twin with a face popping somewhere out of your torso, like Kuato in Total Recall.

Obligatory Social Media Link

"My concern is, and I have to, uh, check with my accountant, that this might bump me into a higher, uh, tax..."

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I was riding a bike home from school the other day going about 30mph (a pedal bike down hill matching traffic, luckily in the back of the pack) and some guy walked out into the road like I didnt exist. it was either try and jump the curb at an angle (not a good idea), hit him, try and slid sideways to a stop and maybe lay down or go into on coming traffic. So I hit the breaks slid and just before i get to him lay it down and try and stay on my feet and nudge his shoulder and then hit the ground. He says, watch where the ---- you are going --- ----. yeash. Then as I feel the blood leaving my elbow he walks away.


Almost got hit by a college girl on her cell phone as she blew a red light and turned the wrong way on a one way (turning left across traffic)


But in other meetings with people I have had good encounters on the whole. I think maybe its the whole self fulfilling prophesy thing sometimes. If you expect the world to be a bunch of pricks they will most likely or at least you will notice these things about people. Like the guy who goes around looking for fights during your gig. No one is doing anything to him, but he takes everything wrong so he can justify a fight.

Hope your day goes better.


Ya ever notice how everyone thinks they have it bad. School sucks, work sucks, being hurt sucks, (ok having surgery sucks, but at least it didnt turn to gang green or lead to amputation!) So why is it we compete for the shittiest life whenever someone else complains? Im guilty of it to, so its not like Im exempt. But why? To show we have made it through more adversity than others in the same place, meaning we accomplished more? If we dont like it, why do we do it; because it will make us happy sometime in the future? I get in slumps where I start doing things I hate because I think it will make me hapopy in the future. It never works. The only thing that works for me is being happy with where im at, or changing to someplace I am happy with. (place referring to where we work/or our perception of our lives.)


Alright I wondered a lot there.

Im sure everyone will have a happy and glorious day.

(when your unhappy, do you ever notice yourself hating happy people. I do sometimes. Why?)






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Originally posted by Nicklab:

Originally posted by butcherNburn:

And there's a little child inside all of us, mine is giving me indigestion.

Uck!!! That's just eliciting this disgusting image of some kind of malformed parasitic twin with a face popping somewhere out of your torso, like Kuato in Total Recall.
I have no desire to be a country singer though.
If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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Originally posted by Matt W:

Cell phones can be bad for your health, and the health of those around you. Sometimes very bad .

I hate to seem callous but I don't really feel sorry for her, given the circumstances. I feel sorry for the poor Train Operator that has to live with that image in his mind forever.
If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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World is better today. Wife and Step daughter picked me up from work and took me to KFC for lunch.


I agree that when we are down, we see the bad, when we are up, we are untouchable.


The sun is shining here. My dog lays under my feet when I practice. My wife like to hear me practice. I have a job. I am in a band. I have had no surgery. Both daughters are graduating from High school and both have figured out how to pay for college without my help.


I am untouchable today.

"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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