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any how i am also a reformed mac user. i used macs in the early day, i.e. apple 2e's, original mac-intosh, g3's etc. but i feel now the pc has surpassed in the mac in speed and cost. so i switched, simple as that. i still use g4's at work and it is fine. apple is a good solution of you don't want to get your hands dirty, i.e. open the box and it works. generally pc's bought from major dealers are not worth it. hard to expand, limited bios, etc. (like the mac) the best solution i find is to roll your own, which requires research and testing but in the end you can save yourself several thousand dollars. i think at this point it should be a required skill of an engineer along with tape head alignment, soldering your own cables, etc. i like gtrmacs statement that he learned how to service all the mac based daws as part of his job. that is where we are at in pro audio, everyone learned on the mac platform, protools, etc. and that is why we are still using it. my xp daw has crashed twice in the last six months. and it wasn't really even a crash because the os stayed up, just the applications crashed. to be honest i didn't have much of a problem with 98 either. but then i had a stripped down os, audio only machine with well reasearched components. and let me get some myths out of the way: jobs stole the gui interface and the mouse (which was developed in the late sixties) from prototypes in a xerox lab. so i am not concerned that windows is "lifted" from the mac os. firewire was developed by texas instruments, not apple. and usb 2.0 is faster than firewire anyhow. with all of this stated though i still use macs and like them just fine and we need to continue using them because of the alsihads. a final note: i wish i didn't have to use a computer at all, i was happy with analog. the screen gives me a headache. :mad:
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YAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNN! :bor: 1. "My experience is that my system never crashes. Therefore, it is the best platform." 2. "When I use , it sure is unstable. Therefore, that is the inferior platform." 3. "If it's like this for little ol' me, it must be like this for EVERYONE!"
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PCs have so copied the Mac look and feel that If you have a PC your really own a Mac copy. I remember when PC owners hated Macs because the Mac used a mouse and had a graphic interface. Truth is PC owners have a large debt to Apple. Of course we're going to hear the PC apologist claim that Apple stole from Xerox so all things are equal. A willful ignorance. If you have time to build a PC good for you, I'd rather make music. Hell I'd rather practice piano or read a good novel. Personal preference. If an application fails and you have to reboot, it's the equivalent of a crash. don't know how you could argue otherwise. The PC vs Mac saga has been one where the Mac has for many years been long ahead of the PC and perhaps the PC has recently caught up and maybe slighty surpassed (in some aspects), but that won't be for long.

"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis

maintain their neutrality."


[Dante Alighieri] (1265-1321)

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GeorgeG3: Finally! A Mac person who seems to be in touch with reality... I know Macs are powerfull, but it really looks like they're loosing this race. And the Macs are just so ridiculously expensive! From Apples site: [i]...You can see obsession with design and detail wherever you look: the spring-loaded screws that secure the bottom plate of the new iMac, [b]laser-etched text where others would put a sticker,[/b]... [/i] To even list this as part of a reason to switch to Mac! Man, that says a lot about Apple. Oh, and did you know that Microsoft helped Apple fix a lot of bugs in OS X? Microsoft saved Apples ass quite some time ago. But as Apple no longer show any interest in keeping a good relationship with Microsoft, Microsoft seems to be drifting towards a decision to not have anything to do with Apple anymore. This means no new versions or updates for Office, Entourage or IE on the Mac. Sure, there are a lot of apps that come with the Mac when you by it. But most of those apps are realy quite awfull. They are extremely limited feature-wise. If Microsoft wanted to include the same type of apps with WinXP they'd be hauled to court before you could blink an eye. People say Macs are so intuitive. I just find it very difficult to see the logic in many of the workings of OS 9 and OS X. Anyway, if you call having to drag an icon representing the mounted CD-ROM to the trash can to get the CD-ROM to eject intuitive... (I know that there now is a button on the keyboard for ejecting the CD-ROM) If you take a look at the list of things that are supposed to be reasons for switching to a Mac: You could buy some really great software for all those things on a PC. Software that's MUCH better than that which comes with a Mac. And you'd still have many $100's to go before you're on par with what a Mac would cost. Anyway, XP simply doesn't crash on a properly configured PC. Period. I've seen OS X crash lots of times... Those 12 people in Apples TV ads are really making a fool of themselves. Those ads are the most hilarious ads I've seen in a long time. They must have spent a lot of time searching, and finally found the 12 most ignorant people in the area...

-Joachim Dyndale



Einstein: The difference between genius and stupidity is: Genius has limits


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[quote]Originally posted by jla@hib.no: [b] http://www.apple.com/switch/ads/ellenfeiss.html that's all i have to say about apple.[/b][/quote]I can't believe they would actually use this person in an ad. She's a friggin' idiot. She shouldn't be let close to ANY computer. But if this is the average Apple user. Damn..

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President George Washington: "The government of the United States is in no sense founded on the Christian Religion."

President Abraham Lincoln: "The Bible is not my book, nor Christianity my religion."

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[quote]Originally posted by alcohol: [b] If you have time to build a PC good for you, I'd rather make music. Hell I'd rather practice piano or read a good novel. Personal preference. [/b][/quote]To me knowing how your system works (PC or MAC) is like knowing how to fix thwe intonation on your guitar. Yeah, you can have somebody else do it. And the excuse (I'd rather be making music), is a pretty lame one. A rel pro should know his tools inside and out. Otherwise, to me, you're not a pro. Just a trained monkey who knows how to press the right buttons.

IMDB Credit list

President George Washington: "The government of the United States is in no sense founded on the Christian Religion."

President Abraham Lincoln: "The Bible is not my book, nor Christianity my religion."

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Henchnman I'd rather be making music is a completely valid assertion if I had 40 hours in a day I would not have enough time to spend investigating my instrument. Figuring out songs, sight reading a new piece, working on my chops, jamming with freinds, composing, gigging, recording. These are things I wish I had enough time for. Researching, buying, and constructing a computer. Are not fun for me. :D Yes Macs are behind in the power department . But power isn't everthing. Not to mention I love DP which is not available for a PC. Use what you like spend your recources how you wish time, money. For me time is way more valuble than money. Talcott

Ahh! Let us proclaim absolute truths.


Let us dishonor war, No...glorious war does not exist.


-Victor Hugo



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[quote]Originally posted by Talcott: [b] For me time is way more valuble than money. Talcott[/b][/quote]Which is exactly why I research and build things right the first time right out of the gate so I don't have to deal with bullshit later.Also let's not forget,you are using a "computer" for making this music.If you want to bury your'e head in the sand and pay a premium to Steve Jobs to hold your'e hand that's fine,but the rest of us are more realistic.
"A Robot Playing Trumpet Blows"
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GeorgeG3, thank you for your honest and concise reason for your preference. If only the othe mac users could admit to the same reason without trying to slag pc's with old outdated pc problems that just do not apply anymore. Many here are acting as computer bigots, floating wild accusations and untruths. Would you slag me so severly for my my being partial to brunettes with some after market boobs? Or how silly of me to slam you for you prefference to natural blondes? That is how ridiculous this is coming off...
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[quote]Originally posted by jla@hib.no: [b] http://www.apple.com/switch/ads/ellenfeiss.html that's all i have to say about apple.[/b][/quote]Oh my gosh, what a tool :eek: . Put down the bong and step away from the computer :freak: :D .
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I am just quoting you because you bring up a lot of good points I relate to. [quote]Originally posted by JoachimDyndale: [b] To even list this as part of a reason to switch to Mac! Man, that says a lot about Apple.[/b][/quote]Or it says a lot about whoever controls the advertising. It has been about winning "hearts and minds" for years. It turns me off, but I suppose they can show where it produces results. [quote][b]Oh, and did you know that Microsoft helped Apple fix a lot of bugs in OS X? Microsoft saved Apples ass quite some time ago. [/b][/quote]In the boxing ring, they call that "Carrying them for a few rounds". Microsoft was responding to the anti-trust investigation by trying to demonstrate a competitor still existed. [quote][b]If Microsoft wanted to include the same type of apps with WinXP they'd be hauled to court before you could blink an eye.[/b][/quote]In fairness, the first out of the gate rarely makes the best rendition. Microsoft has bought most of its good ideas by wiping out other companies, and their lack of execution means there is a thriving business for third party software. Eg. I have to use Outlook and Outlook Express at the same time to get even part of what I want for a Contact Manager. I should be buying Maximizer or Goldmine, etc. But look at all the employment around the world for IT people to keep this whole mess running. :) [quote][b]People say Macs are so intuitive. [/b][/quote]It always amazes me how people on both platforms can lose a file five seconds after they saved it. [i]"OK, I got that brochure ready to proof."[/i] "Great, where'd you put it?" [i]"Duh, I don't know. I saved it."[/i] "Where'd you save it?" and on it goes. But the look I get says it's the computer's fault, especially when it was a Mac devotee doing a short job on Windows. Like the file/folder/drive analogy is different, spare me. When I was doing on location work, I got a panic phone call from the client who was playing around with my CorelDraw files and suddenly all the work disappeared - gone, poof! "Oh my God, this would never happen on my Mac, what's wrong with these machines? blah, blah, blah." This guy spent hours a day on his Mac with the 9" screen but you know I had to walk this genius all over again through the concept of using a mouse and moving one window to reveal the CorelDraw window behind that one? It's that mental disconnect I mentioned in an earlier post. I can't explain it, but these people have it. My Mac: mouse, windows, folders, files; uh-huh. Your PC: mouse, windows, folders, files; I don't get it. (If a Windows user got stupid using a Mac, I'd be just as pissed off when they wasted my time) Geez, if you can find a number in a phone book you can organize files. If you wanted the number of someone in New Jersey would you start by picking up the yellow pages for Calgary? RE: Apple TV Ads. All I can guess is the campaign is to "dumb down" the Mac a little to widen the target market. It is definitely not appealing to the usual hip crowd. I do multimedia work for Levi's/Dockers, Maxell, Hyundai, etc. so this is all just branding to me. I don't knock them for it, but I don't have to buy into it either. I don't like, think Ellen could find a number, like, for her best friend, you know? So like, anyway, whatever.
It's OK to tempt fate. Just don't drop your drawers and moon her.
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Henchman, I play piano much better than any piano tuner/ rebuilder/maker I've met. I don't have the skills of a piano tuner. I can afford to pay one. I don't want to take the time to learn how to tune my piano. My time is too dear. I'd rather pay someone else and I have that option. I'd rather spend the time it takes to learn how to tune a piano on repetoire. I'd rather spend the time it takes to tune a piano doing something else. I'm a professional piano player, not a tuner. I don't know any guitarist that fixes the intonation of their guitar. I know some luthier's that fix intonation, but they seem to be mediocre guitarists. The idea that the achievment of some prosiac mechanical skill like building a pc gives someone some kind of professional advantage fails me. It might give a professional advantage as an assistant to a real musician that uses a computer, but not much advantage for making and creating music. I've been making music for a lot longer than a PC has been able to be used as a tool for making music. Truth is maintaining a PC or Mac is a low level skill. Maintaining a Mac is easier than maintaining a PC. I've had 4 Macs and have had to consult a service representative less than a handful of times. I've replaced an internal hard drive on an iMac with information found online. It took me less time to do that than to drive the machine to a repairman. However, I think that building a PC from scratch for the first time would indeed take more time than it would be worth to me. I would rather make music than build a PC. That's me, my individual choice. I have no idea why someone would feel a need make a personal insult of that choice. Obviously a monkee couldn't build a PC from scratch, but I could if I had the desire. However, I know it's a lot easier to build a PC from scratch than it is to make creative music or to perform music creatively. So I'd rather spend my time doing more challenging activities. Doesn't seem like a lame choice to me. To each his own

"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis

maintain their neutrality."


[Dante Alighieri] (1265-1321)

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Well, a new variation on the Mac vs. PC (Windows) theme. I can live with that. I've always said, a computer is just a computer, and use what you're comfortable with. I've used both. From '87 until about '95, I was a total Mac freak. In college, I worked in the campus computer lab as a support person (before Windows 3.0 or 3.1), and I dreaded having to go into the PC rooms to help people. I LOVED the Macs, 'cause people could actually get work done without being a DOS expert. I have owned, and still own, Macs. Love 'em. I've done a lot of work with them. Then, around '95, I started working for a company writing Help files and manuals for a Windows application. It didn't take me long to catch on to Windows (so much better than DOS, but I think we all know where the GUI came into acceptance). I kept updating my Macs as they got faster/better, but had to buy a PC when doing some multimedia work, and had to compile Director movies on the PC, for a cross-platform CD-ROM. At first, I just used the PC on occasion, then I found that it was more trouble than it was worth to disconnect the cords just to hook up the Mac. I got comfortable with "Windows 95." Then '98, and ME, and NT, and later XP. The past few years, I worked as a Tech Writer and Technical Product Manager for a software company (big one based in Denver -- figure it out), and used Macs and PCs every day. I found myself using the PC most of the time. This translated over to my home experience as well. I found that while my Mac music production system rocked, as I added music stuff to my PC, it could work JUST AS WELL for me. This was a shocker. I'd always reserved my music stuff for my Mac, and here I was having a great time and getting great results with a PC? The final blow for me came about a year ago, when I updated my Mac to a 667MHz box for $2500. I had to. My Mac was a piss-poor G3, and using Digital Performer, I was hitting a brick wall. Oh, I was happy with it, still am, but what a bite out of my pocketbook. About three months later, when the Intel P4s came out, I bought a Dell with a 1GHz PIII processor for $600. I added memory, drives, audio cards (Paris, BTW), and software unavailable on the Mac (Wavelab, Acid, etc.). With a dual-monitor setup, I found myself gravitating to the PC more and more. Paris was rock-solid on the Dell box. I still used the Mac for MIDI stuff, and DP kicks butt in that department, but I found it easier just to use the faster (and it is faster) processor. To make a short story even longer, the final blow for me was when I used my tax refund to buy an outrageous Xeon dual-processor PC. Two processors running at 2.2 GHz, 1024 MB (1 gig) RAM, Windows XP. Granted Paris doesn't run (officially) on this box, but everything else SCREAMS. And this box costs WAY LESS than the top-of-the-line Mac. Fully equipped, this dual-Xeon (easily 2X faster than the fastest Mac available) cost about $3000 less than a similarly equipped Mac. I can run Logic, Cubase SX, Acid, Sonar, and a host of other applications at breakneck speed, without crashing, using a ton of plugins, and having a blast doing it. I've looked at OSX, even run it, but Windows XP on a dual-processor system with mature software kicks butt. No two ways about it. So, I guess this is my confession: I've switched from Mac to PC. I ain't throwing out my Mac, or my other 1 GHz PIII ('cause it runs my Paris system). But, I doubt I'll be buying another Mac. There's no compelling reason for me to use any computer other than the one I have. Oh yeah. If, in a year, the price of 3 GHz Xeon processors (as yet unavailable, but will eventually appear) drops to an acceptable level, it's about a 15-minute task to update my processors, and I'll have an up-to-date computer again, at a fraction of the cost of updating a Mac. I love my new computer. I used to feel emotional about Macs in the same way. I get a lot of work done, have fun, and have NO problems with my computer. Use what works for you. I do.
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Sorry, but: 1: XP IS NT 5.1, with a colorful GUI and some good enhancements. 2: PC rules the consumer and office world, Mac rules the pro and science world..... PC have 95% of the market, Mac have 4%. Do you have a Broadcast videocamera costing 20k bucks? No, it's for pros. Mac is for pros too. Very less people NEED it, writing letters, playing games, sending emails, browsing internet can be done with a PC. High demand applications need a Mac, and i believe that some AMD Athlon are fantastic, but the operating system is crap

:) Features Are Not An Opinion. :)

(John Hope, 2003)





Ufficio Internazionale Per La Presa Per Il Culo Dei Sbruffoni Statunitensi

Att. Tua Sorella

Codice Mavapigliatelindomo

Pirla Chi Legge

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Sorry, tron, I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt, but you sound like you do not know what you are talking about. Windows XP is an excellent operating system. I dare anyone to provide evidence to the contrary. I know. I use them all: Mac OS 9.1, Mac OSX, Solaris 8 and 9, Windows ME and XP, and Linux. Windows XP is a mature, efficient, and stable operating system, and very usable. I've used it for several months, and it works like a charm. I don't know if you are serious in your posts, or if you're just trying to get a rise out of people. I can tell you one thing, if your last post is any indication, you really don't know what you are talking about. This is just my gut feeling, but you are full of crap. This is not an attack. This is just me stating what I can interpret from the text you're spitting out of your keyboard. I have learned to trust my instincts, and my instincts tell me you are either a fake or ignorant. This is not an attack, just my call.
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If somebody wants to use a computer to make music, that computer and all of the associated software should be well-designed enough that a person can use it without knowing "what's inside a computer". If it's designed to where you have to tinker with it to make it work, it's not a good design. The damn thing should work right out of the box. It seems to me that plenty of people are recording on either a Mac or a PC who don't have to dig into the computer to make it work. They're all doing fine, and they probably have enough sense to ignore this thread! :) I work on both a Mac and a PC. They both work fine. They don't crash (er, while making music; they crash when browsing the internet, though!). They're fine. Macs are a little expensive, but they work well. PCs are a little cheaper, and they now work well. Even when I was working on Windows 95, SAW+ was stable until old age and disintegration of the OS set in. Now, Windows is more stable. What's all the bitching and moaning about? They're both fine!!! Choose the music software that you want to work on, pick the computer that best supports that, and get on with it. I use a watch, and I'm not sure what makes it tick. I use a car, but I am not a mechanic. I use a microwave, but don't know how to service one. I play guitar, but don't know how to do neck work on it. I use a computer, and I don't know exactly how it works. But you know what? I play keyboards and guitar well, the quality of my recordings have been good enough to earn praise in several widely-published magazines, I have even been nominated for a Grammy for one of my works by NARAS (round one, at least), and I have music on MTV and the WB. I am a musician. I don't have my head in the sand. I'm not ignorant. I don't suck. I choose what I want to be good at. I've chosen music and recording, not hot-rodding computers and shifting files around and writing code. If you know how to work on a computer, that's great! That's an extra skill that's quite admirable. Maybe you can share some of that skill on this forum. However, I would like to try and take some of the heat off of this name-calling. Someone should be able to buy a computer and do music on it without knowing how to tinker with it and NOT be called ignorant for choosing to devote more time to their music and craft, and less time "under the hood". Thank you.
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[quote]Originally posted by RangerJay: [b] So, I guess this is my confession: I've switched from Mac to PC. I ain't throwing out my Mac, or my other 1 GHz PIII ('cause it runs my Paris system). But, I doubt I'll be buying another Mac. There's no compelling reason for me to use any computer other than the one I have. [/b][/quote]Good post. BTW, you know the Paris XP drivers are in beta, yes? I'm mixing 89 tracks and a ton of plugins on a dual Athlon under WinXP right now. Still a couple of little issues, but it's really close. So friggin' snappy, it hurts. The thing acts like I'm running a single stereo file. Regards, Brian T
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soapbox, You have the will to ignore Mac vs PC debates, use that. It' doesn't even require a download everyone else: I got a 4 year old Mac G3 that plays back 32 tracks on ProTools just as well as it plays back a two track stereo file. Big Deal! Now I've heard a new PC play back Real Audio files too fast so that the singer sounded like a chipmunk! That's not a positive development to my ears. When I bought this machine it had the fastest CPU available of any desktop PC. I'm confident that Apple/Motorola/IBM will leapfrog over Intel again and that's when I'm updating. I haven't heard any plug-ins that match my outboard equipment, nor have I read reports of many that do, so I'm confident that my tracks made on my aging Mac sound better than tracks made with tens of plugins on a PC. It's the sound that matters, not how many plugins you use. I got plug ins that aren't available for PCs and other software that aren't available for PCs, sothe claim that Mac users are somehow deprived rings hollow to me. If anyone things that Mac and PC development is frozen in the present they got some lessons to learn. I'll say it again. Macs have been ahead of PCs in audio software, capabilities and power for a long time and though Macs are slightly behind in CPU power at this moment, there are developments on the PowerPC chip that when they come will humble Wintel users. One fact you can't ignore is that Emagic spent the vast majority of it's service budget on it's minority of PC users. Seems to me that PC users must have a distorted idea of what trouble free means.

"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis

maintain their neutrality."


[Dante Alighieri] (1265-1321)

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I wouldn't want to work on this either though.......... [url=http://www.raytracer25.btinternet.co.uk/iToilet/itoilet.html]www.raytracer25.btinternet.co.uk/iToilet/itoilet.html[/url] :D
"A Robot Playing Trumpet Blows"
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[quote]Originally posted by Alndln: [b]I wouldn't want to work on this either though.......... [url=http://www.raytracer25.btinternet.co.uk/iToilet/itoilet.html]www.raytracer25.btinternet.co.uk/iToilet/itoilet.html[/url] :D [/b][/quote]Yes, that web site is quite an accomplishment! :bor:

"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis

maintain their neutrality."


[Dante Alighieri] (1265-1321)

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[b]alcohol[/b], you obviously have more faith in my willpower than I do! ;) But seriously, please fine folks, go ahead with your debates. While this subject has been done more times than I recall, there are new members who haven't had a chance to put their two cents in. I wouldn't even begrudge old members who have given their two dollars worth. I do wish that, in the heat of battle, people wouldn't put forth opinions as facts and that everyone would avoid getting angry and making things personal; but I wish for peace on Earth too, and I haven't had much luck with that one either! :D I'll admit that I haven't read enough posts in this thread to know how much of what I've described has happened here; I just know that this subject tends to get people upset and write things they might regret. So, consider this post as a friendly caution sign in the roadway. Heed it or ignore it. It's your choice.

Enthusiasm powers the world.


Craig Anderton's Archiving Article

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[quote]Originally posted by tron: [b]Sorry, but: 1: XP IS NT 5.1, with a colorful GUI and some good enhancements. 2: PC rules the consumer and office world, Mac rules the pro and science world..... PC have 95% of the market, Mac have 4%. Do you have a Broadcast videocamera costing 20k bucks? No, it's for pros. Mac is for pros too. Very less people NEED it, writing letters, playing games, sending emails, browsing internet can be done with a PC. High demand applications need a Mac, and i believe that some AMD Athlon are fantastic, but the operating system is crap[/b][/quote]Theses statements represent the "praise the Lord" cultists that Apple must cultivate to survive. These statements clearly show a person with little or no technical ability or knowledge. This is exactly who the MAC is for. It is designed and marketed precisely for the person who doesn't want to know any thing more than where to click the mouse. Looking under the hood is a terrifying prospect to people like Tron and he is exactly the type that the MAC has ALWAYS been marketed for. That's why he can make technically ignorant statements such as this. The entire MAC philosophy and marketing emphasis has ALWAYS been “the computer for the average guy who doesn’t want to have to learn computers”. It has NEVER been marketed or designed for professionals or technical people. Graphics professionals adopted them early because 12 years ago the MAC was better at graphics. That hasn’t been true for many years and PC’s have been at the technological forefront for quite a while now.
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[quote]Originally posted by alcohol: [b]I'll say it again. Macs have been ahead of PCs in audio software[/b][/quote]Give me just one example of this in the last 5 years. Seriously. ACID, Gigasampler, etc are still only avaialble for PC. It seems to me that both platforms are on equal playing feilds at the momement.
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alcohol [quote]A) I don't know any guitarist that fixes the intonation of their guitar. I know some luthier's that fix intonation, but they seem to be mediocre guitarists. ------------------------------------------------ B) I'd rather spend the time it takes to learn how to tune a piano on repetoire. I'd rather spend the time it takes to tune a piano doing something else. [/quote]A) Shhh, Don't tell Buzz Feiten this... All guitarists change their strings, adjust their bridges, saddles, amp settings, amp selection, tone controles for their own playing style, an analogue to tweaking the bios or operating system for performance, while learning something about themselves in the process. B) This statement makes you sound lazy and un careing for your "art". Usually, interfaceing with the instrument in a different way enhances ones performance. It is like careing about a lover or child, making sure personally they are fed and healthy, and will wipe the running noses, or massage out some aggravation. Hands on DOES bring one closer to ones instrument on a relational basis. I have come to the conclusion that you are behaving arrogently and pompusly, either because that is the way you are, or are being intentionally provocative. Either way, it is a sad assesment.
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loudist, You can't resist the personal insult either. I play guitar a bit too, and do all those things to my guitar and amp. What I don't do is fiddle with adjusting the intonation of my frets. My luthier does that. Those things that you mentioned doing to a guitar are rather ordinary adjustments that any guitarist would make, fixing the intonation of a guitar gone bad is a real esoteric skill. Why would you be so inclined to think I would be unaware of commonplace guitar adjustments? I'm not arrogant, I'm rather humble. I tune a few notes on my piano when it goes out, but I wouldn't be so presumptious to think that I could tune my piano like a professional tuner. Now I know some real good piano tuners and they have told me that it takes quite an invesment in time to really know how to tune a piano. I don't have that luxury of time, nor do I have the desire, or the need, not do I have that luxury for building a PC. So some of you have built a PC. Good for you! Maybe when I'm convinced that Macs are out of the game I'll pay one of you to build one for me.

"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis

maintain their neutrality."


[Dante Alighieri] (1265-1321)

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Loud list I am a professional guitarist, I do not adjust the intonation or set up my guitars, I pay someone who does that for a living, a professional who does it well. If I do not like something I give hime feedback. If anyone is being pompous it is you. Asserting that someone doesn't "care about their art" becuase they don't pay attetion to the few parameters you have ordained as valuable, strikes me as being narrow minded. Their is a very finite amount of attention we can spend on an infinite amount of possibilties I as alchol have chosen not to tweak with our computers as one of them. You have, may you enjoy it ;) Talcott

Ahh! Let us proclaim absolute truths.


Let us dishonor war, No...glorious war does not exist.


-Victor Hugo



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