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BX3 coming to Detroit! 4/14

Eric VB

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Hmmm...that might be worth some airline tickets...the show is called BX3? Got a URL of tour locations handy? (I'm wondering if it's coming anywhere near me.)


Ya know, you rarely see Stuart Hamm nor Billy Sheehan mentioned on this forum. I'm not that big of a fan of tapping on bass, but these guys sure do make it sound good and look easy, don't they?



Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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Dave, if you take the link I posted above and scroll down to the BX3 entry, you'll see cheesy little computer icons to the right. These take you to the artists' sites.


Only Jeff Berlin mentions the "B3" tour, but then states that dates will be posted at a later time. Evidently they're still getting the schedule firmed up.


I feel I owe it to myself to see Stu and Billy at least once in my lifetime. No excuse when they'll be right in my backyard! (No offense to Jeff; I'm just not as familiar with his work.)


Hopefully they'll give a clinic when they're in town; that would be great!


Probably the biggest problem with tapping, on guitar or bass, is that interest in it can gravitate towards GAS for a Chapman stick. ;)

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