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Who are your favorite solo bassists?

Aram Bedrosian

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Hey everyone!!


Who are your favorite bassists who step away from bands all together to try and go at it alone?



Also, I have just posted a new video of a live solo bass perfomance of a song called, 'The New Thumpty Dumpty" at my website www.arambedrosian.com . Please feel free to swing by and let me know what ya think..


take care and have fun!!



solo bass madness

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Oddly enough, I don't listen to too much solo bass stuff; nothing against it per se, just don't. Then again, people think I'm weird for not owning a single Vistor Wooten album. NOthing against him, I just don't.

But the few solo bass artists I own and listen to would be Michael Manring, Trip Wamsley, and Brian Bromberg (well, he has a couple solo tracks).

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

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The only person I've been able to get into solo wise is Steve Lawson. Manthing's stuff is alright but I really like Steve's stuff.
Music has no boundaries. It is yours to discover, to enjoy, to draw from and to pass on to others.
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Originally posted by Aram Bedrosian:

Originally posted by Will-Bass:

The only person I've been able to get into solo wise is Steve Lawson. Manthing's stuff is alright but I really like Steve's stuff.

I'll have to check out Steve Lawson. Thanks for participating everyone!!


oh... and thanks Mav!


Here is his site:


Music has no boundaries. It is yours to discover, to enjoy, to draw from and to pass on to others.
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I'd have to start with my good friend, Steve Lawson.


I'll also mention other friends, Todd Johnson and Mike Dimin.


Of course there is our own Max Valentino. A few years ago I saw him give a performance which was very creative. Ask him about alligator clips sometime.


No list like this would be complete with the name Michael Manring. He started the whole thing.

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I'm afraid I don't have a single solo bass recording. I've enjoyed Michael Manring solo, and Steve Lawson's solo stuff: there are some great soloists that play solos within ensembles too.

My problem with many bass solo performances per se is that many sound like technical exercises rather than music.

I must stress that I think bass can be a wonderfully expressive solo instrument - just, for me, I appreciate a bit of space and phrasing in the performances.

When I hear a solo bass performer that can hold me with a melody like Miles, Paul Gonzalves, BB King or Frank Sinatra probably could have, unaccompanied then I'll be first in line.

Tell me where to listen to hear this!

Oh yeah, I suppose I do have a couple of Jaco solo recordings that hit the spot, trying to search my brain to think what else - maybe some Mingus intros (but not whole solo recordings).


I'm wondering if the solo format (whether for guitar, bass, piano etc.) does not often encourage a more dense approach and not pften produce the kind of space and phrasing I enjoy in the playing of Bill Evans, Miles Davis and others.

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getz76. Hands down.


After him, I really like Jonas Hellborg's work on The Silent Life.


I also enjoy the Max Valentino CD I have, Caravan.


Although Steve Lawson (like Max V) posts here regularly, I have been sluggish about taking the time to really listen to his work. (Sorry, Steve!)



I like Michael Manring's Thonk. I've also seen him perform live, and that, mes amis is a sight to see (and to hear)!






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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The other night I saw Victor Wooten and his band.


I know that Victor is not usually a solo bassist although his cd "A Show of Hands" is a must for anyone interested in hearing what one bass can do.


However, I would say that Victor pretty much soloed the entire time from the first note until the end of the three hour show.

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First off, Thanks all for the kind words.


I have to give a big +1 to Max and the alligator clips. Caravan is a beutiful and a very original piece of work. I am a big fan of Max's work.


Manring is the one solo bassist who has been able to combine astounding technique with unparralleled musicianship. His voice is really unique.


Other cats to check out are Colin Hodgkinson (if you can find his work), the amazing Trip Wamsley, Todd Johnson. These guys get the entirety of music (not just bass). These guys understand melody and phrasing. When this happens, it no longer matters that you are listening to just a bass - you are listening to music.


As others have said, some "exercises" in solo bass are just "wank fests" - a show of some technique(s). Techniques are just a tool to create the music, they are not the music in and of itself.


Understanding all aspects of the music, especially melody, is the key. I think Phil said it best.


Mike Dimin

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Geez, guys, I am flattered.


Y'know...I started recording a follow-up to "Caravan" three times (and have three very different albums-worth of material for these; one quite electronic and abstract, one more on the "smooth jazz" tip, and one which sounds like a little of both.

And then there is my new CD..."Blues On Four Strings" which is, as the title might imply, an exploration of the blues for solo acoustic bass guitar. For this I used only a Godin Acosutic/electrib bass, a DTAR MamaBear preamp, a few National thumb and fingerpicks, and a pocketfull of Aligator clips! I am hoping to get this all done and out this spring (timing has been a problem with a new baby, back surgery, and a horrible little accident involving a riding lawnmower and the near-removal of my right foot!)


I am hoping to release at least one of the other projects this summer as well.


Alas, I used to have some online samples (as well as lessons...I think I still have some lessons online at MelBay.com...), but I have had a dilemma getting my own site up, or, for that matter finding the time to deal with something like myspace.

Part of this is my web-ignorance. I have a couple of computers: one is loaded to the brim with music software of everykind, but no IE or other CPU strangling pgms. The other is stock from the store...but I only have (a very, very, very slow) dial-up modem. I cannot download a thing, and where I live I don't yet have DSL or other high speed access (heck, I don't even have cable....or a cell phone for that matter!) So, that keeps me limited on what I can do on the web...


All of this should change by this summer, tho. I am in the process of "getting things up and running" for the new CD release.


Thanks for alll the props, folks.....

OH, my faves: Michael Manring, Steve Lawson, Mike Dimin,and Trip of course(those four who I also count as my very dear friends as well) , Jonas Hellborg, Colin Hodkinson, Dominique DiPiazza, Yves Carbonne, Kai Eckhardt, and Eberhard Weber.


...really it is quite a honor to mentioned in the same thread as some of these players. And to be given such a warm endorsement by a player (and gentleman) the calibre of Mike Dimin is...well, touching to say the least. I am humbled and honored.



...it's not the arrow, it's the Indian.
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Solo bassists.....great Question....simple answer


Jaco, just freakin incredible

Michael Manring, otherworldly

Stanley Clarke, pure feel

John Patitucci, everything rolled up into one.


oh yeah, there is also Stu Hamm, Jimmy Haslip, Vic Wooten, Alphonso Johnson, Chuck Rainey, Scott LaFaro etc.


but mix Charlie Mingus, with a little Geddy Lee, and make the perfect bass player. LOL

I seek knowledge from the winds of destiny , Wisdom from the seas of time, and honor from within myself. Lost in a land where bass and time collide.
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Musiclogic, have all those guys done solo bass performances without a band. I'd queue up to hear Stanley Clarke or Alphonso Johnson do a solo gig but the original question was about such solo bass performers; rather than great soloists within the context of a group performance.

Great post Max, must get hold of your CD! I was lucky enough to see Eberhard Weber play a live solo gig once!

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Originally posted by Phil W:

Musiclogic, have all those guys done solo bass performances without a band. I'd queue up to hear Stanley Clarke or Alphonso Johnson do a solo gig but the original question was about such solo bass performers; rather than great soloists within the context of a group performance.

Great post Max, must get hold of your CD! I was lucky enough to see Eberhard Weber play a live solo gig once!

Eberhard is wonderful. I've never seen him solo but saw him with Jan Garbarek once. I'd love to hear him solo
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