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Update: FFH opening


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The local FFH concert was on Sunday night the 26th, and it was a very enjoyable experience. Eric, our worship arts pastor, set the thing up, and after a few days of finding sponsors and money to bring them here, tickets and posters were printed. 700 tickets sold in 3 weeks time and the house was packed.

We were well recieved and had a 20 minute opening spot, playing four of Eric's original Christian theme tunes. I got to play thru Brian's wireless and Sansamp, (first time for both), and also used his in ear belt pack and my headphones.

Although I've played for crowds this large before, there never was this kind of enthusiasm from the audience. Great fun!

The folks in FFH were very nice to us and put on a good show. Very proffessional, good sound, with bass and drums in the forefront.

Bassist Brian Smith was fun to listen to. His style is rock-ish with a taste of funk. He played a MMSR5 that sounded totally awesome. I've already got GAS for this one now.

The band's sound was very different live than on their recordings. I guess the bass and drums were out front more for the concert effect, or maybe it was just the soundman that day.

I had an extemely long day, too. At church at 7 AM and played 3 services, then home to eat and change clothes and head to the concert. Got home at 11:30. Way too much fun for an old man like me. LOL

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Originally posted by robb.:

what does FFH stand for? you know, like how PFR used to mean "pray for rain".



Robb.- it stands for "FAR FROM HOME"


Rush- sounds like you had a great time; ain't it special when folks can play nice and share equipment? Glad you didn't leave any earwax in his IEM's. So why aren't they taking you on the road to open for them?

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

NEW band Old band


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When I saw the opening post, I thought they was a vacancy in FFH and they were looking for a bass player. Was going to clear my calendar and woodshed like crazy.......


I got to see FFH live in Honolulu a few years ago, and they were great. They did a gospel acapella song that showed their versatility. They sing and play together very well. I would have loved to be in your shoes, Rush. Glad you had a good time.

I'm trying to think but nuthin' happens....
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Quote by by robb.

what does FFH stand for? you know, like how PFR used to mean "pray for rain".
As Danzilla said, it stands for Far From Home, but there is more to the story. Evidently they tried to copyright the name and found that an unknown band had already done so. So they shortened it to FFH and it stuck.


Quote by Danzliia:

Glad you didn't leave any earwax in his IEM's. So why aren't they taking you on the road to open for them?
Sharing ear wax is not my idea of a good time. :eek: That's why I brought the headphones.


Me on the road again? (Hey, that sounds like a song.) I spent the best part of '93 on the road and it's HARD work. But if I could make GOOD money doing that...hmmm. ;)


Actually FFH is paying union scale to two side musicians, a light man, and two sound men. So I guess that's who their "opening band" is.


I've been thinking of a Music Man 5 ever since hearing Brian's bass that night. Do you think I need another bass? :)

Visit my band's new web site.









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I used to be in a band called FTW in high school. Let's just say that the abbreviation reflected broad global rejection. :evil::eek:


Some really good musicians, but we never did end up doing any gigs. :(


Anyway, quite a different flavor from this FFH gang. Sorry to tangentialize... :o






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Sounds like you had a great night! Always cool to get out and play for an audience as opposed to church services. You can cut loose a little!


It's all about the bottom
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Originally posted by jlrush:

I've been thinking of a Music Man 5 ever since hearing Brian's bass that night. Do you think I need another bass? :) [/QB]

Need? No. Really want and would put to good use? Yes. Pray on it and see where you and your wallet are led. Then show us pics!!!

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

NEW band Old band


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Originally posted by jlrush:

I've been thinking of a Music Man 5 ever since hearing Brian's bass that night. Do you think I need another bass? :)

Heh heh...there's no such thing as too many basses, especially when one of them is a Stingray. :thu: Go for it...you know you absolutely "need" it... ;)


Thanks for letting us help you spend your money. :P



Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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