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You know what scares me?


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Playing bass by myself.


Playing with my band or playing with my CDs is no problem and I'm not half bad, but both my guitar player and my girlfriend (who I live with) have noticed that I don't play my bass UNLESS I'm playing with "others". Of course, both of them are telling me that this is a problem and I know it's a problem.


I find this scary because of an incident in my past. Long story short, this stems from my days in middle school when I played sax. I was really good and always aced the chair test which always landed me in 1st or 2nd chair. During one chair test, things didn't go as planned. It was a horrible experience and I ended up in last chair, and I never got out of last place because my nerves were shot. And since then (20 years later) I still have major issues with playing "solo". I'm always afraid "things won't go as planned".


I bring this up because I can't seem to shake this negative energy, after all this time. And I have come to a place where I realize that this is really holding me back. And I'm hoping that someone here might be able to relate and lend some encouragement, advice, and/or ideas, it would be here.


I'm not looking for someone to say "Oh! I've heard you play and you're really awesome!" That's ALWAYS appreciated but that's not what I need in this case. I need a change of thinking. I need a different prospective. I need a hand up, not a hand out. I need to rebuild my belief structure in myself.


Can anyone relate?




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When I play, it scares others.

You can stop now -jeremyc

STOP QUOTING EVERY THING I SAY!!! -Bass_god_offspring

lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

I'm not sure any argument can top lug's. - Sweet Willie


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Originally posted by UTS-D:

hahaha nice. thanks for the laugh.

I used to have all the really good insults to my playing saved in my sig on another forum. The Mods made me remove it because it got to be too long.

You can stop now -jeremyc

STOP QUOTING EVERY THING I SAY!!! -Bass_god_offspring

lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

I'm not sure any argument can top lug's. - Sweet Willie


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I never play "by myself", but always with either a band or a cd. I find that a lot of the crappy guitar players I worked with never played along with cd's but rather listened to the parts and then practised them with a sheet of lyrics in front of them.


I guess explains why guitarists never seem to have any sense of timing or rhythm :D Sure enough has been a problem for most of the ones I worked with ...


So ... I don't really see your problem.

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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Well, my guitar player doesn't fall under your definition of guitar players, however I have had guitar players in the past who are just like that.


My guitar player an insane sense of timing. And he practices by himself, with a metronome, with our recorded music, and with other bands' CDs. He also goes as far as writing new material by programming a drum track, and then recording the guitar lines over it. He could care less about lyrics.


Now, I'm not trying to be like him, but I'm just noticing that my lack of faith in my abilities is getting the better of me.

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Originally posted by UTS-D:

Well, my guitar player doesn't fall under your definition of guitar players, however I have had guitar players in the past who are just like that.


My guitar player an insane sense of timing. And he practices by himself, with a metronome, with our recorded music, and with other bands' CDs. He also goes as far as writing new material by programming a drum track, and then recording the guitar lines over it. He could care less about lyrics.


Now, I'm not trying to be like him, but I'm just noticing that my lack of faith in my abilities is getting the better of me.


All right, tell the truth. The guitardist is looking over your shoulder as you post this, right?

You can stop now -jeremyc

STOP QUOTING EVERY THING I SAY!!! -Bass_god_offspring

lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

I'm not sure any argument can top lug's. - Sweet Willie


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by UTS-D

And he practices by himself, with a metronome, with our recorded music, and with other bands' CDs.

Have you asked him if you can work with him a little, with the metronome, etc, to figure out how to get started on your own?


Sounds like all you need is a little kick in the pants to get going. :D

Visit my band's new web site.









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Originally posted by EddiePlaysBass:

I find that a lot of the crappy guitar players I worked with never played along with cd's but rather listened to the parts and then practised them with a sheet of lyrics in front of them.


Eddie, I have had the opposite problem-- I've played with some some guitar players who ONLY practiced with CD's, and really couldn't play any other way. They were listening for the player on the CD to make the changes and they followed along. Take away the CD, and they didn't know when to change chords!


I have always felt that I don't really know a song until I can play it on my own, with just a metronome, from start to finish-- all the choruses, bridges, etc.. So that's the way I practice. I might learn it from a recording, but I have to learn to play it on my own.



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I've tried to find some other way to say this that does not sound like a sneaker ad's sound bite, but I couldn't.


Just sit the hell down and do it.


Sneak up on the chair if you have to. Eat your dinner there with the metronome running. Watch TV in the chair. Have sex in the chair (also with the metronome running; it's a great timing exercise :D ). Make the chair a happy place to be. One day, while your cleaning up the chair, pick up your bass and sit down in it.


The bass is your friend. Admit it. Some of the most pleasurable times that you have experienced have been while you were playing that bass. Practice can be that way also. Do not focus so much on what you can not do. Focus on your gains.


Practice often sucks. Even those of us with the best work ethic or strictest regimen have to force ourselves to do the work. And I am not assuming that this is a laziness issue. You have stated that it is fear. The best way to overcome a fear is to confront it head-on and knock it on its candy ass.


Once you've gotten over this, pick up your saxophone. Learn the exercise that started all this backward, forward, and sideways. Then find your middle school band teacher's home. Ring the bell. When they answer, play the piece right there in the doorway. After you nail it, give 'em a big "TAKE THAT, BEEOTCH", and walk away. Then, grasshopper, you will be ready.

My whole trick is to keep the tune well out in front. If I play Tchaikovsky, I play his melodies and skip his spiritual struggle. ~Liberace
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Dude, I'm already getting one of those and a fully-colored, fully-illustrated emergency procedures card when I fly to Seattle next month. A potential of 4 complete sets since I have to take two planes each way.


Sorry man. The chinese food is a thing of the past. If you had caught me before a trip to the head you might've been in business.

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Originally posted by Bottomgottem:

The best way to overcome a fear is to confront it head-on and knock it on its candy a$$.

I couldn't have said this better. We are ALWAYS our own worst enemy. The greatest part of the population fails to achieve anything (not just anything of greatness...anything period, great or just so-so) because they do not have the confidence in themselves to even try it. Don't be one of those people. Just go grab your bass and do it! Make it a habit, and then it'll be easy to do.


Guess what? You are already halfway to success...you've realized and admitted to yourself (we really don't matter) that there's a fear involved. Now, just tackle the second half...pick up your bass, turn on a metronome, and practice with it.



Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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I had similar issues and my self-belief was so bad that I would actually make mistakes simply because I was stressing I would make mistakes.


In the end I turned it round by remembering what my old drum teacher told me, he said that you need to get to a point in your playing when you KNOW that you're good.


Not in an arrogant sense but it's the only way you can move forward - your bandmates must have faith in you, otherwise someone else would be playing bass for them.

Now theres three of you in a band, youre like a proper band. Youre like the policemen.
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Bottom, I feel like I should send you money for that.
No shit! That was awesome!


Actually, thanks to all you guys. I do realize that in this case, I'm really the only one who can help me, but having you guys here helps more than I could ever explain.


You know...that would be awesome to learn that song again and hunt down my old music teacher and play it for him...that guy was a jerk. :thu:

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Originally posted by UTS-D:

...I'm just noticing that my lack of faith in my abilities is getting the better of me.

I find your lack of faith disturbing. :D



"Expectations are the enemy of music." - Mike Keneally

Hi! My band is... my band is... HALF ZAFTIG | Half Zaftig on MySpace | The Solo Stuff

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Hey, that's a weird problem to have...


Here what I say: Just follow bottomgotten's advice on the chair.


This is not intended to be rude, but the whole thing sounds really silly, I mean the whole thing that went wrong in the saxophone days was that you got scared, f*cked up, and your band director was a smelly douche. Furthermore it's ridiculous to deprive yourself of practice because you're afraid to play alone. what happens when you need to solo in a song?


Have you tried to play by yourself or is this just a really cheap way to get out of practicing?

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You learn a lot from playing by yourself. If I didn't sit around and just play, I wouldn't be at the skill level I am at right now. Everything you are thinking is alie, that's all it is. You need to be able to practice bass alone. Try writing songs for your band. That'll get you working alone. Trust me, it's all good, there is no problem, it's just a lie, so don't believe it. Trust me you'll really enjoy it.

"All things are possible through Christ." (Matt 19:26)


My band: http://www.purevolume.com/fadingsilence

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My advice: screw what others say. Unless it's something you took to heart and agree with or had your own thoughts about before someone mentioned it... sometimes you can chase your tail waste a whole career listening to what others say. Keep an open mind but don't let folks get to you who are just trying to help. If they are annoying, tell them, or learn to gracefuly tune them out. On another note, stop listening to your sax player ego as well. Bass players are humble but confidient and proud of their work ethic.


Last piece of advice I give everyone. Don't be afraid to let it suck and make mistakes. At shows you do you best not to. When you practice if everything you try is going to have to be studio perfect your going to play it safe always and never progress. Practice for studio quality is good but what's the use of practicing if your worried your not playing great all the time? That doesn't leave much room for growth


..and I know UTS-D far from sucks.

Mike Bear




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Hi Don,


I can totally relate to what you are saying. I had the same problem. And it also stemmed from high school band, where I played the clarinet and oboe.


Disclaimer: The following info is only applicable if you are playing in a non-orchestral situation! I play in an oldies band.


What I found out is this. Playing alone, has almost nothing to do with your playing ability, and everything to do with your ability to "smile or laugh, and recover!"


I used to be so nervous just playing anything in front of an audience, or even my bandmates. Then I learned from practical experience (and in large part from this forum and it's WISE and Wonderful members), that almost every single musician screws up from time to time in front of people. Two things happen at that point:


1. The audience doesn't even know it, or if they do notice it, they immediately forget it.


2. If you smile or laugh at yourself to the audience, (even if it is a major "train wreck"), then the audience feels part of the screw up and they love it.


So, playing alone has much more to do about you being able to have fun with it, and being gentle with yourself. Once you know how you are going to handle the screwups, then there is nothing to be afraid of anymore. Practice screwing up.


A fun thing to do is to yell "Do Over!" when something goes wrong, and stuff like that. The crowd loves it.


That's all. Hope that helped.


... connie z

"Change comes from within." - Jeremy Cohen


The definition of LUCK: When Preparation meets Opportunity!



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Wow thats a great lookin bass , now thats a real electric bass, sunburst jazz its because of that velvet case lining and the width and angle of that upper hip that makes me play bass,..nice pic.


I still cant figure how to post a pic ,,I know I'm comp stup.

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