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What was your first post on this forum?

_Sweet Willie_

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I did a little digging thanks to "search" and my memory of what I thought I first posted about.


I found it. My first post on the forum. Thanks to SteveC's GAS I changed from lurker to participant, and the forum hasn't been the same since! ;):D


Here it is:


I still have the same Super Redhead combo. I've never added an extension cab. Does Steve still have that 750 w/ the 2x10 and 4x10? I think not! :P:D


What was your first post here at the LDL?






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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I found mine too -


Check the esteemed Mr. Cohens resonse - priceless! Baffled! Bwa-haaa-haaaww!!

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Well, this is the earliest post I could find, under the handle musicfiend, talking about bass pickups.




Of couse I was really lurky for a while, so I then started this thread.




edit: http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?/ubb/get_topic/f/5/t/005168.html


There it is!

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Would you believe it if I told you it was a question about string-through conversion to my Tobias? HERE IT IS




Next: Fret removal! :freak:


BTW - the Acoustic rig found a new home and I acquired a very nice Nemesis NC200 late in 2005.


Dr UU - nice topic idea. :thu:

- Matt W.
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Originally posted by jeremy c:

How did you find your first post?


Search only goes back 300 posts.


And I can't even remember what I had for breakfast!

In the drop-down menu select "SHOW ALL TOPICS" It gives you access to 339 pages of the Forum. From there you can guesstimate which page your start date (month) falls on (should be easy for people who started Feb 01).


Mine was relatively easy - I happened to start a thread with my first post.

- Matt W.
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I think I was doggin' someone who was worried about if he majors in music will he be able to find any gigs when he graduates. I was far from kind. I have chilled considerably since (seeing as how this is such a friendly place).


Jeremy, have I thanked you for convincing me to play with a lighter touch??? I haven't broken a string since.

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Looks like I started 5 years ago on Feb. 1. That would have been on page 340 and my search only took me back 339 pages.


Also my posts and the posts of someone else named Jeremy got a little mixed up back then.


Interesting that on my early posts I talked about wanting a Mike Lull bass.


I wonder what I'll say in my next 6626 posts.


And I also talked about teaching bass.


At least I'm reasonably consistent.

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My first post was actually a topic starter. I was dazed and confused, and had the poor taste of making my first post a personal story. I'll leave it to the reader to determine whether or not it had bass value:


Hit by a car.


How about an update: I did have an MRI, showed a small tear. Doctor said it would heal on it's own, most likely.


This past 6 months have been really problematic, and I've been limping a lot. It's getting better.


Maybe I should have sued; I don't know.


But if you read that thread, you'll see that the caring attitude of this board goes back a long way.


Also, Jeremy: if you can remember the topic of the first post and search for that, you'll be able to hunt it down.

Yep. I'm the other voice in the head of davebrownbass.
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Originally posted by Dave Brown:

Also, Jeremy: if you can remember the topic of the first post and search for that, you'll be able to hunt it down.

L I B! I swear I tried that and it didn't work the first time - but it worked like a charm just now.
- Matt W.
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Haha, so in THIS THREAD back in July of 2003, I ask if I can get a replacement pickup for an Ibanez EDA. I had been on the Keyboard forum for a long time, but ventured in here for friendly advice. Matt W and Sweet Willie offered their pearls of wisdom.


Since then, I've bought and sold a Michael Kelly, a MIM Jazz, and a Thumb 5 NT. But I still have that silly Ibanez.


and Matt W and Sweet Willie are still giving me invaluable advice. :thu:


You know, the really sad thing is that this means that I'm on my third year of really seriously trying to learn bass, and I still can't play most of the songs I like! :mad: And yet, I've had time to post roughly 4000 times. Sad.

"For instance" is not proof.


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Having been driven mad trying to find my first post through various methods, was ruing that I hadn't entitled the post "my first post", so this search would have been easier 5 years down the line.


And now I've found it. Any what does it say?


"Aha! My first post to this forum."





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I don't know if this is the first or not, June 26, 2001.

You can stop now -jeremyc

STOP QUOTING EVERY THING I SAY!!! -Bass_god_offspring

lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

I'm not sure any argument can top lug's. - Sweet Willie


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My first post was on the death of my beloved Sunn 1200s... :cry:



Now I have a FEnder 1200s!! Same amp, better stability.



"Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face."

Harry Dresden, Storm Front

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This was my first post and the first thread I even read.

It's my cheap and cheesy soloution to a common problem. Somehow there was a link to it from the Bass Player mag page (first time I looked there as well).


EDIT: I've started very few posts myself but my contributions were usually killer. As in, I killed the topic and received no response.

If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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My first post was a topic starter asking for any opinions on the Dean Bromberg B2 vs the Fender Marcus Miller signature bass.


I bought the Bromberg finally. I've been too embarrassed to post a review because I don't know how to post photos of the instrument.. yes, I know....duuuh!


Anyway, now that my dark secret is out and I've passed the 100 post mark (I think), I would really appreciate someone contacting me to tell me how its done. I didn't want to start a new thread for something as basic as this!


Help! Pleeeeaaase anyone!

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