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Gear Advice (speakers, amp, & pedal)


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I am going to upgrade my amp soon. I am currently using a Crate 1 X 15 combo. It's great for practice and some recording, but I'm thinking I want something different for gigging soon. I don't even know where to start. Any suggestions to buying?


Also: Is the Akai Deep Impact pedal as hot as I've heard?

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I suggest you give a price range youare willing to spend to get any sensical answer.

You can stop now -jeremyc

STOP QUOTING EVERY THING I SAY!!! -Bass_god_offspring

lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

I'm not sure any argument can top lug's. - Sweet Willie


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Lots of choices for a rig. Some things that might narrow down suggestions are (a) what kind of music (rock, country, etc.), and (b) what size venues (50, 100, 10,000, etc.). If you have broad parameters, keep in mind that there may not be a "one size fits all" answer.


Now, based on my own experience, I know a 100W 1x15 combo amp just can't keep up in most rock situations, especially if you're trying to go toe-to-toe with a 100W full Marshall stack. :freak:


There are some other threads around here with some rules of thumb for deciding how many watts (W) of power you need in your power amp; however, I'm too lazy to search for them now. The are many that discuss what is important in matching the specs for power amps and cabs, especially since both have a spec given in watts.


In general, more drivers (speakers) move more air. (I think Alex said that.) I can't tell you exactly what that means in terms of SPL dBs, but I think loosely speaking you're talking about being "louder". Not as big of a difference, I think, as going from a 100W to an 800W power amp, but moving from a 1x15 to an 8x10 will probably be noticeable.


Do you need an 800W head and 8x10 cab? Probably not. I think that'd be overkill for most people. People around here are running everything from small combos to 1000W and greater heads, 1x10 to 8x10 cabs, and everything in between.


If you want to be nice to your back, I'm sure you'll get recommendations for a 1x12 and a beefy head. (You can always add another 1x12 if you need to be louder.)


Otherwise, a 2x10 or 2x12 may do nicely. There are still those among us that are running a 4x10 and a 1x15 (or 1x18), or other such larger/heavier cabs. There are even a few 6x10s and 8x10s out there.


One thing you'll notice is that every combination of head and cab sounds different, and there are seemingly an infinite number of combinations. Unfortunately, you're best off trying everything out yourself; otherwise, you'll have to rely on opinions of others.


There has been plenty of talk here about how different amps and cabs have various frequency responses and other specs, and that the advertised specs are usually just wishful thinking and not factual. The ideal power amplifier and cabinet should have what is called a "flat" response. Think of an EQ set with all the sliders at the middle position. The reality is that most bass equipment is not flat. It's like each has it's own EQ set to boost and cut various frequencies, but you can't adjust that EQ. Since nothing is ideal, you're best off just using your ear to find the sound you like best. (If you stick with sound reinforcement [sR] gear, that stuff is made a little better but often costs more.)


Power amps come in two basic flavors, solid-state (transistor) or tube. You may have a preference for one or the other.


For purposes of actually "coloring" your tone, a preamp is useful. Often the preamp will have a tube to provide that "warm tube sound", and can be used effectively with a solid-state power amp.


Some bass heads include both a preamp and a power amp. Other features may be included, too, such as a parametric EQ or maybe some effects. Often you can buy better versions of these separately, but they will cost more.

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Thanks for the responses so far.


Haven't really thought about price yet, because this is a future purchase after much research, I guess something moderate, I'm not a pro, but want to have a "respectable" set up.


Type of music I play is pretty varied, mostly funky rock and roll/blues, with some reggae, psycho-grass, and other oddities thrown into the mix.


Does brand matter?

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