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Fretless neck wear


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I'm writing to inquire of those who have had experience with both fretless and fretted basses how neck wear compares between the two (fret wear vs. neck wear on a fretless)? I'm looking to purchase a 5 string bass and on the fence as to whether I want another fretted bass or a fretless one this time around.



Vantage VA900B

Cort Curbow 5 w/Aguilar OBP3 and Bartolini MK5

SX Vintage Jazz 5 Fretless

Eden Nemesis NA650

Avatar SB112 Delta LF

Zoom B2.1u

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Welcome Craig, read the recent thread: it was good.

Click here!


Basically though, go for the sound you want. Figerboard wear isn't going to be a major issue in terms of cost or sound.


Fretless fingerboards do wear but I play exclusively roundwouds on excusively fretless and my ebony board wears very slowly!


Just decide what sound you want and go for it!

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Originally posted by Nicklab:

The SEARCH button will work wonders on this particular topic. We discussed this at length not too long ago. this was one of the better threads on the subject.

Sorry I didn't search. Next time I'll do that and save you some typing. :thu:



Vantage VA900B

Cort Curbow 5 w/Aguilar OBP3 and Bartolini MK5

SX Vintage Jazz 5 Fretless

Eden Nemesis NA650

Avatar SB112 Delta LF

Zoom B2.1u

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Originally posted by CraigG:

Sorry I didn't search. Next time I'll do that and save you some typing. :thu:



It's all good. There's so much to say on this subject that I'd like to offer, but I really don't look forward to re-writing some of those posts. :D

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Quickie photos (really got to work on lighting do show thick epoxy coats well - they mirror so easily): Top image is without flash so you get an idea of gloss (you can see my hands and camera there a bit though I tried not to have much else in reflective range).


Bottom image uses straight-on flash because that technique easily shows the scratches from roundwound side-to-side excursion (also the reflection of the bass stand's holder right at the edge). You can't even feel these grooves, but the camera can see them. Before the epoxy coat this rosewood got grooved pretty hard in a couple years and had to be taken down considerably. Uncoated Ebony or woods of similar hardness are a lot hardier than rosewood. I like that sound better too because it's easy to sound either fretted OR fretless.




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My fave for tonal flexibility with less wear on both my fretlesses are Smith Compressors or GHS Pressurewound. The 40-96 sets are considerably brighter and more flexible than their heavier ones and approximate the tension of a balanced-tension 45-105 roundwound set, but with a nice smooth feel.


They last forever.

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My best recommendation is to get a "Diamond coat" on the fretless fingerboard. This is commonly referred to as epoxy coating. There are several types of compounds that can be used. The classic "Jaco growl" is mostly the epoxy coating.


The classic MV Pedulla buzz bass sound is a combinatiuon of their diamond coating on an ebony fretboard along with the pickups, etc.


I have had both unfinished and coated fretboards. A coated fingerboard wins hands down unless you want more of an upright bass sound.

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