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Im new to all this...need help!


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I've been wanting a guitar since I was 14 or so and I never got one, since then Ive changed my mind to wanting a bass and I plan on asking for one for Xmas, my problem is I dont know which one to get for a starter?!?! Here is the two I was looking at:






Its the two Rogue bass's, not sure why one is only $10 more..anyone? If you guys can help me out and just tell me if this would be good enough just to start on and play a few stuff on I would appreciate it! Also If you guys have any other ideas on good starter bass's for $150 or LESS, please share.

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In all seriousness, the basses they sell at Target are around that price range, and are branded under the Wasburn name. You might want to go for one of those. Or even the Rondo basses linked above.


I know how it is with parents. They want to see if you're going to play it. $150 is a lot of money for something you may put down after a few weeks.

The Rogues that were linked aren't all that great. If you do get 'into' playin quiet a bit, playing the better of the low end instruments will frustrate you. In other words, don't buy the Rogue. .


I got my brand new bass at a pawn shop...pretty much new in box. So if you want to shop around, I'd start there.

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By the way, I agree that buying blind from MF might not be the best route to take and there are better basses out there in that price range. I have played a couple of used Rondo basses and while they might not be your cup of tea, they are excellent for the dough. I've only played two though.


In my opinion Musicians Friend is better suited for folks who might have a better idea what they are buying. You might need someone who will sort through a pile of basses and pick out a good one. :D

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Sure. We haven't always agreed. But you do have passion and smarts, even if you only represent certain brands ; } ...Myself, any brand in the lower price ranges that is recognized in the industry is about the same. Ibanez, Peavey, Fender, maybe Dean, various other Samick-originated babies... trouble is I always end up comparing them to the next tier or two up and find them wanting ; }

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Originally posted by Matt W:

er, perhaps you already did.

Nope. Feel too weird about it. Sorry for the interuption. I should think before I open my mouth..er...type.

My advice is to go to Rondo before Musicians Friend. Better yet, see if somebody you know with a fair ammount of experience will go shopping with you. Basses in this price range sometimes have a tendency to get shipped even though they might have major problems like poor fretwork, bad wiring, and warped necks. Some online and mail order stores don't check them before they leave.

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Welcome to the Lowdown. I'm afraid that the link provided brought me to every bass at MF, so I can't comment.


I do understand where you're at. I delved into the acoustic/electric world of bass with a Rogue, of which I enjoy.


The fun part of deciding upon an instrument is to go out to a bunch of shops and play around with several to get a feel and see what you like.


Good luck, and have patience.



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So if there is 2 pick-ups compared to one then the 2 pick-ups will sound better correct?


Ya I think Im going to have my mom get me that Rogue for $100 for xmas....I think it will be fine for my needs with it, which is just to learn the basics and learn a few songs, no performances or nething. But thanks fellas.

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What Donut just said.


Having two pickups will give you a few choices as to what the bass will sound like. And all those choices will sound pretty similar.


But $10 is a pretty low price to pay for that extra pickup.


I've seen some decent Rogues, I even own a Rogue guitar (since I spent all my money on basses, I bought a cheap guitar).


It looks like a lot of people are recommending Rondo Music. I personally have not played one of those....

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Dan, please consider the other basses mentioned. Rogues are absolutely bottom of the barrel. I guarantee that you'll be happier with the SX bass (nevermind that the SX looks better, imo). If don't want more info, go to www.talkbass.com and look at the bass forums for a megathread on SX or Essex basses. They have mighty fine reviews for the price.


Having that said, 2 pickups will give you more options, but that doesn't mean that the tones are better.

In Skynyrd We Trust
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There might not be much to be done about it, but my theory is that cheap instruments end up costing. You'll either stick with the instrument, or you won't. Either way, you'll need to sell it pretty quick (even if you stick with it, you'll soon want into something better), & cheapies have NO resale value. And I reckon that a cheapy can make practicing harder/less rewarding in some cases.


You don't have to spend a lot these days to get a really nice bass. But junk is junk.

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Hmmm...anyone had any good or bad experiences with the Rondo acoustic/electic basses like the SX DBG29 CE? Seems like a nice feature list for the meager $189. I don't really "need" one...but I could see plunking away at home, or maybe even playing it in an acoustic set in church...or not.


To the original question, I'd highly recommend finding a used Yamaha BB300 or similar. This is quite a nice bass for the typical used price, high quality, nice feel, good playability, good authentic P-bass tone, stays in tune well. Pickup output is a little low and it's a little neck heavy, but that's the only complaint I ever had with the one I used to own (I donated it to my church earlier this year). From what I've seen, these usually go for around $150 or less on Ebay. Definitely not junk and a great price! It's worthy of keeping as a backup if/when you decided to upgrade to a nicer bass.



Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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Originally posted by Dan9687:

Ya I think Im going to have my mom get me that Rogue for $100 for xmas....I think it will be fine for my needs with it, which is just to learn the basics and learn a few songs, no performances or nething. But thanks fellas.

If you already had your mind made up, why ask for advice? Oh well, welcome to the LDLD regardless...



Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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