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Tech 21 SANSamp bass driver pedal with power amp!

ika bass player

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Hey hello all you bass players! i have plans to maybe putting together a bass rig! Heres what I have...and buy! yes...I suffer from G.A.S. =)


So I have this TECH 21 SANSAMP PROGRAMABLE BASS DRIVER PRE-AMP PEDAL...and I have a carvin 200 watt combo amp...which I want to sell and buy the following...


2x12 carvin BRX cabinet

carvin power conditioner

Carvin DCM600-600watt power amp

and a 4U rack case


The thing is...I dont know how is the pedal and power amp combination be...in this case sound...I dont need to much knob tweeking, I just need overdrive-clean sounds (both from my sansamp pedal) and thats it...but would a bass-amp sound better? what about the cab...whats better? the 4x10 or the 2x12...I like my sound fat...not to midrangey...so please help me out here! reccomendations/suggestions are always welcome! ♥


oh if your wondering what basses I have...I use these...



5 strings only....or maybe a B-E-A-D tuned 4!
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I'd say you just have to try out the sans amp with PA to see how it sounds. I know there is a rack mount version of the Sans amp that is better with more features, I believe it is the RBI. I'd go for that if you are going to have a rack anyway.



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Welcome to the forum, ika! :wave:

If you really like the SansAmp pedal you can get by with a lot of different amp and cabinet combinations. There are more shades of tones available than Crayola has colors.


Best thing to do is make an appointment with a store for a couple of hours so you could bring your basses and SansAmp down to try various combinations. With the money I suspect you're planning on spending, you should be able to find a cooperative salesperson out there, although the bigger chains (I won't say them here) will probably give you the least customer-friendly service. IIRC, Carvin has 3-4 retail outlets in the LA-Hollyweird area as well.


I also say this because I notice a Michael Kelly in the photo (I'm a little jealous because your Dragonfly has a nicer top than mine. :D ) and those are tricky devils to amplify as you have to use something similar to a parametric EQ filter to minimize the feedback. (or a Feedback Buster) These are the kind of situations a good salesman should be able to help you with, and if they can't, there are others who can.


Keep us posted on your progress. We're always looking for new gear to check out. :D

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Originally posted by badgerbass:

I'd say you just have to try out the sans amp with PA to see how it sounds. I know there is a rack mount version of the Sans amp that is better with more features, I believe it is the RBI. I'd go for that if you are going to have a rack anyway.



The Rackmount RBI will drive the input of a typical power amp to max. The BDDI won't (although I've heard there is a mod you can do to the BDDI to get it's output hot enough). I've run a Pandora as a preamp into a power amp and while it still gets loud, but won't max out the potential of the power amp. The RBI also has a mid control that the BDDI doesn't.

You can stop now -jeremyc

STOP QUOTING EVERY THING I SAY!!! -Bass_god_offspring

lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

I'm not sure any argument can top lug's. - Sweet Willie


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