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It's our 'Grammy Awards' over here on Saturday.


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Our music awards are called the PAM Awards. Only 3 yrs old. I've been nominated in the Reggae category. The 'glitzy' affair is this saturday. My band had requested to play live at the function, only to learn that organisers are favouring artists using backing CD tracks to perform :mad::o ! Ces't la vie.


The sad news is that a young man called Paul Mwanda died yesterday of cancer at only 27yrs :cry: ! This boy has single handlely put Ugandan music on the web when he created www.musicuganda.com.

His own savings, no sponsorship. Just him, a few friends and family. He was obsessed with Rap/Hip Hop also founding the Hip Hop foundation. Despite this, he supported all genres of music over here. R.I.P Paul :thu: .

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27 is so young! Sad indeed. My condolences to you on the loss of a compatriot.


And Congrats on the nomination! I still owe you a full review (sorry :( ) but I really like some of the stuff on the disc I have.

Break the proverbial leg... :)






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Oooh la la.....I didn't win but it was ok with the event. I'm the Reggae don over here for years... ;) everyone knows it! :D

But our stuff is not really for popular consumption really so it was a Ragga DJ who won the category...shame! Ragga ain't Reggae. ;)


It was a good event, all glitzy. Hopefully, the music over here will improve over time.

One Love

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