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Dave Mathews Band - VH1 Story Tellers


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Anyone else catch this last night? It was an interesting performance. VH1 did get on my nerves when they would cut to thier interview of the band right in the middle of the band playing a song.

I especially enjoyed the audlibbing(sp?)of some of the older songs like Ants Marching.

I was also unaware that Stephan was only 16 when he joined the band.... Some guys have all the luck....



"Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face."

Harry Dresden, Storm Front

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I saw it, yes he was 16, and yes...Fonzie sounds good ;)

Stand Up is definitely an interesting album. It seems in some ways that they've come back to their roots with the acoustic guitar led jams and the funk aspect as well; yet, it is a different sound for them. I like the few songs I've heard so far.

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Originally posted by ArwinH:

Stand Up is definitely an interesting album. It seems in some ways that they've come back to their roots with the acoustic guitar led jams and the funk aspect as well; yet, it is a different sound for them. I like the few songs I've heard so far.

Not I. I've honestly tried, but I just cannot tolerate that album. It's one of the worst things I've ever heard. I'm not exaggerating. DMB used to be one of my top-5 favorite bands, and I just don't understand how they could put out such trite, uninspired crap as Stand Up.


Well, I suppose I do put most of the blame on their new producer Mark Batson. How did he manage to convince one of the greatest jam bands ever that'd it'd be a fine idea to let him sample them individually and piece it all back together hiphop-style? Lame, lame, lame. Sampled DMB just doesn't work. There's no "magic" in it. The point is completely lost. And for their sins, they should all be forced to listen to Stand Up for all eternity. Nah, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.


Sorry 'bout the rant.

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Groovy, I couldn't agree more. Your post reads like something that I would write.


I'm currently at work listening to live DMB cuts, mostly material from 'Before These Crowded Streets' & 'Busted Stuff'. It's hard to believe that it's the same band that dumped a POS like 'Stand Up' on us. Somebody had to be holding their kids for ransom.

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Just caught a repeat of it last night...

The cutaways during the songs just sucked. They should double the length of these things and put it ALL in there, just each segment in its own time.


I don't dig the new album, either. It's just not DMB, as fas as I'm concerned. 'Crash' is what made me sit up and recognize what they were doing and remains my favorite of the lot. Thankfully 2005 has been a pretty good year for new albums in the wider rock world, otherwise I might actually be disappointed...

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I haven't had a chance to pick up the new album yet. I've only heard the singles they've released. American Baby is ok, but I like Dream Girl much better. They both are kinda "poppy".

Crash was is my favorite album. I was MAJORALLY dissappointed in Before These Crowded Streets. It'd be hard for me to believe that Stand Up is worse than that album...



"Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face."

Harry Dresden, Storm Front

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Interesting. Most DMB fans consider BTCS to be their greatest album, their most inspired, their most musically complex, etc, etc. I'd have to agree, although Crash and Under The Table and Dreaming are also both excellent. And I'm one of the seemingly few fans who liked Everyday, too. Different, but still musically interesting. For me, it all started going downhill with Busted Stuff, which seemed like an intended "return to form" that they didn't quite pull off. And I don't care much for Dave Matthews' solo album Some Devil, either. It sounds like an album comprised of the tracks that I always skip over on the (mostly) good DMB albums. Not great, but still listenable.


But Stand Up... total crap. It's so off my "music that I might possibly enjoy listening to" radar that my brain won't allow me to believe that it's the same band. I'm in denial.

All your bass are belong to us!
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I really like DMB. Live.


Their studio stuff (especially Some Devil and Stand Up) just doesn't have that same immediacy of their live material.


I had the same problem with the Dead. Loved their first studio albums, up till American Beauty. After that, it was mediocre studio albums but stellar (for the most part :D ) live performances. Tough to believe the same band that did "Dark Star" and "Caution: Do Not Stop On Tracks" was putting out "Dancing In The Streets" :rolleyes:


Me, I'll take my Dave live, please. I think that's where the band resides, not within the studio being molded by a producer.


just my opinion...



Tim from Jersey

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