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overdrive baby overdrive


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Please forgive me as i'm sure there have been many many threads with advice questions on overdrive/distortion pedals, but i've just registered and don't know where to look


If someone could point me towards some links or something that would be great


Alternatively, if someone would like to help me with buying a pedal that would be rather swell also




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Right next to "Post a New Topic" is "Post a Poll". Right under that is the word "Search". Click on it and type in the words "distortion" or "overdrive" and watch the hits roll.


I use a Boss ODB-3 (www.bossus.com). They are inexpensive, rugged and gives me the tone "I" like and I am a bit partial to Boss. My son uses a MXR, and a friend uses a Digitech. The list is pretty endless, so why don't you take yourself to the music store and test dive a couple of these things on an axe and cab that is similar to what you already own and pick the one that is right for you.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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What kind of sidtortion sound do you like, what styles do you play, whose sound are you partial to, how much are you willing to spend.

I use a vintage big muff with a boss line selector set to a+b/ bypass mode.

The fulltone bassdrive is also commonly known as a very good pedal.

The same can be said about the digitech bass driver, which is more affordable.

You'll definitely want to use the search feature, it would be very helpful in your situation.

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Welcome to the Lowdown Fierce! :wave:


Like Arwin mentioned, the Fulltone Bass Overdrive is considered the ultimate overdrive by many.But they are rather expensive. I'm hopeing to finally test drive one soon.


I have the Danelectro Daddy-O which I like quite a bit. It is very "tweakable" and nice and quiet when it needs to be. It is also true bypass and not very expensive.


Social Critic's advice is best, get to a store and try them all. You really need to actually compare them for yourself.



Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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Cheers all


I am gonna pop in and play some but wanted to get an idea of which to try, as I could potentially be there for hours!


I've used a Big Muff before, and I like the sound it gives although they are a little restrictive in what can be done with them, though I guess that could be down to the user....


Anyways, i'm gonna test the Boss and the Ibanez pedals this afternoon, what a I would really like to try is a Fulltone but can't seem to find one


I'm in a studio tonight and I know that it'll probably ensure I buy one this afternoon regardless of whether its the right one!


I've listened to some samples of the Digitech Bass Driver and that sounds the business, again can't find anyone that has them in stock




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Originally posted by Fierce:

Cheers all


I am gonna pop in and play some but wanted to get an idea of which to try, as I could potentially be there for hours!


I've used a Big Muff before, and I like the sound it gives although they are a little restrictive in what can be done with them, though I guess that could be down to the user....


Anyways, i'm gonna test the Boss and the Ibanez pedals this afternoon, what a I would really like to try is a Fulltone but can't seem to find one


I'm in a studio tonight and I know that it'll probably ensure I buy one this afternoon regardless of whether its the right one!


I've listened to some samples of the Digitech Bass Driver and that sounds the business, again can't find anyone that has them in stock

The Ibanez PD7 at clean, at max OD and at max Dist. followed by the Pandora fuzz for reference. (these are a little low-fi but it will give you an idea. You can back off these settings but can't go more)



You can stop now -jeremyc

STOP QUOTING EVERY THING I SAY!!! -Bass_god_offspring

lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

I'm not sure any argument can top lug's. - Sweet Willie


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Originally posted by lug:

Originally posted by Fierce:

Cheers all


I am gonna pop in and play some but wanted to get an idea of which to try, as I could potentially be there for hours!


I've used a Big Muff before, and I like the sound it gives although they are a little restrictive in what can be done with them, though I guess that could be down to the user....


Anyways, i'm gonna test the Boss and the Ibanez pedals this afternoon, what a I would really like to try is a Fulltone but can't seem to find one


I'm in a studio tonight and I know that it'll probably ensure I buy one this afternoon regardless of whether its the right one!


I've listened to some samples of the Digitech Bass Driver and that sounds the business, again can't find anyone that has them in stock

The Ibanez PD7 at clean, at max OD and at max Dist. followed by the Pandora fuzz for reference. (these are a little low-fi but it will give you an idea. You can back off these settings but can't go more)



Wicked! Cheers Lug, most helpful


Sound wasn't too bad mate gave a good indication of whats expected. I wouldnt need to go any more distorted than that, so providing there is scope for tweaking etc that sounds like a contender!


I didn't manage to get to a shop yesterday so couldn't try any, had to make do with putting my bass through a guitars Graphic Equaliser pedal, cranking pretty much everything up


I actually really liked the overdriven sound, crunches a little too much but was ok




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Originally posted by Fierce:

Originally posted by lug:

Originally posted by Fierce:

Cheers all


I am gonna pop in and play some but wanted to get an idea of which to try, as I could potentially be there for hours!


I've used a Big Muff before, and I like the sound it gives although they are a little restrictive in what can be done with them, though I guess that could be down to the user....


Anyways, i'm gonna test the Boss and the Ibanez pedals this afternoon, what a I would really like to try is a Fulltone but can't seem to find one


I'm in a studio tonight and I know that it'll probably ensure I buy one this afternoon regardless of whether its the right one!


I've listened to some samples of the Digitech Bass Driver and that sounds the business, again can't find anyone that has them in stock

The Ibanez PD7 at clean, at max OD and at max Dist. followed by the Pandora fuzz for reference. (these are a little low-fi but it will give you an idea. You can back off these settings but can't go more)



Wicked! Cheers Lug, most helpful


Sound wasn't too bad mate gave a good indication of whats expected. I wouldnt need to go any more distorted than that, so providing there is scope for tweaking etc that sounds like a contender!


I didn't manage to get to a shop yesterday so couldn't try any, had to make do with putting my bass through a guitars Graphic Equaliser pedal, cranking pretty much everything up


I actually really liked the overdriven sound, crunches a little too much but was ok

The PD7 is quite versatle with an attack switch, separate bass and treble controls, even makes a decent boost only pedal. However, I personally prefer the fuzz on the pandora. Not really as versatile but hits the sound I'm looking for almost head on. Also, the bass you use will make quite a difference. That sample was with my Ric. If I switch over th something like the G&L, the sound is quite different.

You can stop now -jeremyc

STOP QUOTING EVERY THING I SAY!!! -Bass_god_offspring

lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

I'm not sure any argument can top lug's. - Sweet Willie


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I have great success in my bedroom using a Sans-amp BDDI close to flat (with a bit of drive ;) )and using all three outputs.


I take the effected out straight to the mixer (which supplies phantom power).


I then take the parallel output and put a band pass filter of around 200-1000Hz on it the filtered signal then gets compressed at about 10:1 ratio.


I also take the effected out to a Boss-OD2 (insert available guitar distortion pedal). This signal goes through a high pass filter at about 1000Hz -- so the bottom end of this signal is removed even when the boss-OD2 is off (the guitar pedal removes the bottom end itself when you turn it on). I wack some mild compression on this as well -- mostly because I have two channels on the compressor!


After a bit of playing with the various knobs you end up with 5 main settings to play with -- the level in the mix of each signal, the drive setting on your Sans-amp BDDI and turning the guitar pedal on or off. (For the pedants, obviously you only have to change 2 of the 3 levels in the mix to change their relative volumes -- but then you have to adjust the master).


You have to be careful with volume when you turn on the distortion as all the bass is still there i.e. tonal variation is best achieved through the attack/position not volume. Guitarists can get away with just changing the volume (from the guitar) as the distortion will remove the bass and compress everything.


FWIW I don't think I'll ever do this in a live situation but it is close to what people do with their Boss A/B loop pedals. Those pedals are expensive and don't work as PAs (unlike my gear).

A man is not usually called upon to have an opinion of his own talents at all; he can very well go on improving them to the best of his ability without deciding on his own precise niche in the temple of Fame. -- C.S.Lewis
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This is funny because i have about a $25 amp that i somehow manage to crank some overdrive out of, with nothing but a 4 band eq. By turning the highs and the high mids all the way down, setting the lows to 7, and the low mids to 3-7 and the tone nob on my p bass set 0, i can get good level of overdrive/growl out of it.... If you mess around with your amp, you should be able to crank it enough to get a little of what you need. But tha doesnt mean a good pedal doesnt come in handy ;)
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