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need Advice on a new bass


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A MIJ Fender P-bass would be a step up.

A USA Fender P-bass would be two steps up.

A USA Artist Signature or Custom Shop P-bass would be about 3 steps up, but by then you may cross into over-$1,000 territory on some models.


My recommendation is to go with a USA Fender P/J bass because eventually everyone wants to brighten up the sound of a P-bass, and the additional J pickup will come in handy. You can always zero-out the J pickup, but adding one on a P bass is another investment.


BTW, stay away from the Relic series; there's enough of the real McCoys around that invalidates the need to buy a pre-aged bass.


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Pauline, what have you tried so far? Are you looking for just a step up with a trade in? Or a different sound to compliment your P bass? In addition to the nice Fenders Fred mentioned, there are probably some nice Yamahas, Carvins, Rickenbackers, MusicMans, etc. out there worth your perusal. Let your ears be the judge on sound, not the price tag. Try to use something similar to your rig and bring your P-bass with you for A/B testing.
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A nice U. S. A. G&L L2000 is just a bit more than that. A Ric is right on the money. For around $1000, these are my two favs. A Stingray or Sterling also comes to mind.

You can stop now -jeremyc

STOP QUOTING EVERY THING I SAY!!! -Bass_god_offspring

lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

I'm not sure any argument can top lug's. - Sweet Willie


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Step up to a BenLoy bass. Well, most dealers call it a Geddy Lee sig Fender Jazz.


There are just so many to choose from, and that's just SteveC's discard pile. ;)


My suggestion is to find a couple of shops and just start playing with different instruments to find what fits best. Enjoy!



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Don't overlook the used market! For that money you should be able to find a nearly new American P bass on Ebay or Craigslist. If you like the sound of your Mexican P, you'd probably be very happy with that.


Also, you could find a used American Fender Jazz, G&L, Ric, Stingray, Carvin, Warwick, Reverend, etc.


I'd recommend you decide what kind of sound you want first. Passive or active? Humbucking pickup or single coils? Then you can narrow down your choices to a few models and play them head to head. Good luck.

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Originally posted by ATM:

There are just so many to choose from, and that's just SteveC's discard pile. ;)


I wish I had one to sell you. I'm down to one bass. My advice is to play as many as you can (without buying and selling like I did) and pick what you like. Be sure you buy with your ears and hands, not your eyes. I've had all kinds of expensive basses - and they were great - but I am currently playing a $350 Yamaha BB605 with another $300 of Bartolini electronics in it.


It doesn't have to be expensive and shinny to be good.

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Thanks everyone for the suggestions:) I know I'll just have to hit the stores and play. Gee... that won't be any fun at all....:)But I always get so overwhelmed with all the choices... and of course being a woman, just try to get a salesman's attention... : :)



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