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Anyone else here an Elixir test subject???


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Well, I had a surprise in the mail today. Thinking that I forgot that I won something on ebay, I opened a large shipping envelope and found a package of Elixir strings.


About a month ago, there as a link on Bassplayer's website soliciting bassists who were willing to try out Elixir bass strings. Being a poor college student, the idea of free strings appealed to me, so I signed up.


They want me to send them back when I'm done using them and were kind enough to rpovide a postage paid padded envlope. I just have to fill out a couple online surveys (one giving my first impression after 2-4 hours playing them and the last after I've played them for twice as long as I normally play sets of strings). Then they will send me a free gift (hopefully a Swedish supermodel).


My first impression is that they are not as growly as I like new strings to be. For the past 6 years I've played DR Hi Beams and occasionally Lo Riders. I'll have a fuller opinion once I've recorded with them (within the next 24 hours).


So, who else signed up to be an Elixir guinea pig, and what are your thoughts?

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I signed up and got my strings a week ago. I just managed to kill the new string sound. I like how the have broken in, and if they hold this sound for a good long time which I understand is the idea behind these strings I might be tempted to actually pay for a set when these finally die on me. Hopefully the gift they say you get when you fill out both surveys is another set though. I like 'em so far. 40 bucks from Musicians Friend though. These things had better have a long life span or I am going back to my 17 dollar Super Slinkies in a second.


BTW I am using the light guage. Something like 40-95 I think. Anyone else out there in on this?

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I received mine on Saturday; medium 5 string set. I'm probably going to put them on tonight or tomorrow, and the Les Paul. I could put them on the Lakland, but I just got that, and it came with 5 sets of strings anyway. I just hope that these are long enough to work well with the Les Paul's stop bar tailpiece; I've bought other sets before that weren't long enough. Nothing like having your upper wrappings sitting in the nut slot.

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

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Originally posted by justinruins:

My first impression is that they are not as growly as I like new strings to be. For the past 6 years I've played DR Hi Beams and occasionally Lo Riders.

That is typical of those strings; they aren't as bright and growly as a spankin' new set of Hi Beams (or any other bright string). However, after about an hour or two of playing, they will settle in and sound the same for a very long time. Ive been using Elixer nanoweb strings on all my basses for quite some time now and have had very good results. I used DR Lo Riders before switching to Elixers. I could burn through a set of Lo Riders in less than 2 weeks; theyd sound so dead that I just couldnt stand playing on them anymore and would have to change them. I can get nearly 2 months out of a set of Elixers.


The old Elixer strings, the polyweb ones, were just about worthless unless you wanted a very mellow tone. The coating was really thick and it killed any chance the strings ever had of being bright. I used them on my fretless basses because I typically like the strings to sound a little dead on those; I tried a set on a fretted bass once and was very disappointed. I dont know if they still even make the polyweb strings but I do see them at Guitar Center and various other music stores still.


The other coated strings that Ive tried that I really like are the DR Bootzillas. A while ago (6 months maybe? Longer?) I put Bootzillas on three of my basses and posted a review of them after playing them for a lengthy period of time. As I recall, the Bootzillas lasted just as long as a set of Elixers; the big difference being that they were brighter sounding for the entire duration of the string life. I would honestly still be using these strings if anyone in the Seattle area stocked them. Ordering a case of them online is an option Ive considered, I just havent done it yet (Im a lazy, lazy man).

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I considered doing the survey, until I remembered that I don't usually like coated strings.


Additionally, that part about playing the strings twice as long as I regularly play a set?

That could run into some real time... :D


To the testers: Please do post your reactions to the strings. I am still curious.







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i just got mine this saturday too, i was honestly surprised, i didnt expect to get anything, but, they did, so i'm happy for that, i havent put them on yet, i hope they arent as zingy as the set i have on now, which is just a cheap set of epiphone ones, go figure........
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I got my Polyweb .45-.105s over the weekend and put them on ASAP as I hadn't been able to find Polys in quite a while and I was very excited because I had loved them to death while I was playing them.


I played for about an hour off the bat and then more later that night and I think that my tastes have changed a bit since I last played them. My Ibanez came with Nanos and the last set I bought were Nanos as well since I couldn't find Polys. When I first bought my Ibanez I wasn't crazy about the Nanos that were on it but I didn't want to get new ones and waste a perfectly good set of $40 strings. But as I said, I think my tastes have changed in the last year and I now like the Nanos better.


As was mentioned earlier, the Polys just aren't bright enough. Too round sounding.


I would like to try Bootzillas and a few others if I can ever find a local place that stocks any of them but until then the new Polys will work until they're dead in a few months.

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Mine came today: 45-105, the usual gauge I use.


I actually have a set on my '71 Jazz at the moment, they've been on for a year, so this a good time to put on new ones. (I only play this bass at home, not on gigs).


It would have been interesting if they had asked me to send back the old style polywebs....there were threads of the coating hanging all over the place after a while: it was actually quite amusing.

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Never got a set for free from Elixir themselves, but did receive a "free" set from a road rep when I worked at a local music store.


Nice strings, FWIW. And they do last a while. If I played with a pick, though, it seemed to wear the coating off pretty quick where I played the most. Different feel, too. . .Kinda "slippery" for the first gig, then they kinda "wear in", I guess. Also, when they're brand new, they sound kinda dull, at least to my ear. But, they seemed to "open up" later. They also threw the neck of my main Warmoth Jazz Bass off considerably more than other brands when I threw 'em on.

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I got mine in yesterday. I have 2 gigs this weekend, so I might wait until next week to throw them on, unless I get a wild hair and put them on this week. I got the Nanoweb .050 - .105, my normal gauge. It's going to be tough to beat the DR Fat Beams, though. They usually last me at least a month, so we'll see if these last 2 months, like they claim.
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Darn! I wish I had gotten in on that deal!


I've had a set of Nanowebs on my Jazz (45-105) for over a year.I play this bass alot and these strings are still going strong, I love them! I just bought another set to put on my fretless. The store were I got them is selling them for $26 a set and has a few more sets, I think I'll stock up.

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i feel dumb- i recently BOUGHT 3 sets of the things!!? Got a Jazz bass that had them on and i liked them, did not want to redo setup, etc.. so i put them on, they're nice. plenty bright on the Fender

My F bass has the stock F Bass Labellas-

got a Sadowsky Tokyo coming tomorrow and i have no idea what kind of strings IT will like.

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....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

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Received my Nanoweb last Friday. Won't have a chance to try for a week or two. Just replaced Thomastik-Infeld PowerBass with D'Addario XL 170 on my Guild Pilot with EMG preamp & pickups. I am in no hurry to replace right now. The G&L SB-1 has Thomastik-Infeld Jazz Flats on for over 2 years, just getting broken in.
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I'm not a test subject, but I've been using Elixer Nanos 45-130 for a while and the only complaint I have is that they feel a little slimy even after wiping them down. No biggie. I suppose they aren't quite as growly as the DR Hi beams I was using before, but I'm not boiling before every gig now either. The Elixers last me a couple of months and actually stretch out and get sloppy before dulling out on me. The Bootzillas and Black Beauties didn't really last any longer than the Hi beams for me.
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I got mine...the day after I restrung both my Sadowskys out of the five pack I just got from Roger.


For those of you that have tried the Elixers, would they get a better test on an Alder/Rosewood or Ash/Maple instrument?


I'm thinking maybe I should email the rep and ask him send me another set...

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Originally posted by Bumpcity:

The other coated strings that Ive tried that I really like are the DR Bootzillas. A while ago (6 months maybe? Longer?)... ...I would honestly still be using these strings if anyone in the Seattle area stocked them. Ordering a case of them online is an option Ive considered, I just havent done it yet (Im a lazy, lazy man).

You had your Bootzillas on over a year ago, as mine have been on my Warwick for a year and you were Bootzillared first.


I have no idea where to find some Bootzillas in the UK - Jack Read sent me this set, and as I only get through one set per year (on my main bass! I have friendly sweat and the bass is incredibly bright and growly anway) it's pointless mail-ordering from the USA. Anyone got any bright ideas?



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my free set of nanoweb mediums came some time last week while i was out of town. I put 'em on monday before rehearsal, and i'm gonna play again tonight at church. Initially, I like 'em. I don't particularly like the brand-spanking-new string sound, and the elixers seem to skip that step. They still sound brighter and newer than my old set (d'addario, a few months old) but not harsh like some brand new strings. I'm playing on a fender jazz 4 string.


The only problem is, I have a warwick thumb 5 arriving on friday... so i have a feeling I'm not going to be playing the jazz too much in the next few weeks... :D

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Originally posted by jimb213:

The only problem is, I have a warwick thumb 5 arriving on friday... so i have a feeling I'm not going to be playing the jazz too much in the next few weeks... :D

Yeah - that's a real problem :eek::confused:


Have the Warwick shipped to Long Island - I'll have all the NYC LowDowners take a shot at it.

That will give you time to complete your string testing :idea:




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I installed my evaluation set yesterday on my OLP MM3. I had a rehearsal for church band last night and here is my initial impression:


First off, like others have mentioned, they don't have that zingy new string sound. They sound worn in from the start. That's fine with me, I general don't like that new zing anyway. At rehearsal I thought they sounded very punchy and clear, especially the low B. The B string on this bass has always been a trifle on the muddy side but with the Elixirs it's very tight and clear. Also I noticed that the tone seemed more consistent from string to string.


Once again this was just my initial perception, new strings always will sound better than old dead strings. It will be some time before I can truly say whether I like these strings or not. One thing I do know, my B string has never sounded that clear and tight, even with new strings. Now let us see how long they last...

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I put mine on the Les Paul and took it to church rehearsal last night.

The Good: I like the feel; almost like playing my fretless- really smooth. upper strings sound pretty good. Stay in tune very well.

The bad: The taper cores don't matter ith the stopbar tail; the tapper is not on the saddle. Therefore, the low B sounds REALLY dead. Lifeless, actually. I even raised the neck pickup on the B side; no dice- much less output than the other strings. I couldn't eq in enough of the overtones or anything to give it some oomph; even with the 18db EQ on the Phil Jones, not much help. Louder thump, but no definition, which is where the PJ amp excels. None of the strings have the zing, which is fine for those who don't like it. I'd like some zing back, please!

The Ugly: The A string didn't wrap well on the tuning peg. A couple of wraps into it, the first wrap rose up and popped over the top of the peg & slot. The end is still in the slot though; and as I said, it's still in tune. I don't want to unwind it again (I tried once) and force the wrap back down, lest the string be twisted or messed up in some way.


We'll see how they feel & sound after some harder playing. Guess the Lakland will be taking a rest while I play the guinea pig.

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

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