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The Official GAS thread


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You know how it works by now: No cure, causes mental derangment, HIGHLY contagous :D

So what's YOUR gas right now?


I'll start: Ive been dreaming of a Rob allen mb2 with spalt top, f hole, and all the usual fixins'.


And in the long run, i really oughtta' get a pog and boss ls2 soon..but I'm in "save ur dang' money" mode right now.

Hiram Bullock thinks I like the band volume too soft (but he plays guitar). Joe Sample thinks I like it way too loud (but he plays piano). -Marcus Miller
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No cure, but temporary relief...


Picked up a MIDI drum set for really reasonable (Yami 8 piece, extra supports, DTXpress MIDI interface) and we needed to buy a throne. So we go to Music Machine to buy one and there's a '51 replica Fender hanging on the wall, almost half off.


After my girlfriend told me several times to get it, I caved. Asked the clerk if I whined would he throw in a gig bag. So, I get a brand new 2004 MIJ Classic Reissue '51 P and a Fender delux gig bag for about 60% of list. Oh, and we did buy a Pearl throne for the drum set.


Social Critic Pic #1


Social Critic Pic #2


Bean-O for the soul!


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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*sigh* My GAS was at an all time low, but then TylerLovesAva just HAD to mention the Fender Roscoe Beck Bass V and now I really really really want one ...


That said, I am still negotiating with D\'Alegria about a 5 string Dart. Oh and a Warwick Corvette would be nice too :D


But I don't really have GAS. Nope. Not me ...

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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I'm basically content with all my gear.


If pressed, though, a couple of items come to mind:


Nordstrand NX5 fretless 5-string - mahogany body, Nordstrand dual coil p'up in MM position, passive electronics


AccuGroove Tri112L cabinet


One of a slew of various 2U, 20 lbs. or less heads (e.g., iAmp 800, Eden WT-550, Thunderfunk TFB550, etc.)


Honestly, though, I'm really not GASsing all that hard at the moment.






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Since I just unloaded my Bag Ends I am gassing for a pair of Eden D112XLT single 12 Cabs to go with my Eden WT 550...


anybody hear the Eden single 12 cab yet.. I hate to buy cabs w/o hearing them first....


also considering another brand of 12" ...CWA



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things to help EPB's GAS:

1. the neck is finished, and is not as fast a other bass necks.

2. the pickups have low output (purposely). it is deabatable that this makes it sound better, but you really have to push the rig to cut through keyboards and guitars.

3. i've experienced some construction flaws, like both strapholders and the volume knob coming loose.


it does have a myriad of tone options, and it records well, as i am currently tinkering with my zoom ps-04 4 track portable recorder, and have recorded with it in a studio.


sorry, i know that was off-topic. i'd love one of these though.




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I think this one's nice too


Hiram Bullock thinks I like the band volume too soft (but he plays guitar). Joe Sample thinks I like it way too loud (but he plays piano). -Marcus Miller
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Wow, that was the first image I posted on the LDLD, I think I came in with quite a bang!
Hiram Bullock thinks I like the band volume too soft (but he plays guitar). Joe Sample thinks I like it way too loud (but he plays piano). -Marcus Miller
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GAS? No mater how happy I might be with my current set-up, it's always lurking around there somewhere...

Wants: A fretless 5 string (it exists in my mind; just need to find the right luthier and of course the money)

and/or Godin A5

more Piranha speakers to go with my Phil Jones Six-Pak (maybe the 9 or 16 speakers cabinets?)


Needs: a new strap

some more cables (Planet Waves or Lava Cables)

More time to play what I have and to actually use my PC & Cubase to write/record

More talent to play what I have


Misc: a Godin Solidac guitar


Unfortunately, all of these will have to wait a little while.

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

NEW band Old band


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Am I alone in not liking the look of the Rob Allen basses. I went through the entire website collection and couldn't find IMHO a single bass that looked aesthetically pleasing. Not meaning to be provocative just stating an opinion.
"We will make you bob your head whether you want to or not". - David Sisk
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Well my Gas has been temporarily relieved by the recent purchase of a Boss ME-50B and a MXR M-80. I am very content with my 80's MIJ P-Bass and my defretted Yamaha BB300, however methinks a better 5 string is in order. Not that my OLP is all that bad, I'd just like something a bit better. Like a real Stingray perhaps? A better amp is also on the GAS list.
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Originally posted by Davo-London:

Am I alone in not liking the look of the Rob Allen basses. I went through the entire website collection and couldn't find IMHO a single bass that looked aesthetically pleasing. Not meaning to be provocative just stating an opinion.

Yes, you're a loner ;):D
Hiram Bullock thinks I like the band volume too soft (but he plays guitar). Joe Sample thinks I like it way too loud (but he plays piano). -Marcus Miller
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